Why are people using windows 10 instead of 8.1?

why are people using windows 10 instead of 8.1?
no telemetry if you don't install the updates, you can actually choose which updates to install and it isn't automatically going to reboot your pc while you're using it.
plus you still get all the same speed improvements over 7, while having the best windows ui

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Glad to know there are rational people still on Sup Forums. Constantly I worry if I am alone.


the adults are talking

Because Windows 7 is better in every way except some minor irrelevant speed differences (which hardly even matter if they're both on an SSD anyways)

Explain how Windows 7 is better without it becoming about a UI? Why does everyone get upset about a cosmetic? If it bothers you, just use Classic Shell.

except it's not at all
8.1 is objectively better in every way, the only people who think otherwise are autists who are afraid of change
8.1 is a faster, better looking 7, and if the start menu change bothers you that much then just install classic shell/start8

This is the thing I have said every time someone brought up start8 and classic shell while Windows 8 was current. You shouldn't have to resort to third party tweaks to make an OS usable. Microsoft wanted to pander to touch screen bullshit at the cost of useability on standard platforms. That's a decision I refuse to support on principle alone.

price and availability. Windows 10 Pro 64-bit cost me $110 for an OEM license at Microcenter. They didn't even have Windows 8.1 discs for sale. And they wanted $160 for Windows 7 pro 64-bit OEM. Plus my build (skylake based) didn't have drivers for anything that's wasn't Windows 10.

>INB4 buying windows lol
After having spent $1600 on a new build, what's another $100 for an OS I'd be using everyday? I only use my windows install for gaming and specific windows only programs. anything important or private gets done on my phone or on my Linux partition.

then don't install it? how are you even using the start menu for anyway? winkey, type the first few letters of your program name and hit enter, it's the exact same usage. it just looks different

I can't explain how it's better without the UI because the main thing that makes it better is the fucking UI. I'm not upset about how Windows 8.1 looks, I just choose not to use the objectively worse UI (and it IS trash unless you're actually using a touch screen device).

And I shouldn't have to use third party shit to fix what isn't broken in 7 (and you can never fix the horrendous Window borders and inconsistencies even with Classic Shell and stuff like that).

On top of that, WIndows 7 was the last OS that didn't try to make you sign up an MS account to use your own offline OS. I realize you can use 8.1 with a local account too but I'd rather not have the OS trying to shill botnet features to me.

>buying Windows

Just to give an example, full-screen applications work much better in Windows 8.1. In Windows 7 I often couldn't use my second monitor efficiently with full-screen applications, it would just go black at certain times. I am always able to see both monitors in 8.1.

Speed differences? SSD? You must not be aware that it is lighter on CPU usage (can't confirm this, but I have heard it a lot) and RAM usage (which I can definitely confirm, W8 with the same programs used a lot less RAM in comparison to W7).

I was once blind and believed W8 to be terrible. However, if you are willing to set up your OS how you would like it, you will find W8 to do even better than W7 would allow you to be in certain use-cases. At the worst, it is about the same as W7, at the best there are minor quality of life fixes.

multi monitor support in Windows 7 is garbage, that's one of the main areas they improved a lot of stuff in 8

You make it sound like Windows 7 did everything perfectly OOTB. Customer Experience Program (That is a shilled botnet feature you don't even have a choice to be on that you apparently support by using a modern Windows OS)? A frustrating UAC? Windows 7 was a good OOTB experience, still the best there, but you are fooling yourself if you didn't have to make changes.

Horrendous Window borders? Please enlighten me, they honestly look fine to me in either W7 or W8. Honestly all criticism goes to the start menu, so I never get to hear about anything else.

Yeah, I guess Classic Shell comes down to if you want the UI to be perfect OOTB. I guess I am just willing to easily change such a minor flaw of an otherwise amazing OS.

Personally I've never had that issue with Windows 7, but I'll admit the most I've used is two monitors and the only things I ever go fullscreen with are web browsers, VLC, and games.

try setting two different wallpapers on 7 without third party software

I've never even wanted to but fair enough if you can't do that on 7. Personally I'll be using 7 until they pry it from my hands, but I'll fully admit it's an "old" system and newer features/support for newer shit like DX12 and the latest hardware advances, etc. isn't supported. 7 does everything I want better than 8.1 does, but certainly 8.1 and 10 have newer features.

I use windows 10 because you can download a single program that will disable everything people been complaining about, instead of looking it up and fixing it

>implying that actually does anything
>implying windows doesn't reenable it all on updates anyway

Win 8.1 is the best OS for media playback currently, ill give you that, but its not THAT much better than Win 7 while introducing shit like telemetry and tablet interface. Its better than 10 though, no doubt about it.

it disables automatic updates, haven't had any since I used it

I guess the hard part is just accepting that it isn't a botnet. It comes down to an issue of trust. A different interface I can change as it is just cosmetic. A botnet? It might be FUD, but I just don't see the risk worth it. Not sure what botnet he is talking about for 8.1 in comparison to 7, the only additional things are location (which can be turned off) and Onedrive (which I can say doesn't work on a Local Account).

Much like the other guy will use 7 till they pry it from his hands, I will use 8.1 till they pry it from my hands. Both are very similar, I have zero gripes with Windows 7 and use it at work. Regardless, I like 8.1's minor but useful benefits.

My example isn't exactly the most blanket term, but it definitely explains why my use case is better with 8.1 to 7. I like to record gaming videos. However, some of the games I play will have my second monitor black out, usually if it is a drastic jump in resolutions (say the main game is 1024x768 and the menus are 640x480). This becomes a problem in Windows 7, which will correct itself on one screen at the expense of all others going black. Windows 8.1 corrects itself with all monitors remaining visible. This alone has proved to me monitor support is a lot better in 8.1, at least for my rather specific use-case.





There is no program that disables all the shit on widows 10. Whether it succeeds or fails it indicates success. This can be shown by running the program in wine under win10 emulation. Obviously since wine doesn't have the shit that the program is trying to disable, if it says success, you know the program doesn't do shit just on account of its success status.

>actually BUYING windows

Because I like using the same RAM kit more than once.

>Running old Windows versions without updates to escape the botnet

No user, you are the botnet

lol @ the obvious paid shills ITT trying to convince people to literally buy windows 10

Agree, 8.1 is better than 7, 7 is kept for people who really think that the start menu can make a whole operating system a pain in the ass. Despite there being free software to replace that without issues. It also looks decent by default and doesn't have forced updates, like 10. Hell, nowadays you could grab an 8.1 update 1 ISO, install it, turn off updates and use common sense, and have a really, really stable version of Windows that can be tampered with left and right.

I'm using Windows 10 now and I'm not gonna lie, I'm not liking it that much. Sometimes I lose my connection and have to restart my PC to fix it, there are many things I can't change that won't come back with the next update, speaking of updates there's too many for stupid shit, and cortana can't be disabled unless I use the EDU version or one of those.

7 > 10 LTSB 2015 > 10 LTSB 2016 > 8.1 > 10 Pro

I didn't pay for Windows since I jumped from 98 to XP.

ah yes the jobless adults who masterbait to animated 12 year old and rice their desktops