>stroll into work
>make some coffee
>walk to your cubicle ready to start coding
>this guy is sitting at your computer
wat do?
>stroll into work
>make some coffee
>walk to your cubicle ready to start coding
>this guy is sitting at your computer
wat do?
Other urls found in this thread:
run before he explodes
Ask him to use anything but java
>>stroll into work
ask him about his routine and try to find out who supplies him with the juice
then i get a connection to his supplier and sell the juice to people at the gym
its a win win for everyone involved tbqh
also Sikhs are based
He'd never be able to cope with our batshit insane legacy projects.
Also I doubt he can deal with our mad project admins and project managers with my level of tact and charm.
Also I tend to drink tea, and my colleague usually does the first brew run of the day lad.
Basically I'm struggling to find this scenario believable.
nothing wrong with sikhs mate
Report your shitty not-technology thread.
Ameritard detected
Smile and ask him what's his name, what he's doing here.
Our companies don't hire indians.
>idiots can't tell the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim
Cults are pretty much all the same anyway.
Nah desu Sikh's are bro tier.
Just what Sup Forums needed
>>this guy slaps your computers ass in your cubicle
>what do you do
They look the same.
File complaint he doesn't wash his hands after pooing in the street.
>Ask him why hes here
>"Pip Pip Bibiddy Bobiddy"
>Call HR to send someone down to fix this
>HR guy gets here
>Its John Cena
>Steel chair to The Java shieks Back while they are talking.
>Climb on top of cubicle
>Drop kick The Java Shiek While Cena supplexes him
>Double Pin
>Get job back but have to share a cubicle with Cena
>Its Cool because I cant see him.
>idiots respond to bait
He's already taken all of your gains, taking your job is a logical progression.
>Le Sikhs are bro-tier maymay
Terrorist either way.
throw hot coffee on him, since I don't drink it anyway, and run yelling "islamic terrorist"
>Sikh gains bruh
>Brogrammer fistbump
>Drink shakes togheter
>do a 360 and walk away
wake up because i work preload at ups
Shitskins explode all the same
>Wonder why I'd ever have a cubicle.
>Return to my own personal workshop and fire his ass.
they both explode dumbass.
your just jelly ISIS is making massive gainz
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
I can smell that poojeet from here
Dude, those humans have already exploded.
Learn your stereotypes buddy.
All the sikhs I've met have been super chill.