Ryzen stock cooler vs intel.
Damn jews.
Ryzen stock cooler vs intel
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Each generation Intel makes their stock cooler shittier and shittier. I wouldn't be surprised if Cannon Lake just ships with a fan blowing directly onto the IHS
>using the stock cooler
That's a big heatsink.
AMDs is as good as a 212 its free.
Fuck those stock coolers I've break so many of them at work.
>Pay $1000 for an Intel CPU
>Get shitty flimsy toy fan
>Pay $400 for an AMD CPU of the same performance
>Get good and quiet aftermarket tier fan
Where will the Intel jewery end?
Oi vey that 10c worth of metal isn't going to pay for itself
for you
stock cooler is perfectly fine if you're not overclocking
The Wraith is as good as a cheap tower cooler. No reason to pay for anything less than a gaymurr gear CLC as an upgrade.
It's basically 212EVO bundled with CPU.
You don't get a cooler with any i7.
Truly clucked
As an A10-7870K owner I'm really impressed with my stock cooler.
I get like 60°C when running my CPU @ 4.2GHz @ 1.4v in prime95.
In fact I literally see no reason to buy an aftermarket one desu.
thats because intel cpus bately need any cooling, even I know that
t. amdfag
Jeez. Companies don't give you free shit, they want the bare minimum cost.
Which means they can't get away with a smaller heatsink.
Which means ryzen gonna be HOT.
AMDfags btfo.
More like you can't overclock them so its not needed
Ryzen power usage is lower than Kabylake though, user
shill harder next time
it has like a third of the area of the 212 tho.
Because intel cucks you with laptop-grade GHz speeds on desktop processors with locked multipliers.
Jewtel CPU is also gimped by cheap TIM.
Holy fuck, this too. Kabbylake AND skylake fags are taking the intel cock very far up the ass.
>What is the concept of a value add
Yes you do, just the higher tier i7 they don't give you a cooler because they're making the assumption you're going to buy an aftermarket one. My 4770k and 4790k came with a cooler.
That is the last gen stock cooler.
THIS is the Ryzen stock cooler.
AMDs new stock cooler is = to a 212 EVO
Ryzen has a lower TDP than Broadwell E
amd has had heatpipe coolers stock since like 2005 i think or maybe earlier because of thermal issues.
t. oldfag
>Intel uses cheap coolers
>Intel also artificially bumps price
All this means is that to kill ryzen they'll just reduce their prices to normal and use a better cooler within the next couple years
Also they've only had heatpipes stock for 2 fucking generations
>Lowering prices
You never know, companies do crazy things when faced with competition
like actually produce a better product in an attempt to beat competition
Their new arch is 2021. Before that they can only cut prices in half in desperate attempt to compete but they won't because they'll suffer gigantic operational losses and 8 years worth of marketing will be in the trashcan.
And they wanted to add MORE pipeline stages in Tejas.
Where i can get that top-right cooler? What cpu model OEM it is?
True. but the problem is that if they just drop prices to match amd everyone who bought absurdly expensive intel chips would have gotten massively burnt by a greedy corporation. and they might not buy intel next time.
this just plain old isn't true. if you want to deal with temps in the low 80's then stock cooler is "fine"
Northwood Xeon but i think it also shipped with some later model gulftown xeons.
>Also they've only had heatpipes stock for 2 fucking generations
So about ten years for AMD, yes?
2005 was 12 years ago, user.
Intel barely needs a cooler to work.
Ryzen needs copper pipes and shit to even operate.
W-what? M-masaka.
Wich is perfectly acceptable.
The pos tower that came with the 980x was utter shit and it hit 99ºC while rendering.
Not falling for your funpost.
best part of the thread is people isn't asking if this is actually a good cooler? why does it need a big ass cooler? if the cpu was already cheap, how much cheaper is actually if this cooler is actually worth any money?
APUs dont give accurate temps
It's a fucking great cooler techreport.com
Intel shills are just mad they have to buy a $30 aftermarket cooler after they buy their $1000 CPU
not a shill fuckhead, but I am surprised how this shit is getting better and better. Also first time I read about the freaking cooler, looks fucking awesome on paper if it keeps it so cool.
I guess you can overclock the shit out of it with stock then.
Is there a comparison between all these shit coolers anywhere using the same CPU? I'd like to see how much of a difference the extra metal actually makes.
Well, maybe not "overclock the shit out of it," but you can definitely go decently above stock with it. The Wraith is probably perfect for the casual overclocker who just wants a bit more performance for the same price.
If you think about it a 200$ amd cpu really costs $150 since you're getting a decent cooler. A 6 core 12 thread cpu with cooler equal to a 202 evo thats a fucking bargain. If it does over 4.5 on air with the same cooler hhnnnggg
That isn't the stock cooler either. The Ryzen Wraith has a gaymen RGB LED ring.
1st gen i7's came with stock coolers
Do wraith coolers come with all ryzen cpus or just the "x" models?
The wraith cooler is still shit compared to a 212, it's load as fuck. Like how the fuck is it acceptable to use a cooler that produce noise over 50db.
>Do wraith coolers come with all ryzen cpus or just the "x" models?
Just the "x" models.
This bullshit.
It's not the TIM it's the distance between the IHS and the chip
>replacing TIM has significant results
>totally not the TIM guys!
APUs don't count fucko.
that first time you built a pc trying to figure out how to work those fan clips
>APUs dont give accurate temps
They do, most software gives incorrect APU temps. AMD overdrive is as accurate as it can get.
Anyway pic related is my A10 being punished by the furmark cpu burner for about 20 minutes albeit running a cooler 3.8GHz with only a voltage of 1.3. I can barely hear the fan spinning.
thermal margin of 47.6C = actual temp of 52.4C or 126.32F btw
You realize raven ridge will be a thing right?
Though in retrospect APUs were a mistake. My A10 can barely do 50 FPS on medium 720p settings in most BF4 maps despite using DC 2133MHz DRR3 RAM.
Though I give mad props to AMD for the amazing stock cooler. I could probably easily hit 4.4GHz with it once I get my Rx 470.
>You vs the cooler she tells not to worry about
fukin top kek
since AM3 became a thing
so 8 years
>isn't the stock cooler
>comes standard with the CPU
To be fair it also reduces the distance between the lid and the chip since you remove the glue around the edge of the lid and also the extra paste between the lid and cpu die.
Still Intel's fault for not fixing it pronto.
Is there a chance we will see decent quality AM4 boards for less than 200$?
I'm pretty sure the prices for some of the AM4 boards ranged from $70 to $150
Probably because if you're a normie pleb the stock cooler is all you need and if you want to OC, you're getting an aftermarket cooler anyway.
yeah, but you should look at reviews first. AMD has a habit of vendors making shitty boards randomly through the whole pricing spectrum
That was a fake image mock up done in the forums of one of the tech press sites.
it doesn't.
nah, the first heat pipe cpu coolers came with phenom II's and it was so you could overclock without getting an aftermarket cooler, couldn't overclock much but you could push it a bit.
wrath can take a piledriver to 4.6 and keep it under 60c, zen will have a lower tdp so potentially it could oc the fuck out of it and not see a dip.
>wrath can take a piledriver to 4.6 and keep it under 60c
Assuming you get a low voltage to go along with it. I have to crank my A10 to 1.4v when I push it to 4.2 GHz and temps hover around 60C :(
Can you cancerous wastes of human skin please go to /r9k/ and never come back here please?
This. I'm getting 35°C (idle) my Haswell i3. The max temp I've ever hit was 62°C on fulload on both CPU and iGPU
Can you do stop shilling so hard? It's fucking sad.
>Posting a picture of a frog triggers people this much
Stock cooler and my temps are sitting in the 30s.
>tripfag bashing on frogposters
>why are they packaging a beefy cooler if it's not a housfire?
Because XFR is set to be big selling point. If they shipped a shit cooler they'd be shooting themselves in the foot. Having a 3.7-4.0 boost clock on the box and delivering even more will make these chips look incrediblle. Just imagine when reviewers go nuts over a 1700x pulling 4.0+ with no user-end adjustments on the completely free included cooler with more than acceptable noise level.
H-hey we're on the same side....
So, kind of like AMD is doing with Ryzen/Vega?
When did this place become /r/ayymd?
AMD was in the losing for year though, he means that Intel hasn't had any real competition until Ryzen
10 rupees have been deposited into your intel positivity account, sanjeet
I don't hate AMD, I hate their fanboys.
Sup Forums is literally just an amalgamation of /r/ayymd, /r/thinkpad, /r/battlestations, /r/stallmanwasright, and a few others.
And my 4790k practically caught fire with the stock cooler. I had to downclock until I got a 212 evo
Except without the cancer leddit culture that every corner of reddit is infested with
Cool and all, but, doesn't this seem to imply that the 65w TDP chips really run at more around 95w, and the 95w ones more around 140w?
Intel stock coolers being shit aside, if the chips really had that low of a TDP they'd definitely have smaller coolers.
Idk, once you lurk reddit for long enough you'll notice there's tons 4channers who come to reddit.
>shitty stock cooler
>approximately zero people used it
>filling a box with 90% useless product and shipping millions of them
>decide to admit it was shit and just not bother any more
failing to see the issue here.
If they were offering something decent as a cooler then i'd applaud of course.