Wanna delete social media

>wanna delete social media
>only communication with friends and family is social media
why are things so shit, Sup Forums? What are my options? I'm not a Chinese Cartoon watching NEET, but I fucking HATE social media.

Just use Whatsapp, have friends join groups my Amerilard internet companion.
I only use facebook for the occasional event.

>convincing friends and family to use something that isn't facebook or twitter


I had the same problem OP. I simply cut all ties to all friends.

I moved from social media to Twitter DMs and Email, that's it.

So, first you just make sure that you have a twitter, and are following people on it, and they are following you back.
Anyone too old to use twitter has email.

If someone wants to hang, ask them to DM you on twitter instead of facebook because "I'm never on it" or "usually i'm already looking at twitter" (these can be lies)

Although twitter is a good app to use, news is great on it.

Just use it to comminicate with closest friends and relatives.

Everyone uses whatsapp retard, everyone.

Why do you hate Social Media?

It's makes socializing (in some capacity) easy and cheap.

>communication with friends and family
>I'm not a Chinese Cartoon watching NEET
Get the fuck out
Not even kidding

Literally nobody I know uses it.

What a wonderful world you live in!

Use Signal you retards

I don't even have a phone. Fuck.

If your only contact with someone is seeing each others facebook posts, and both parties don't have the will to keep in touch any other way, then you are not friends.

I don't known where do you live, but in my country, literally nobody uses Whatsapp. It's just Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat.

I hate what it's done to society over the last 10+ years.

It's bad enough that it's normalized nozy behaviors, but the worst part is how it has made being even the slightest bit concerned about your privacy a faux pas.

Just use your phone as a phone

Telegram or Email .

>have a facebook account from my tween years
>forgot the password
>associated email is locked in that normie 2fa system with a phone I haven't had in years
>employers search for these things
Do I have to prove to facebook that that's me so they can remove it, or do I have to hope an employer won't bother or finds something else?

How common is your last name?

You know you can save 2fa images right. So you can rescan them later.

>>only communication with friends and family is social media
ouch, i would def cut connections and start over if i were you.

I don't have any friends so maybe that makes it harder, but shouldn't your family have your home address and probably a phone number where they can reach you if they need to contact you?

I don't use any sort of social media and when my mom needs me like to tell me dinner is ready or to ask what I want from a fast food place she sends me a text message.

More distant family usually contacts me through my mom or by sending me a letter in the mail.

>address book
That's how I do all family communication. Get a $20 burner phone for close friends and family emergency contact. If you just occasionally text and make short calls with it, it'll last about six months, give or take.

>when my mom needs me like to tell me dinner is ready or to ask what I want from a fast food place
>my mom needs me so she can fulfill my fat wishes
You cant make this shit up

>Le anonimouse xDdd
Kill yourself sack of shit

This is the future you chose, helped substantiate and are currently stuck with. You have two options, either you appeal to the norm and have accounts that are invasive and harmful, or you don't have an internet connection, phone, laptop, tablet or just about any other network enabled device and you end up as a social outcast.

Social media promotes negative behaviour, mental instability and procrastination. But if you don't have it, it promotes isolation and makes you seem like you either have something to hide or you're not socially apt enough to warrant having the account. Either way, you lose.

Don't forget, you're here forever.

I use gmail and that's it.Facebook is just stupid pictures and gay poetry.

If a person's only communication with his friends is via the internet,then that person's got a serious problem.

Use conversation and chatsecure through your own xmpp server. Email use e2e encryption and pgp. Nothing else is secure.