/pcbg/ -- PC Building General

Post your component list, rate other anons', ask questions in general.

Always state the purpose of your PC, your budget, AND YOUR COUNTRY if outside the USA.
If you are asking for improvements, clarify whether you want to lower price, or improve specs or build quality.

>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons by vendor and compatibility filter.

>Have a budget, but don't know where to start? This will recommend you a parts list based on price.

>General build advice including chipset compatibility, power supply advice, Windows activation information.

>Information about how to assemble a PC, how to select components, etc.

>Consider a G4560 instead of i3; similar performance, up to 50% cost reduction.
>Consider using an i5 6500/7500 in any RX470/480 or GTX 1060 tier build.
>Consider stock fan+heatsink for any locked CPU build without a Z mobo.
>Consider a H110/B150 (UEFI needs update before installing a Kaby Lake CPU) or B250 mobo for any Pentium or i3 build.
>Add a 240GB SSD to the "Very Good" tier build or even budget builds instead of a HDD.
>The only worthwhile gfx cards are the GTX1050Ti, RX470, RX480, GTX1060 6GB.
>Do not buy CPU's before AyyMD memezen is released

If you see any other build advice or part list threads, direct them here with

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Acer-GN246HL-Bbid-24-Inch-Display/dp/B00KO4518I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1464798851&sr=8-1&keywords=acer 144hz

REMINDER: Ryzen to be announced at GDC at the end of this month so you should wait before you buy until after 3rd party benchmarks are available.

Real thread

your thread was made after this so no, this is the real one.

also your greentexts are written poorly.

when should the CPU market "stabilize?"
Will it take 1 month after Ryzen is released, or 6 months?

Hello /pcbg/, I've saved $1500 for my entire rig and I need some help. Where should the rest of my money go towards? pcpartpicker.com/list/jWXpWX

Jesus Christ, WTF

start over and dont be retarded this time

Hear me out. I don't ever want to have to replace my mobo and ram, are they not good enough or something?

Not sure if trolling, but if you want to see some good example builds, check this thread Repost your build there and I'll help you

That build can't use the monitor to its full potential.

Wasn't the 1050 ti really close to the 1060?

You need at least a 1070 for 1440p 144hz.

Should I downgrade to the Celeron and cheap out on my PSU? I don't think I'll be able to fit it in my budget...

Pirate windows that will save you a bit.

I guess you're serious, so I'll run the risk of biting the bait. Get an i3/i5 and a 1060/RX 480.
Do you really think you need an 850W PSU for a 234W system? This is a serious question.
Get a Benq GL2450. Get rid of the horrendously overpriced RAM.

fuck off


you should stop being retarded and make a balanced build

Is this better? pcpartpicker.com/list/HXvCqk I can't go with AMD, I hear bad stuff about them. Sorry.

pretty sure that's a bait but whatever.
just a quick one. you can save some money by getting cheaper mobo, case and different gtx 1070 model.
for 1440p 144hz an overclocked i5 and a 1070 is the MINIMUM

>still with that fucking RAM
fuck off and never come back you massive tard

everyone stop replying to this guy

Did you not read my post? I can't spend more than $1500.

Oh son I am dissapoint

also pirate win10 or get a key from ebay
fucking spending over 100$ for that piece of garbage. unless you're retarded then go ahead and get 30% less performance by downgrading to 1060.

stop feeding the troll

Wow someone woke up angry today. I just wanted some help but I guess I'll just ask r/buildapc instead.

i've seen that photo so many times and i'm only just now noticing the flex on that motherboard

Thoughts on this monitor? Acer GN246HL Bbid 24-Inch
amazon.com/Acer-GN246HL-Bbid-24-Inch-Display/dp/B00KO4518I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1464798851&sr=8-1&keywords=acer 144hz

Should have replied to the other thread. That neet has been shitting up the general for the past week or two

wow samefag much? fuck off to your shitty thread then.

please do

>helping obvious troll
>thinks i've only been here a couple weeks
>faggot trying to pull people to the thread he made after this like a pathetic attention whore
stop fucking kek lad

I hate that I've just done this for an obvious troll, but might aswell just post it anyway...


msi gaming x 8gb rx 480 or asus strix 8gb rx 480

exact same price and warranty and could care less how they look.

which is better?

another troll

>tfw to smart to fall for the ATX meme
Feedback is appreciated.

Buy the Elite version of that case. Only $30 more.

the one with better cooling

looks good, but you can get a nh-14d for $10 more which is quite a bit better

stop picking ram with heatsinks that stick up like tumours they serve no purpose

I can feel your autism pouring through the screen.

Almost identical to my build, except for the steampunk cooler. Ditch it for something attractive.

it's just your own autism that's splashing on your screen

>if you disagree with me, you're autistic

What an autist.

I'm neither of the people you were replying too and I'm not sure which one you think I am.


This is my build Sup Forumsentlemen.
It's supposed to be a modest home pc for browsing, Openoffice, emulating, and torrenting movies. I plan on installing ubuntu so I don't have to pay for an os.
My concerns are:
-I'll be using my tv as a monitor, connecting via hdmi. Will the integrated graphics on my chip struggle with that?
-Should I get a smaller ssd but add an hdd to get more storage overall for the same cost? I could keep the os and applications on the ssd and use the hdd for storing all my movies and shit
-Never used linux before.

I can't figure this one out, please help.

I have a GA-Z87X-UD3H with the PCIe 3.0 x16 slot populated with a GPU (obviously) and an SSD as main boot drive, which is getting pretty full. Due to reasons I can't add another drive in my case and while replacing the SSD with a bigger one is an option, I'm much more interested in getting a PCIe SSD instead.

It's quite embarrassing, but I just don't understand what the spec sheets are trying to tell me. The PCIe 3.0 slots share their lanes, so the SSD has to go in a PCIe 2.0 slot if I don't want to sacrifice fps.

So, when installing the SSD in the "PCI Express x16 slot, running at x4", what's the maximum bandwidth I can get out of it? Is it even worth compromising the airflow to the GPU?

Don't most emulators only use two cores? You could get a G4560 and an RX 460 for your emulation needs.

Rate/advice please on my poorfag budget build. I can't stand to gayme on my 3 year old hp Wal-Mart laptop anymore and haven't had the spare change to build a half decent rig since I'm a neet with my only budget being autism bucks/disability.
I have a 128gb 840 evo ssd in my laptop im going to use as the OS drive. I also will wait for ryzen to see if at that time I can do better with my cpu


>paying more for useless visuals
true autism

>iGPU enough
>smaller ssd but add an hdd to get more storage overall for the same cost
no, it's easier to add HDD storage later when you need it

I also recommend G4560, and 2 cores is not an issue because it has 4 threads.


There's absolutely no point in buying the old AMD stuff now.

For the record I only want to be able to watch movies and play games like Eve, SW:TOR then a lot of older steam games like natural selection 2, cs:s, sven coop, and other misc titles. Nothing super demanding but my hp laptop struggles with everything

That mobo doesn't even support RAM above DDR4 2400. What's the point? I know it'll work.

>Don't most emulators only use two cores?
I have no idea but you might be totally right. I only picked that CPU because it was chosen for the build guide that I kinda based this off of. I'm already comfortable with the price so, if switching from the 4 core CPU would compromise performance in any way, I'd rather not. If it'd be cheaper, but more or less equal performance wise, I'm all for it.

What emulators are you using?

What emulators are you going to be running? PCSX2 and Dolphin still benefit from really high clocks and they only use 2 cores. That i5 at 2.7 GHz may be too slow. The G4560 would be a better choice as user mentioned if emulation and office tasks are most important to you.

>dual channel vs single channel
>same price
>higher resell value
>better performance if he ever gets a mobo that can use it

the G4560 is 2 core 4 threads, it's basically an i3 for half the price and since none of the programs you are going to use it for even can use more than 4 threads, the higher single-core performance of the G4560 is a far better choice.


How's it looking?

Was given the i7 for my birthday by an uncle who owns a computer store earlier this month.

So for another PC I won't be waiting for Ryzen, I'll wait for Vega.

Alternatively you could go with the unlocked i3 7350k and a Z motherboard for a few more dollars than your i5 build and have the ability to overclock for even more single threaded performance if needed. This would be the best way to ensure your emulators don't hit slowdowns if that's important to you.

A dual core G3258 (unlocked 2c/2t pentium from ~2 generations back) could ultimately work well here too.

nice, only thing i'd change is remove HDD and use that money on a bigger SSD. it's easier to add more storage later than replacing your OS drive.

>unlocked i3
absolutely not worth it.

Sound advice. Thank you.

I'm mostly interested in classic stuff like Snes all the way up to ps1. I suppose I might give dolphin a try some time but it's not a deal breaker.

>absolutely not worth it.
Yes it is if you know what you need it for. The i3-7350k is the best CPU for PCSX2 ever. Hitting 5 or 5.1 GHz at Kaby Lake IPC puts it well ahead of any previous contenders as it's $60 cheaper than the 6600k and can reliably hit 3-500 MHz faster top clocks.

You should be fine with the G4560 then. The i5 you have selected above will not offer you any real benefits outside of productivity tasks or recent PC games.

I don't know which monitor to get.

I have two Viewsonic 1080 LEDs already but I want to use one as a verticle display once I get this new one.

Getting at Zotac GTX 1080

what's wrong with atx form factor mobos?

Is 2GB/s correct?

I just sold my gtx760, now I have to choose between gtx1060 and rx480 and my ass hurts. rx480 is ~15% cheaper that 1060 in my local stores, is there any reason to buy nvidia? I got used to shadowplay though.

rx480 is better, it's also more future proof. amd cards always get better with time which helps as well and freesync ftw. at least compared to the 1060

if it was $40 cheaper i would agree, but not at the current price.

nothing, dont fall for the "lol xbox hueg ATX" meme

1440p@144hz 1-6ms

Read the specs for the drive instead.

>is there any reason to buy nvidia?
only if you're a good goy and a brand fanboi.

>Read the specs for the drive instead.
The specs of the drive are irrelevant, the slot on the MB is the limiting factor.


>PCIe 2.0 ... per-lane throughput ... 500 MB/s
so would be correct.

Since building my pc a year ago I've upgraded the gpu, and soon thinking about upgrading the CPU, is it necessary to upgrade my Motherboard as well? Or are they good for a long time

>if it was $40 cheaper i would agree, but not at the current price.
It's the absolute best at what it does. The price is fair considering the only budget option before this was a G3258 and that could really only hit 4.4-4.6 GHz, sometimes less, at Haswell IPC and was a true dual core. You get what you pay for with the 7350k if you know why you're buying it.

You only have 16 PCI-E lanes and your GPU is hogging all 16 of them right now. If you add in a PCI-E SSD it will force the GPU into running at x8 speed. Not a huge deal but just something to be aware of.


AMD has relive or whatever it's called, does the same thing as Shadowplay.

So, the cheapest SSD with 2000MB/s or faster reading speed is the way to go.

>If you add in a PCI-E SSD it will force the GPU into running at x8 speed
Even if it put it into the PCIe 2.0 slot?

here you go, although you might want to pick a better monitor, this one is a solid 144hz monitor


Yeah it's Relive. I have a 480 and I use Relive to record Overwatch play of the game snips to convert to gif. It works well.

yes, if your mobo can use PCI-e SSDs as boot drive.

>converting to gif
>not webm

I don't think it can, at least not with the stock BIOS. I'd keep the sata SSD for the OS and instally my gaymes on the PCIe SSD. I have some pretty retarded load times in current games installed on an HDD.

>Even if it put it into the PCIe 2.0 slot?
Yes, you still only have 16 lanes to work with. That's a function of the Z97 (and 87, and 77, and so on) chipset.

Can I ask why you can't add another SATA SSD? You just said because reasons lel.

that'll work

i also am curious about this

I just want to reiterate that the difference between PCI-E 3.0 x16 and PCI-E 3.0 x8 barely fucking matters. See that link I posted above.

i upload to giffy for discord

Give me the quick rundown on B150 boards and why I shouldn't buy one.

Spoiler: I already bought one.

So, I might aswell put the fastest PCIe SSD I can find in the second PCIe 3.0 slot for full speed, alright, that helps a lot.

>Can I ask why you can't add another SATA SSD?
I mounted a 5.25" optical drive, 2 3.5" drives and the 2.5" SSD in 3 5.25" bays, using bay extensions and a hacksaw. The space where the drivecage would go is occupied. So, outside of taping the SSD somewhere, I can't fit another drive in.

1080p or 1440p @144hz?

make webm and upload to pomf.cat and link instead. gif is dead.

you shouldnt buy b150 if you have a unlocked cpu or cant update bios to run kaby lake CPU

How does this build look?
Besides the CPU/Mobo/RAM, these parts are already part of my current build. I'm waiting for Ryzen, but unless Ryzen is godly, I want to go Intel (current build is AyyMD).


bigger if your PC can handle it

you should get a better case... almost all of the modern ones can mount 2.5" drives on flat surfaces (for example back of the mobo tray) to free up your drive bays.

>outside of taping the SSD somewhere, I can't fit another drive in

Honestly bro, if you have more SATA ports on the board available you should just buy some 3M double sided velcro stickers for like $1.99 and just let it rest on the floor or side of your case somewhere where it can get some airflow.

People were doing shit like this for years with SSDs without issue before cases really began to incorporate 2.5" slots all over the place. Probably not worth the hassle (and added cost) of dealing with PCI-E storage.

replace HDD with SSD and the PSU with a Gold rated semi-modular for almost the same price like seasonic or evga

imo 1080p

lower resolution means more frames, which you need at a higher refresh rate. go for 1440p if your build can handle it though.

I have created the greatest gaming RGB build of all time

How did I do, lads?

I spent just under $1200 total

no, LinusTT already did it

I put together a little shitty APU build for only $250 that does everything you mentioned. IF playing old games, maybe even some newish ones is what you want you don't need to spend anymore than $300



Either of these monitors decent for the respective resolution/price?



So I want to have a NH-D15 on my build, but the RAM i want is higher than the maximum clearance. The other option is the NH-D14, which doesnt do as good of a job cooling, but has a higher ram clearance. What do i do?

Sauce it up

24" or smaller - 1080p
27" or larger - 1440p