What animal is most associated with your country?

What animal is most associated with your country?

Are you happy about it?

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You're goddamn right I am.

Look! This emu is speaking!

>lion associated with Belgium
top kek, Belgium only has the rooster

Die tellen niet mee.

>Are you happy about it?



Could be worse I guess.


>Are you happy about it?





English call us frog bug our national animal is rooster.

could be far worse
i am okay with roach, we can make more memes happen with this

What about the shiba dog?

You eat them yes

Safe lads

>Thoink Garamny
>Tha7k Garamey



what this shit german flag gook?

i'm pretty sure the nips don't eat dog

or am I being memed with "arr rook same" again? fucking sunday night drunk

I'm sorry to say America is this

We don't. Koreans and Chinese do.


Who typically wins that battle?
Roos will beat your ass, but you lost a war to the birds.

thought so. the only weird shit you guys eat is whale, and even then I know barely anyone actually eats that shit

keep the pressure on those greens, i hate those cunts



Roos clearly. They outbreed emus by far too. There's about 80x more of them

We also eat poison fish, including the testicles, and there's probably a few other things you might find weird

For anglos and gaijins in general : frogs
For Romanfaggots : PROOFSTER
For Napoleon : a fucking eagle



Only the most fearsome animal in the world.

I dont know what animal is associated with my country

Take your pic.

google.fr/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#safe=strict&q=what are some animals in swamps

A fish

The lion of course

A beaver? Idk



Half of Europe could be associated with a lion tbf, they're like the tricolour flag of heraldry. Just plastered everywhere when people lacked creativity



Sloth probably

>are you happy about it?
Kind of...
Sloths might be lazy but they're harmless,chill and cute animals

I guess, don't like bullfighting tho.

what kind of lion is that


The type that kill australians

The tiger. It is intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

America is beef
Japan is tuna or whale

questions about greatest association, not what you self identify as

>For Napoleon
You mean a bee right?

Some eagle, I dunno.

>japan has dog
another evidence confirming japan is white

>not a cave animal

What about a wolf?

We don't actually.
Closest one is Asena, but she's not an ordinary animal.

The roostest

That animal does not represent me.

I associate you with wolves because of Eurovision.

That's a slick cock.

Well, Asena is a wolf.

It's pig-a-dog or svinosobaka

Are you sure?

Mop dogs.

Apparently they posess anti-gravity

this sexy bird

or a monkey with actual intelligence and elegance unlike hue's



De zeehond


perfect for Belgium


t. Mehometo

someone help pls

i like how one autist greek spammed it long enough for it to become a meme


get your memes right weeb





It really fits though. You're the same colour, both cause a feeling of disgust when looked at and are impossible to get rid of.


Brazil is associated with monkeys due having TONS of monkeys to the point many cities have monkeys

>a spell to expel vermins

What was writed on door, comrade. I know only english language.

Fat stray dogs are the landmark animal of chile.

Every foreing that comes to chile ask why there's so many stray dogs and why they are fat.

JC Denton should be Russia's animal



these are flying rats though

I don't know what our animal is, cod or salmon?

Lions were the anime avatars of the old world.

Well why are they so fat?


Karabakh horse is the nathional sybol of Azerbaijan. But Asena is popular too

for grey wolf yes
for roach

do your country even have megafauna?