Fucked up

Maybe i fucked it up.... =(

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is that silver or diamond based?



idk zoom in. Isnt it covered in cotton and i cant get that old stuff off the sides. I might be gentle with a toothpick.

What do u think?

most likely dead if you powered it on. clean it thoroughly and test.

How do u suggest i clean this?

Thr coffee filters get all that cotton on it.

I have 91% alcohol. Paper towels. Coffee filters. Toothpicks. At my disposal


I even have a can of air

alcohol rinse, soft cloth (coffee filter is fine), toothpick in the edges (GENTLY), and another alcohol rinse. wait for it to air-dry and test.

Lint-free microfiber cloth.

Blowtorch and vacuum cleaner.


Were making progress boys

How did this even happen? What is the gpu model?

860m. Idk the coffe filters were garbage plus those little metal bolts-things that are sticking up all around the gpu got the paste and cotton from the filters stuck in there.

This is as good as i can get it. Is this good boys?

use cotton swabs, retard.

No. Don't be afraid to soak it in alcohol. Don't you have some cotton buds or something?

Should be fine. Fire it up.

most thermal paste are non conductive so what's the issue here ? apart from all the fiber things

Arctic Silver ArctiClean 30+30ml

Are these guys baiting me? Cotton swabs or Q-tips sounds like a horrible idea. The coffee filters got enough fiber fabric all over the damn thing.

Should i really soak this with alcohol? Q-tips?

But look the issue is that those little metal bokt things all around it wont let me get in between them. A damn toothpick barely fits.

Soak the q-tip in alcohol and mop that shit up, then use a dry one to finish. Repeat until it's all gone. That's what I always use and I've done it dozens of times.

just put new thermal paste on it and you're good to go
it won't be clean but that doesn't matter

none of them dumbass. you need a nail polish remover and a cloth

the metal bokt things need to be cleaned, nothing else really matters. Don't scrub them with the cotton balls, just use the balls to soak them in isopropanol to loosen the paste

Is this good enough guys? If it isnt ill try the Q-tip soaking thing....

Use way more alcool, it's still damn dirty

Just do it properly. If that is conductive paste it will die like that.

Should i spray away the fabrics and stuff with air duster after im doen cleaning it to get all the fabric off?

What the hell were you trying to do anyway?

Its artcic silver 5. Is that conductive?

You need to Shamwow that shit man

I saw on Sup Forums that you should change your thermal paste monthly so I tried it on my GPU...

no you're fine

>artcic silver 5
(While much safer than electrically conductive silver and copper greases, Arctic Silver 5 should be kept away from electrical traces, pins, and leads. While it is not electrically conductive, the compound is very slightly capacitive and could potentially cause problems if it bridges two close-proximity electrical paths.)


Stfu that aint op im op

Fukken lel what a dumbass

Not conductive, but quoted from their site:
>the compound is very slightly capacitive and could potentially cause problems if it bridges two close-proximity electrical paths.

it's fine in his case then

How new do you have to be to not have developed a Sup Forums Bullshit and Memery sense

It's clearly bridging a cluster of contacts. I wouldn't risk it.

yea, i was just quoting as much as possible. OP, you'll be fine. Try again and next time dont jizz the applicator over the entire board.

>I saw on Sup Forums that you should change your thermal paste monthly

you should only change the paste if the temperatures are way too high. this is usually only done on very old GPU's which no longer run within thermal specs even at default clocks (my old GTX285 would reach 90C+ despite no dust in heatsink).

i haven't changed paste on my cpu for 7 years, still using it today. temps have gone up around 5-10 C idle and under max load. not even worth changing the paste.

have had the same thermal paste on my 8350 for 6 years, it's just better at heating my room in the winter now than when I bought it.

none of those are signal contacts. Adding some small capacitance between them wont do anything.

Ok guys this is as good as i can get it. .

Should i spray a little air duster over it. Or wait to do that after i put on the heatsink?

Also should i do a pea drop? Spread it? Or do an X? Last time i did a drop it didnt seem like it covered it as much as it shouldve. my temps would too out at 80c

Forgot pic

i always do a little smiley with rather big eyes and never had an issue


Looks like shit. Enjoy your fucked up gpu!

Clean it proper you fuckwit, and next time don't be such a faggot to fall for the most obvious of Sup Forums mem baits

OP: Put Q-tips into rubbing alcohol and clean the damn thing

he used a silver based one

Kys u fucking faggot. Whats wrong with it?

Use damn Q-Tips and Rubbing alcohol

it might as well be dead if you don't, since the overheating will fry it

a non-conductive silver one, arctic silver 5. see

Nylon paint brush dipped in alcohol, scrub that fucking shit off of there you pussy. You're not gonna break it. Dab it dry with a coffee filter or tissue (without lotion)

Fucking moonman

Always guys im using Q-tips to soak and a micro fiber cloth to wipe over after. Thats all i have i dont have a brush. Ill post results

Whem im done should i do a pea of paste or what?


Yes pee on the paste

>cotton swabs, q-tips, horrible idea
Really?? You're 100% an idiot. Coffee filters?? Who the fuck told you to use coffee filters?

Anyway, worst case scenario you get some fucking cotton fibers in your resistors. Non-conductive fucking cotton. Who cares???

Yep. Don't fall for the monthly thermal paste meme again lol. Good luck OP

Here it is

What part of clean it up don't you understand? Jesus Christ you NVIDIA faggots are disgraceful

Nope. Those "bolt things" are capacitors (small electronic components). You still have paste touching both sides of a lot of them. If your thermal paste is conductive or capacitive at all, it could fuck shit up, or at the very least just not work until you clean it.

Sorry OP, but you're actually retarded. I thought this was bait because nobody could possibly fuck up that bad.

damn right you fucked up

This has got to be clever bait, you can't be this stupid.


Plus they sent me new fans with paste already pre applied
I use arctic silver 5. Also its been having that paste on the capacitors for months and nothing ever fucked up. I just decided to fix it today. and my temps are down . At 69c full load thats good for a laptop gpu fuck off

Around those nubs, where you left the paste, is literally the only place you actually had to clean.

i actually got better temps by covering them. they act like mini heatsinks.

Let this me a lesson to all. The number one thing you should look for in thermal paste is whether it's electrically conductive or not. Putting conductive paste is like putting water under your heatsink and hoping it doesn't spill and fuck up the rest of your board. Don't fall for the silver/metal/copper paste meme. The difference between these and a non-conductive one in terms of thermal conductivity is minimal.

Yeah that's not very good. Use a fucking toothbrush or something.

A fucking toothrbush?

Whatever ill just sell it to some Sup Forumsentoo tard on ebay and he can deal with it. Ill buy a new pc fuck off faggots

Arctiv silver 5 is not conductive

Dude, we're talking about metal and carbon/ceramic here. Use some gentle solvent like rubbing alcohol and a soft toothbrush.

that looks like cum to me

lmao, just turn it on

did op died?

Dude were talking about arctic silver 5. Its not conductive. Its been like that for months kys
No am here
Its cleaned and arctic silver 5 isnt conductive

Did it work m8?

Live from Taiwan

Yes im playing a game. Gpu 54c
cpu 58c. I got most that shit off. they are laptop parts and they paste isnt really conductive with a google search. So fuck it. Besides from cleaning it today. It was covered in that crap for months. Its never had a problem. I almost fell for the memes though.

true story i have real autographed picture of that its a group picture of all sopranos main cast

Did you get better temps by repasting? I'm thinking about repasting my laptop, since it's a quad-core i7 with Iris Pro graphics, it gets pretty toasty while gaming (sometimes it almost gets 90ÂșC)

Yes but im OCD so i worry if i put too much or too less and worry about my temps its just stressful makes pc shit tough for me but i got better temps ive done this before.

I put a little bit more than a pea size on the cpu as well

The funniest part about this thread is all those stupid people telling him it short-circuited . He repeatedly told them it isn't conductive. The OP would be perfectly fine from the start.