Post your political compass result and your OS. I'll start: Windows 10
Post your political compass result and your OS. I'll start: Windows 10
Other urls found in this thread:
Free software or die.
Sorry, bud. I was just curious.
>political compass
>windows 10
I've been a Sup Forumsentooman for 2+ years now. Fuck off.
Win7 / Mint
Link for quiz?
win 10 / ubuntu (soon to be arch)
I use several os'. I'll list them in order of most used to least used.
Windows 10
Shit, why is everyone interested in technology a retarded commie babby?
We're not "retarded commie babbies."
We just have different political viewpoints than you and for some reason you feel the need to insult us for it. This is why you get posts like
Looks accurate.
Windows 10
Well, if retarded commie babbies weren't retarded commie babbies, they wouldn't get insulted?
>Arch confirmed for based official commie distro
Well done comrades
>pacman -S a_job
it not work?????
Linux mint, far right & authoritarian.
Arch fags confirmed pedo commies.
Ubuntu / CentOS
bruh B)
communism gives everyone the ability to run as root so it would actually work.