Hey brits, how is this possible ?

Hey brits, how is this possible ?


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London is 50% non-white, non-whites uniformly vote for center-left parties in western countries, for obvious reasons. Whites vote for various parties hence their own vote is sliced up.

yes, how is london 50% nonwhite ?

> no sources in the description
too bad

Various reasons:

- Naturalization is too easy.
- Family reunification is notoriously exploited.
- Student visas are given out too easily.
- Etc.

Basically the entire immigration system is permissive, much like your own.

I stand with the UK

do this leftwing retards not understand that islam is a facist ideology, which kills gays, opress women and doesnt accept any religionss.

this people are crazy lol

yeah i know this bullshit, i mean why arent brits revolting and shooting up some goathumpers ?

But the mayor of London himself as voted in favour of gay marriage when he was MP

Wahhabism is not the only way to interpret the Quran
>t. an atheist white gay


Oh i guess you dont know the art of deception.

>it's a "T*rk pretends to be racist" episode

holy shit, seems like no real british people left on this board only pakis ..

Same reason your people aren't mate. Media control keeps them thinking it's all rosy.

Yeah, I know that. Doesn't really tally with the sort of company he keeps though. Remember Aesop, you shall know a man by the company he keeps better than what he is saying in public arenas.

Speaking of pakis, love the fact that White Mexican smacked the shit out of Amir Khan last night.

I don't support "British" sportsmen and women who aren't actually British.

Taqiya is done in an emergency circumstances, not to spread lies.


How many East Timorian Christians did you kill again?

>Beginning of the end. God is great. بداية النهاية. الله أكبر

stfu with your stupid "you too" shit.

tell what is wrong with you people ? why you dont fight ?

People fear the reactions mate. You can lose your entire livelihood here by being against the status quo, even in a minor way.



>1610 attacks on immigrant camps in 2015


i mean if you dont fight them right now, they will have it easier when they be more and stronger.


lf all western people are muslim, hentai pedo stuff will be legal?

>News items as sources

Are you that yank who lives here from /brit/?

Anyway, this is the great American hero who put a bullet into Bin Laden.

Whites with the mental illness known as leftism and many, many fifth column.

Decades of government run by traitors.

Why aren't Germans revolting against the genocide being forced upon the German people and hanging Merkel for treason?

Because people only ever act when it's too late.

Because leftism is a mental illness. You can show them all of the murder statistics, opinion polls and actual videos of it happening in the world and they will still perform the mental gymnastics to say 1+1=3.