Fuck Linux I'm gonna install Windows 10

Fuck Linux I'm gonna install Windows 10
Fuck Harfbuzz.
Now fonts look like shit

See you Sup Forumsuys on the other side...

Couldn't install Gentoo: The post


based jordini has been ricing gentoo since before you even found out about Sup Forums you shitstains show some respect

Watch out, man. You'll cut someone with that edge.

You don't fool anyone by not posting with your trip

There's your problem.

Tripfag Filter for 4ChanX



This may be the happiest day of my life. Praise Harfbuzz! Don't let the door hit you, fuckface!

who the fuck are you and why haven't you killed yourself yet

Freetype2 deprecates harfbuzz's most of the features. If you can't configure a DIY distro install Ubuntu, they tweak the fonts for you ootb

Ok, OP

>can't configure freetype
>thinks windows font rendering will be better, when it's actually known that microsoft has the worst font rendering on the planet

yeah, windows 10 will be just right for someone like you

What ends up happening is I will be more in a mood to do one of two things more often, play games, or explore programming. That decides which OS i end up being left in to do other tasks that either one is suitable for. i.e. shitposting

OP here, Windows is worse
>1024x768 max resolution on a 4k screen
>wifi works at least
>fonts look barely better but probably only because dark on light instead of light on dark (which is hard to make look good)

>touchpad doesn't scroll
>max sound volume is low

Nice VM faggot

>what are video drivers?
this is the reason why microsoft wants to force installing updates for people.

you can see Windows has the max RAM my CPU supports so it can't be a VM

also the resolution changed itself on its own and half the desktop is scaled and half isn't

ROFL, what an OS

>expecting out the box OS to work without tweaking
What happened to your 1337 ricing skills jordini?

As having lost 3 hours so far to reinstall Visual Studio because my enterprise license expired, and expecting to spend at least 3 more hours by removing other components that I was using with it, just to see if they are the reason why this new Visual Studio JUST WON'T START, as well as uninstalling it for the second time and trying to manually delete extraneous files and directories, I would not recommend Microsoft products.

Just funny that in 2017 it still can't manage it while freetards can at least have all your hardware working ootb

>current state of windows

>1024x768 max resolution on a 4k screen
>image is 1280x1024
I don't care who you are. Sagely advice: kill yourself.

Well it's too late now but the ``Advanced display settings'' screen showed 1024x768. I know because I went there to see if I could slide it up for comfier browsing while getting drivers and the letters were xbox huge so I couldn't have misread.


what is the point of these threads