Discord Hate Thread

>circle profile pictures
>cringey meme messages when starting up
>calls private messages "DMs"
Glad I still use a 4 year old Skype version. This shit is fucking cancer.

Other urls found in this thread:


im definitely not going to disagree

unbenching the kench

Skype is dead

Reloading the r8

Not if you're on Windows Phone

Discord is the best

IRC is the best

teamspeak for life
teamspeak till death
[spoilers]It does help I run my own server[/spoilers]

>requires you to use their host
Main reasons I refuse it. Other things I can live wjth

What does DM stand for?

Direct message

Direct Message.
It's a Twitter term, makes it easy to pick out normies. I've always said PM (private message).

>circle profile pictures
>cringey meme messages when starting up
This shit is definitely lame, but print screen or copy and ctrl+v directly to chat HEAVILY outways the memey shit

Dungeon Master

Domination and masochism

Tox works well for me.

Discord is pretty trash gaymerware, but you're using a four year old Skype version.

Anyways, I agree with you on the rest. It's sad people have picked this up, I absolutely despise it because of all the "muh gaymen culture!" shit.

IRC + mumble is the only correct option

>Program makes a niche for itself
>I don't belong to this niche, i don't like it

just bug them till they make a "lite" mode you faggot

Come, I show you

This 100%
>Mfw NPCs in games became known as mobs after Minecraft

No, they didn't.

>muh circle profile pictures
They can be disabled.
>muh meme messages
Stop being triggered by humor.
>Calls private messages "DMs"
Boo hoo.

If you're this easily angered by an online messaging service, get help.

My personal issues with Discord is the fact that it is not free and open source software.

Also, enjoy your skype DDoS and exploits.

>sluggish, bloated program
>shit and unintuitive UI written in HTML and Javascript
>popup every time you start the fucking thing
>logs are stored only in (((The Cloud)))
it's shit, stick to IRC

It's IRC but for normies

"mobs" is a term from RPGs though

>Also, enjoy your skype DDoS and exploits.
Tell me more.

Oh wow you sure got me there.

but PM wouldn't be the right term for discord since it isn't private

maybe he's referring to the fact that skype leaks your IP to people you call.

>cancerous people invite me to their server
>like a million people from Sup Forums there shitposting
>invite that music bot into a voice room

Cringe marketing aside, Discord is simply the best at what it does if you don't care about botnet issues. You can hate it all you want but why did it take so long for someone to make something where anyone can sign up in 5 seconds, download a small/easy app on any platform or even use the browser, and have instant voice calls/group chat/text message boards/private messages.

Sure tech savvy people can set up custom private IRC servers, mumble servers, etc. but chatting by nature requires other people to use it (wide adoption) and you know damn well no one is going do all that shit just to chat. And even if they do, it's still doesn't have stuff that Discord has like link/image previews and drag+drop, emotes (yes, normies need these or they won't use your shit), etc.

>They can be disabled.
>Stop being triggered by humor.
If you think that shit is funny then you're underageb& mate.
>lel dank memes XD


Fuck off to reddit

Name one legitimate flaw with mumble and I'll try to counter it uninronically

>why did it take so long for someone to make something where anyone can sign up in 5 seconds, download a small/easy app on any platform or even use the browser, and have instant voice calls/group chat/text message boards/private messages.
All that existed before.

can't post my little pony images on there at scale

Under the theme options, choose Compact. It's meant to imitate IRC.

Google "Skype resolver" and "Skype exploits"
Using outdated software is idiocy.


Are you retarded or 12 years old? Mobs has been around forever to refer to NPCs.


not if you're running on a 4 year old version, dummy.

Does it have text channels?

mumble is free.

I'm still seeing circles.

IMO you shouldn't be using a messenger to directly send images, you should be using an encrypted temporary image host
don't know what this means lad

Mumble if Free and Open Source software.

Sorry, misread. Thought you were talking about Discord.

it is in both senses of the word
>Does it have text channels?
you can configure channels in which no one can hear or speak so yes (assumed you meant text only channels)

>Does it have text channels?



Really, where? Was it all in one easy to use package? I realize you can achieve the same thing with open source software, and tons of customization/autism, but remember normies need something easy and accessible. And chat/voice software is the one thing where you MUST cater to normies, because the whole point of the software is to communicate with others which you won't be doing if no one else is using the platform.

skype did that
minus the browser shithole

hate it too. but nearly all people i use to game with jumped ship from mumble and teamspeak because discord is idiotproof...

seek new friends

Skype was missing the whole forum/message board-esque server system that Discord has. Not to mention the whole ability to have bots and stuff Discord servers. If you're only about the voice chat/group chat features then yea Skype had it, but it also had tons of ads all over the place and MS is an even worse botnet then whatever Discord is.

>join obscure video game Discord community, thinking it will be cool and I'll be able to discuss games and such
>moderator is a literal underage aspie who blogs in the general chat
>female attention whore making Tumblr jokes
>shitty memes getting pinned
I didn't know there were places worse than Sup Forums.

discord will either:
be sold to china and stop in 4 yrs
get 1000 ads aswell

It's just a chat software, if you join a group of people that would be cringey elsewhere on the internet they are gonna be cringey on a Discord server too

I love how manchildren can be so incredibly serious about dumb shit like videogames, anime and which fucking operating system somebody uses, but then pretend to be all high and mighty about other things.

Stop pretending like the humor is below you, literally nothing is below you.
You don't have to find it funny, I don't either, but posting shit like this is just pathetic.

Your "Arguments" are fucking terrible, Discord is just the best product of its kind right now.

>Discord is just the best product of its kind right now.
It's really not.

Discord is most definitely below me, the whole program is ass quality

>Discord is just the best product of its kind right now.

For everyone saying that there is something out there that does everything Discord does and is better than Discord, please enlighten us?

I hope you aren't talking about some autistic frankenstein a paid private server and open source IRC/mumble/a million plugins/scripts, because you know nobodies got time for that shit except other Sup Forums users

>gaymen electron "program"

Yes it is most definitely below me, thank you very much.

>discord marketed as a gaymer product
>almost every update seems focused on porn

unless suddenly screenshots start taking up 50mb+ and gaymers really want to facecam with other players rather than just voice chat, it's pretty clear this service was made with porn sharing in mind.


facecam is the only thing that keeps discord from being a strictly better skype

>Kench permabanned for a while
>Not banned anymore
>Still does 32% max HP damage
>Still has 99% health shield
>Still regenerates 40% of all damage dealt if you don't kill him outright
>Still has half-global friend-dragging teleport
>Still denies damage whenever he pleases on an 8 second cooldown
>Still broken as fuck
>Nerf Irelia again

Discord literally "just werks"

That's all that matters to normies

I want lolbabs to kill themselves

>People are having fun and I don't like it

>Discord Hate Thread
This guy has several autism




If only IRC had integrated bouncer functionality into the IRC servers themselves.

>enjoying league after rito killed it in season 4 all for the sake of "muh eSports"

This basically. This thread is just full of jealous nerds who feel angst towards Discord because they didnt make it.

most servers offer BNCs

league was shit from day one you underage moron

I played in open beta / preseason 1 and it was pretty fun.

Use Curse

Lets have a private skype group with 50 members and separate channels so people can join voice whenever without 50 people getting called. Oh wait, it doesnt work.

Lets a have a proper chat log and pm system so that I can have proper conversations with people on Teamspeak. Oh wait, it doesnt work.

Lets have... I dont even get why anyone would use Mumble or Ventrilo at this point.

I can't stand this board anymore. Every thread is "LOOOOL BOTNET BOTNET BOTNET BOTNET"

Can we ban people for saying botnet?

>I dont even get why anyone would use Mumble
everything you listed exists in mumble and is actually secure and private


>Best at what is does
TeamSpeak does voice chat better really.
But they are both pretty different applications when you consider it

If only mumble was actually good

You can even have a normal voice server layout in Skype. You need groups so you can start specific group calls. People cant just hop in and out whenever they please, they need an invite first.

And show my ip to clients, no thanks

Doesnt crash and have a shit ton of bugs, and isnt bloated out of the ass
Lots of people use it
Thats literally all it needs to be better than skype
I've never had any issues with the mobile app, i dont see why people are complaining about it

>chromium font rendering

I love Discord, but Im there with you on that one.

The messages just remind me of Everquest, silly but with its intended primary audience seems like its hardly out of place.

I'm using Betterdiscord to make all the icons squares though cuz circles are bullshit, also calling PMs DMs is annoying I'll agree.

>tfw nobody hangs out on IRC anymore

where did all my internet friends go

IRC is so comfy

Who cares about any of that shit. It's literally marketed for gamers.

It's miles ahead of Skype in that regard. Dropping skype has been a pleasure.

>Complains about stupid shit and symantics in a messaging program whose main purpose is a communication platform for gamers

>Posts on Sup Forums

Really makes you think.

It's not as good as mumble or ts3, but at least nobody is asking me to fire up Skype anymore.
If you wanna really hate a chat platform, try logging into your workplace's Microsoft Teams.