I want to upgrade my PC into a gaming PC

I want to upgrade my PC into a gaming PC
What parts should I upgrade Sup Forums?

all of them

Why does everyone find this so hard to get. You want to play with better graphics right? Then upgrade the GRAPHICS CARD. The hint is in the fucking name.

Apart from that you need to fix those temps on your cpu

Even the motherboard?

If you want to save money, just upgrade the GPU, that'll give you what you want

A CPU is also importand for gaming.

Depends on what you're using it for.
If it were me I'd go

CPU is quite out of date but should work.

Everything. If you don't want to buy an all new PC then upgrade cooling on the Q6600, get some more RAM (2GB would be fine) and upgrade the GPU. If you want to play games at high-ultra settings you'll need a new CPU.

yes, i'm implying you should build a new machine. you are throwing money at a dead horse especially if your cpu temp is reading correctly in that image.

Is it a good idea to wait for AMD ryzen to come out, And upgrade all the other parts over time?

yep i'd wait for ryzen before pulling the trigger but definitely do something about that cpu temp in the interim.

try replacing gpu w/ 750ti

If you want a cpu that won't cry trying to play current gen games, then yes, you need a new mobo

It entirely depends what games you want to play. Nothing else matters.

Give us
1. A budget
2. What programs and games you play and use

Everything like

said, Your PC is shit. This ain't 2009 anymore.

Man, with all due respect, you should just buy a new computer. You can salvage the hard drive, but everything else is just obsolete. Take you RAM, for example. It's DDR2, and we're already at DDR4, your processor is so weak it would not handle good recent games.

Go for a Pentium G4620, 8 gigs of DDR4 and a 1050ti, and that should do the trick.

I really hope that CPU temp is just speccy being a fuck. Or you have a lot more problems than "Can't game".

My computer has had no problems, I think speccy is just being a fuck

>using a pentium to game
>a pentium with ddr4
>falling for the 1050

don't listen to this retard.


Nigga what you doin?

are you using a legit version of windows? I remember my bootleg vers caused windows update to mega fuck my cpu temp for some reason


>are you using a legit version of windows?

nigga what

Sup Forums in a nutshell

did you just buy a computer from best buy with windows already installed? or did you build a comp and pay $0.00 for windows?

I forgot where I got this PC from.

You can't be serious. Are you a goldfish?


AKA Its stolen

No, I got it from a friend.

aka its stolen

>Nigged a PC from a business's garbage pile
There's no shame user

Your cooler.

That'd be a lelnovo or dude you're getting a dell.

>no one would ever give their friend their used stuff when they upgrade

Wait for Ryzen OP. See if it is what it promises, then take the plunge. New mobo, shiny new CPU, DDR4 memory and a good GPU (at least RX 470). That should net you high-ultra on everything 1080p@60fps

>muh kerbylake is so much faster then Intel pentium 4 CPU. So much better for gaymen
>5 extra fps for €300 was totally worth it
>no way would its have been better to just spend na extra 300 on my GPU for gaming

need better cpu, 3ghz
need better cpu cooler
need better ram, 8gb
need better gpu
need better storage

Do you know what bottleneck is?