It's over, Apple is finished


Other urls found in this thread:

is the stylus any good? who makes it and what's the sensitivity?

The macbook pro's touchpad alone makes it a win against the x360 plastic glass-wannabe synaptic garbage

ok its time to remove these shill threads mods

enough .. there are 20 HP 360 threads a day now


Wacom, and probably as good as any ultrabook digitizer
Why you would want to pen on a textureless glass screen half an inch away from the actual display is on you

i worry the rose accents will look tacky and dated in 4 years.

Actually no it's Microsoft/N-Trig.

so it's a copy of the surface pen only with different screen resolution?

Not exactly, but it is an improvement. See:

Nowhere near as powerful or useful as the Apple iPad Pro.

I've heard Wacom and I've heard synaptics, source on that?

>256GB storage MAX
>4GB ram MAX
>shitty applel processor

The touchpad is synaptics. There is no wacom digitizer in the HP. It's Microsoft/N-Trig. Check the reddit link posted above.

It's Synaptics-branded, that's all I know and all I'll say

The digitizer is NOT synaptics in the new model. It's Microsoft/N-Trig

The digitizer is also synaptics
The Reddit post you're referring to is the models that were going to come with a digitizer, but didn't due to various issues. Those 2016 laptops do have the hardware, but not the firmware. People have successfully added in the firmware through some CLI bullshit and have a functioning non-synaptics digitizer
The new ones that were just released and COME with a pen (not just advertised with one) use a synaptics digitizer

Did you even read your "proof" from reddit?

The 2017 models are not synaptics. It's N-Trig.

I haven't heard of that, do you have a source though?
Even a HP spec sheet will do

The 2017 models are synaptics, not microsoft

What is this dy brand?

The 2017 models ARE microsoft/n-trig

I'm gonna be honest, I've had this same laptop for a month and I've never once glanced at the logo while it was right side up

Do you have a source on that though?
I'm not the one saying what it is or isn't, I'm the one asking you how you learned this

The 2017 models ARE synaptics



This is truly strange. On HPs official stylus/digitizer page the newer models are all blanked out.

Yet for some reason all the review models reviewed so far came with N-Trig styluses.

>When neither Microsoft nor Synaptics actually makes digitizer hardware


I just got back from a vigorous session of Google-fu
For the HP Spectre x360 13" 2017 model, HP says nothing of value about the digitizer, and reviewers say:
>N-Trig Technology
>something different from the Wacom in the SP2
>Does not work with N-Trig Duo pen
>Pen takes a battery so it must not be wacom
>HP's own engineered pen hardware
I think it's safe to say that reviewers don't know what they're talking about and that nobody will know for sure until someone knowledgeable takes it apart, but I'm leaning towards the non-Wacom technology, from whatever brand happens to supply it at that time
Microsoft bought out N-Trig (which is a huge digitizer business) and synaptics sells digitizer hardware in their website (I don't know if they manufacture it though)
If it was Wacom they would've blatantly advertised it I think
Luckily pen on glass displays is garbage and deliciously textured Wacom pads are under $50

All reviews I've watched of the MOST RECENT model ALL say N-Trig.

For anyone concerned with the digitizer used with the New HP Spectre x360 13/15t according to these, albeit anecdotal, sources all claim that HP is using N-Trig instead of synaptics now.

[YouTube] 2017 HP Spectre x360 15" Review (embed) @2:15

Synaptics does make a digitizer, I don't know if it uses the same mechanism as N-Trig (which is a company, not a technology), but it is theirs.
HP used to use Atmel in their old ass digitizer laptops too
There's plenty of companies to speculate about, but honestly many of them do use the same technology and the same pens

Thats the thing, there's 8 anecdotes all saying different things for the 2017 HP Spectre x360 13"
I want a spec sheet, a brand list, or at least some info on pen compatibility

Then your Google-fu must be weak because I explicitly told you which reviews I was looking at

Both of you mind linking the reviews/sources you're getting for the ones claiming to be anything besides N-Trig?

I don't leave my tabs up forever like some fucking caveman, I put what I saw/read into meme arrows, 4/7 of those weren't even making claims, I don't believe any of them have any idea whatsoever to be honest

Figured if you were going to make claims you'd at least substantiate them..

>anecdotes are stupid because they have no proof
>Do you have more anecdotes proving my point?

For what it's worth I trust the anecdotes more than claims without any sort of viability.

I didn't make any claims you illiterate, I saw reviews and became disgusted
I don't give half a shit to be honest, I wasn't the one arguing with you and I will intentionally buy a laptop without a digitizer to save money and use my better drawing pad instead

You seem pretty mad user. Perhaps you should get off Sup Forums.

That said it seems pretty odd that you'd bother doing this "google-fu" if you didn't give a shit.

That's your mistake, not mine
Did you know Wacom makes both powered and unpowered pens? Did you know that there are at least 3 n-trig digitizers/pens that are incompatible? Did you know that reviewers have no idea what the hardware they're reviewing is?

I did it for myself because I use digitizers constantly and was curious
I wasn't the one arguing with you but go ahead and keep making points for whatever side you're on

The pen is confirmed to be active, and the majority of people claim that the digitizer is N-Trig.

If you were just going to use a secondary accessory then what's the point in researching this?

Because "Wacom vs whoever" has been a meme for like a decade and I didn't know there was actually a hardware difference, usually people just argue about the pens

What's the digitizer resolution, pressure range and hover distance?
There's no angle sensing, so really that's literally all you should be caring about if you're buying a digitizer to use it, instead of just showing off what brand you have
Posted near an Intuos-pen pad and a Wacom-pen phone

Here's your comparison

Here's a subreddit DEDICATED to styluses/digitizers

Wacom is the Nvidia of drawing tablets, you'll always get hate for being the best

Yeah I read that when you posted it, literally all of what he says can be attributed to software rather than hardware brands though, other than the electromagnetic hovering, which is a pretty poor point to base "this brand is better than this brand!" on

Precision touchpad?

>compares old past experiences with brand to modern updated refresh of brand
>compares brand vs brand instead of tech vs tech
>Leaves everything at default settings for test
>Doesn't include price as a factor
>Still comes out inconclusive
Do people actually make money off this reviewing shit?

No, still synaptics from what I hear. Still functionally wide, good with gestures and had decent palm rejection, but yeah the pinpoint accuracy is still pretty shit
Just get one of those flattening meme mice and keep it in your laptop bag

Not sure if this or surface, needs to be good for writing notes

The old Surface Pro 2 uses Wacom, and the new Surface Pro 3 uses N-Trig. These are both confirmed and validated.
Both do great and neither have any significant disadvantages.

I mean surface 4 obviously

>Infinite resolution and pressure range
>Uses convenient futuristic paper drive technology to save data
>Will still be functional if computer fails
>Ten thousand times cheaper than Surface Pro

Literally because I'm disorganized mane I thought it would be nice

Also since these tablets are good at viewing documents like my textbooks. Otherwise I plan on going for an XPS 15 so I could do CAD

If you need a GPU, both a Surface and Spectre will disappoint
I would say the Spectre just because it's cheaper but having the tablet form factor is worth a fair amount of money too imo
That being said I rarely use my 2-in-1 as a tablet, if you want a laptop get a laptop, they're just as small and light as tablets these days

I bought one and theyre pretty fucking amazing but one caveat: they are too heavy and require a case. The surface pro or tab pro s are much more portable but sacrifice screen size and processing power. I use to carry around my spectre x360 in a briefcase bag and it was a fucking pain in the ass.

I mean like, it's *almost* 3 pounds, how can a fully grown adult expect to carry that around for an hour?

Yeah that's how I figure it's either surface or just regular laptop

I could just do my 3d modeling at my home desktop though it would be out of the way of campus

>textureless glass a half inch away from the screen

As a Surface Pro 4 owner, neither of those are a real issue.

The nib itself is textured and has no trouble 'catching' onto the glass. There is also negligable distance between the glass and screen, unlike the old Surface Pro models.

The biggest issue is that fucking jitter.

They look tacky and dated now.

Tacky? Looks hell of a lot better than the silver shit applel and dell have been using recently.

>the nib itself is textured
That's great that they addressed the glass space issue, I didn't know that, but what you just said is literally fucking retarded and you shouldn't make a counterargument when you're not sure of what the argument is about

Get s surface pro 4 and you won't go back.

I have a phone for mobile shitposting and I won't go back, I need a laptop for actual programs and cant go back from that

The entirety of my thesis research is in a onenote file.

.pdfs, notes, proposals, everything.

Convenient as fuck.



It's 4k not 1080p you dip

>4K at 13 inches


I'm sorry to hear that


what's with the fucking stylus meme?
Who the fuck uses that shit besides the fat faggots drawing gook traps or artsy idiots doing "aesthetic" shit?

There's literally nothing wrong with fat faggots drawing gook traps

Everybody who's sick of the poke the screen meme

Just a friendly reminder to anyone deciding to get this, be warned that the default pen that comes with this requires a fuckton of pressure to activate--reviews report the pen actually has to 'click' for it to activate, which in turn fucks up your lines.

Apparently a good workaround is to get a pen from Dell.

But regardless
>Using any graphics tablet display that isn't a first-party Wacom

I've never had any problems with a bonafide Wacom tablet. I've had issues with just about every graphics tablet computer, including ones with Wacom technology.

That's gonna get so many scratches

I'm a photographer and like them. I have the first-gen X360 13" and a stylus is worlds better than a trackpad for editing images in the field, and it doesn't take up a bunch of extra space and weight in my bag like a mouse or separate wacom tablet. It's especially nice that it also doesn't require any space to set up, which is nice on an airplane tray table or when working off the trunk of my car or whatever, and I can even use it standing up, which is occasionally useful. (Like when sketching something out for a client.)

The only problem is that the HP stylus is a piece of shit and mine stopped working after a few months. I still need to pick up a replacement.