Why do Europeans still have monarchs in the year 2016?

Why do Europeans still have monarchs in the year 2016?

Do they also have dragons, dwarves,and elves?

Why do burgers still have a republic in the years 2016?

Do they also have consuls?


Sure, we call them "arabs"


>he doesn't have a pet dragon imported from finland
america truly is the worst

Because we're cucks.

Our monarchs aren't paying tax either because it would be too much of a "mess" to get it all done despite getting paid millions.

lmoa kys

You wouldn't understand

Iceland has elves.

Why do Americans still have republics in the year 2016? Do you also have titans, Romulus and Remus, soothsayers, slaves, and a pantheon?

why dont americans have more than two parties with more than 1 agenda?

Do they also have a 1 party system and a planned economy?

Yes to all. What of it?

and castles

>He doesn't have a dragon to fly through Yurop

Absolutely disgusting

We do but they don't have millions to spend on campaigning like the main two we have.

>implying letting every fucking idiot with 0 knowledge of politics ,economics and basically anything happening outside their city is a better system


>elephant party
>owl party
>donkey party
>marijuana party

Hell yeah, motherfucker
The explanation of needing refugees as recruits against orc camps practically right as fucking giant saharan sand worms raid their homeland, just sounds too fucked up to the americas and australia, so we call the whole thing a political crisis.

Guys, by the way, I really REALLY need a good material for a new grindstone, my claymore just won't get sharper from ordinary ones.

It's a free country.

what is owl party?

The Modern Whig Party. They're centrists but probably bigger literally whos than anybody else on that pic. iirc I think they've only ever won one minor position on the Pittsburgh city council and that's it.


Because it's an objectively superior system.

That's the UK green party logo, and the Communist Party of America died almost 100 years ago, CPUSA is the main communist party here.

>Do they also have dragons, dwarves,and elves?

Just like you m8