We need more women in IT.
Stop hiring men
why are you posting a man?
we need more women ITT
The reason there aren't as many women as men in iT is simply because they choose to have other professions.
It's that simple.
>in IT
>in in this
in this what?
>hire based on gender and affirmative action
>women now look stupider and lazier because affirmative action makes it look as if they need to be held by the hands like children in order to succeed, their image tarnished by AA
>existing women in the field now feel disdain towards feminism because affirmative action is an affront on their personal skills and accomplishments, giving credit where credit is undue and making it look as if successful women never got there on their own but rather due to feminism and affirmative action
>successful women who should be serving as examples for other women can't anymore, because it is implied that external factors lead to their success
>businesses are now losing money and having a negative financial impact from a system based on socio-political conscription, rather than scientific and logical merit-based conscription of workforce
>everyone loses except the feminists who stole credit from successful women
>nothing gets fixed for the better, things only get worse
You can apply the same to races and religions and whatever.
Affirmative action only makes the supposed people it should be helping look worse and feel more worthless in many cases where they actually feel self-awareness.
People should be hired based on their skills alone, gender is irrelevant.
kys asap fucking SJW retard
that is a 10/10 on Sup Forums
you marxists make me sick
Isn't he a terrorist?
>We need more women in IT.
You're a hypocritical, sexist piece of shit. What we need is competent people. Their gender should be irrelevant.
>being this triggered about a meme tranny
terrorist, yes.
no. he's a vietnam veteran
who now does comedy on youtube
What if I just wear a skirt to work?
I used to work as a "computer lab assistant" for the lower level cs courses at my school. Here's what I saw regarding gender.
Men have higher variance. Some of them are amazing, some of them are fucking awful.
With women they were generally mediocre. They would sometimes solve problems in creative and unique (and intelligent) ways, but they would often not work or be overcomplicated.
Choice does not occur in a vacuum. It is influenced by many external factors.
Check your privilege.
why would they want to be the computer maid?
I don't give a shit about trans people they can do wathever they want with their personal liberties, but man I was way too much triggered when I saw the gamergate wikipedia page saying Brianna Wu was a women I think this is just disrespectful to actual women, independently of sexual orientation.
These woman in IT meme needs to die, most of the feminists that say this kind of crap have no interest,not even minor, in IT.
STEM fields are mostly meritocratic so just because someone has a penis or a vagina that they deserve special treatment.
The only point where I agree with feminists is sexual harassment, the real one not the "men were talking shit about women in the breakroom" harassment, but the "my supervisor told me to suck his dick" harassment. The solution for this would be a more severe punishment.
The trans and the trap community has failed, bigly
We're gonna make America Straight Again
Check your IQ
>*spoilers* its probably 70
>I think this is just disrespectful to actual women
Then let those "actual women" call out the disrespect if they feel disrespected. There's no need for you to get upset on their behalf.
I can't be the only person who sees this, right?
One of those factors being biology, you can't fight against hormones.
Why does he have a gook surname?
why though?
Actually you can, with sufficient money hormonal alteration is trivial (though you're likely to ruin your life if you don't know what you're doing).
Why stop at picking your gender? lol
Apparently she took her husband's name.
We need more women in "Paste your workplace here"
I'm sick of this kind of shit...
There're 4 women in my workplace...
1º - Do real work
2º - Graphical designer... only complain about how things look bad...
3º - Accounting... does nothing and talk every day about stupid things with 4º
4º - Marketing... on the phone all day making personal calls and talking with 3...