post your internet speed (mb/s) and how much you pay for it in dollars and where you're from....for comparison purposes
What is that site?
i pay for 0.5 mbps illimited (1month) for 9 bucks sucks to be in africa ,algeria to be specific
new layout from
Brazil - 29 dollars if you count only internet, a lot more with cable and phone
work wifi, i have 100/100 for 35€ at home
140/2 500GB cap $100 dollarydoos
150Mb/s symmetrical for 80 maple leaf encrusted beaver pelts per month, Calgary Alberta, Canada.
1Gbps for 20 yuros in the finnish countryside
Verizon FIOS. $40/month. $110 for the entire cable,Internet, phone package per month.
Like $6 monthly.
$60-80 per month i think
dam sun
Fios is finally coming to Boston, can't wait for those upload speeds.
>millibits per second
$65/mo for 50/5.
Sweden, dunno price as it's included in the rent
Western Canada.
$70 CAD/month = $53 USD/month
>R$ 131,92 (US$ 42,73)
>share the link with the neighboring
>US$ 21,36 for both
This is basically Sup Forums's dick r8 thread
>£20/mo (or $25 usd for amerifats)
>$36 with TV
>United Pakistan
>TalkTalk Fibre
>£40/mo (50dollars)
Fuck I hate TalkTalk
you can pay extra for a 72mbps line.
funny thing was they were doing work on my line one day and for about a week i had 128mbps down and then it suddenly dropped to 36.
really makes me think.
vDSL is a fucking scam but what do you expect from BT/openreach. Don't blame talktalk they have no control over anything.
im fully aware we are being scammed, it just shows how much overhead there still is and they still want you to pay more for half of it.
this is still with copper to my master socket.
40€, France
Also have a backup line 600/350 for 2€
Go eat your cheese you fucking dickhead
There isn't much overhead at all on the current vDSL setup unless you're like 10 meters from the cabinet. They were probably experimenting with that new hardware that goes up to 300 meg. they'll draw out releasing it over the next 10 years while acting like they're doing us all a favour.
cabinet is right next to my house actually, but still have copper up to socket.
>be filthy anglo
>get cucked by sandnogs, niggers and poojeets
>have 2005 internet speeds, costs 100 pakidollars
>based Eastern Europeans have gigabit speeds for 10 euros
Sometimes using local proxies will give you a major increase in speeds. Might not help much if your ISP is limiting it to 36mbps though
>still have copper up to socket
Yeah I know. Mine's about 4 house lengths down the street and I get 78 meg, copper is cancer.
$70 a month I think.
give me a quick rundown? networking isnt my area of expertise.
>proxy is closer than most servers offering your download
>proxy has much better speeds than you
It's really simple. I met some nigger from Bangladesh who managed to get his shitty 64kbps to 2MB/s by using a proxy in his area.
I need to get better wifi coverage in the house, though. Only get 25mbit/s from my bedroom.
$70 s month
Silicon Valley
gg no re
$20 USD - Mexico
wow this is surprising I thought Mexico was doing great. Maybe we should build that wall. keep out the slow internet
Under normal circumstances I get 64/4 VDSL2 for 19USD with 240GB shitty data cap and after you exceed that your internet speed will be dropped to this. Hopefully, things will get better after May and in 2018 these shite data caps will be removed thanks government for intervening.
college dorm internet
how's the job market over in Iowa? I'm thinking of moving out there so I can afford a house.
pretty good imo. relatively low unemployment rate. i live in des moines so can only really speak here, but it is a pretty nice city to live in.
About $60 each month.
Speeds are a lot less impressive for anything coming from outside iceland, because we get all our foreign data from a couple outdated undersea cables.
At least I can download/upload multiple things at once without any of them slowing down tho.
I was actually thinking of Des Moines, I'd love to live in the downtown area or somewhere near it. Know any company that needs a dev-ops guy?
This is on 5ghz wifi. My pc can barely reach this through ethernet. What can i do to bump it up? Also, around 100 a month
Wtf I hate France now
60/5 for $45 US no caps. Charter/Spectrum or whatever
$60 a month
42€/month in Italy
>tfw the houses in front of you are connected to fttc with 200/20 at 25€/month
>and you can only have ftte for a maximum of 15/5
6.56 dollars
I should get 1Gbps, though, it's only 2.6 dollars more.
~60 dollarydoos in burgers. Roommate is streaming something though.
>100 pakidollars
so about 0.95 USD?
That's an excellent deal regardless of speed
10$ for 100mbit uncapped connection in Moscow
4.3$ for VPN with 4Tb cap in Lithuania
$24 a month in Derby England.
Nu Zilind. Pay 100NZD a month.
Guys I just did my test and I pay $52 a month for att in california
ping is 513 download is 0.12 mbps and upload is 0.25 mbps. What should I do what internet providers can get me the good shit
>That upload though
$60 USD
google fiber
gb up/down
-1gbps down & 200mbps up (metropolitan speeds)
-13 euros a month.
Orange, France.
500/200 for 60€ with TV, phone and 4G mobile plan with a 50GB cap.
if you honestly believe that ISPs don't prioritize speed test traffic you're retarded
super symmetrical connection guys
300mb/300mb for about 40usd a month
Hong Kong
I get the same speed when I torrent
New Zealand, Fibre
you're in hong kong, they don't need to dope your results
checked you're numbers, brother
i pay for 100/40mbit @ $100aud and they won't fix it
Slav shithole
12 down 2 up no cap + basic cable TV
250 Mbit/s down, 100 Mbit/s up, $39/mo, Sweden.
I get this from deep in campus infrastructure. So I guess about 15k a year.
Currently getting 21.3Mb/s (varys between 15 & 50)
$10 per month
Comcast just rolled out the 1TB cap in my area and boosted my speed from 24 Mbit to almost 100 Mbit
100/10 (Mbps) fiber for ~$10/month, Finland
Living on a shared driveway is a nightmare to get UFB consents here
40 euro
$80 with cable deal
Normally 100Mbps. Don't know why it's low on this test.
SF has better stuff somehow.
>if you honestly believe that ISPs don't prioritize speed test traffic you're retarded
They very likely do. But you can use other means to verify the numbers. I only noticed that Spectrum had inexplicably doubled my speed when I was downloading a software update at 16 MBps. $65 for 130Mbps isn't at all bad in my opinion. But then I live in the US, and a year ago I was excited to finally be paying a dollar per megabit down.
I have given up on life
I pay for 100/5mbps Charter cable $49.99/mo for 2 years. Upload is atrociously bad, but since Verizon sold FiOS to Frontier it's become a shit company that wants twice as much for half the download bandwidth.
Nice thing is that I tend to get around 130mbps down most of the time.
Price: it's included in my dorm housing cost so I have no clue, probably like 15EUR a month
>literally Africa
It's cool that you can even post here.
1.0Gbps on Ethernet, pic related on wifi
Not bad for Australia desu
>Speeds are a lot less impressive for anything coming from outside iceland
So, everything?