Stallman: once-in-a-generation genius predicted PRISM, created GCC, gdb, GNU, fought for people's digital rights...

>Stallman: once-in-a-generation genius predicted PRISM, created GCC, gdb, GNU, fought for people's digital rights, won a gorillion awards and honorary doctorates
>normies know him as an autist who dissed Steve "Stolen Ideas" Jobs
why is stallman's PR so bad? Should we launch some kind of awareness campaign to make normalfags realize his efforts and kiss his feet?

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Why is Stallman's hygiene so bad? Should he just take a fucking shower once in a while?

Sure, I'll make the logo

Microsoft paid proprietary software shills and NSA are to blame. However on Sup Forums, it's mostly butthurt Sup Forums fanboys

He should work on his appearance

Normies only respect people who don't look like hobos

the fuck is that

Stallmans PR is bad because he is bad PR at the core
>looks like you would expect from his stereotype
>Acts like an autist half the time hes in public
>Always speaks his mind, never has a filter
>FSF has no PR agency to make him looks good, just support the cause
Stallman doesn't want to be looked up to like some kind of god or role model. He just wants to spread his message of freedom

i think its a dog

looks like a cat to me

Stallman is retarded and programs like one. All the gnu tools are garbage and bloated and unmaintainable, you retards should try a good operating system like OpenBSD or 9front for once in your life.

the dumbass applefags and gaymers that mock him need to know what the fuck they are doing, is what I mean

Hi Theo, good to see you again.

If they are a gaymer or an applefag their opinion doesn't matter in the first place. Their going to think what ever media tells them to think. So creating our own media to tell them to think highly of Stallman doesnt mean anything

It's a bird

stallman deserves no respect

>the dumbass applefags and gaymers that mock him
There's oldfags here too, user. We used to mock him in the Solaris and UNIX days of the roaring 90's too.

He created emacs 41 years ago and has nothing else to his name

but doesn't it make you angry that they're mocking/ignoring the person who has been fighting for THEIR rights for 20 years?

if he's so smart why is he fat?

why? didn't he go full blown freedumb after Windows started getting popular?

he eats from the dumpster

>The idea of free software itself
>Predicted shit like PRISM years before it existed
yep nothing to his name

fuck off, it's obviously not. Stop lying to us!

Fuck off

>There were other options at the time
>Completely not needed ever
>There were other licenses avalible/someone else would have made it/GPL isnt good for developers only for users
>There were other options at the time
>Many people have
Yes, nothing of relevance that someone else wouldn't have made in his place

I dont need stallaman or fsf in my life,ever

>We used to mock him in the Solaris and UNIX days

>didn't he go full blown freedumb after Windows started getting popular?
Nope, he hated UNIX too. And I think I read on his personal website that he never ran UNIX. He was from the old MIT days of LISP.

We mocked him because his ideas are dumb and his software didn't compete with commercial offerings. GNU/Linux didn't become popular until universities found out that they can run it on their Beowulf style supercomputing clusters in the early 2000's.

>I dont need stallaman or fsf in my life,ever
Then stop using any software that uses GPL licensed software
btw this site runs on nginx on Ubuntu, so you'll have to leave :^)

It's a picture of a parrot. Stop shitposting, this is a Stallman thread - have some goddamn respect.

>>There were other options at the time
All were proprietary and crap
>>Completely not needed ever
FSF pays for GNU development you fucking retard
>>GPL isnt good for developers only for users
Yeah, like Apple who stole tons of BSD licensed code to make hOmoSeX
>>There were other options at the time
All were proprietary and crap
>>Many people have
Like who? Some writer who wrote a shitty big brother story/article does not count

YOU show some goddamn respect for birds. Without them, you might not of been born!

>not of
I meant not have I think


Commies don't deserve praise

>FSF pays for GNU development you fucking retard
27 years of development for hurd and you just got sound support in the year 2016!!!!!


>eah, like Apple who stole tons of BSD licensed code to make hOmoSeX
NEXT licensed BSD; BSD inc went defunct at the time OSX was being developed at Apple; so they had to switch to FreeBSD since they couldn't license something that wasn't for sale.

I though we ran on BSD?

Stallman himself has said Hurd isn't important now that Linux has made a 100% free OS possible.

develop yourself

>why is stallman's PR so bad?
He doesn't look professional nor does he act professional. He has some good ideas, but he really looks and acts like a disgusting dirty hippie.

This site and about 80% or more of all websites are running GNU software

When did he say this? Link plox
And more than that, why is HURD still in development then?

If you can manage to get the non-yotsuba 404 page it will show the nginx default 404 page

Or his own foot fungus.

Or, you know, make their own kernel and coreutils.


>In 2010, after twenty years under development, Stallman said that he was "not very optimistic about the GNU Hurd. It makes some progress, but to be really superior it would require solving a lot of deep problems", but added that "finishing it is not crucial" for the GNU system because a free kernel already existed (Linux), and completing Hurd would not address the main remaining problem for a free operating system: device support


Why recreate the wheel?
Plus their kernel is mach derived, see in reality they did.

They should just finish Hurd already. People will stop triggering Richard by calling it Linux.

Mach was created at some university, fag

Shows that applel was so incompetent they can't do what a finnish nerd did in his basement.

Fuck their rights.
Fuck your rights.
Privacy is something only the pedophiles of Sup Forums would need.

Even if they finish it it will be 2040 before it even has decent hardware support
Stallman talked about the complexity of HURD makes it nearly impossible to debug, so development is super slow

t. NSA

>Mach was created at some university, fag
And so was the majority of UNIX. You do know that BSD stands for Berkeley Software Distribution right?
I fail to see your point. DEC Alphastations ran a UNIX with a mach kernel also.

t. good goyim

GNU is Not Unix

You can't say he isn't autistic though. You can agree with someone's ideas along with finding them personally repulsive. As for normies worshiping Jobs, they will always do that, as Jobs was fundamentally a normie.
Jesus H. Christ you idiots need to fuck off right back to >>>/pol. If you idiots had any sense, you'd realize that's what (((they))) want you to think, so they can more easily crack down on your "movement".

You got that right. It couldn't carry commercial Unix's jock strap and is still trying to be as good as 2005 era Solaris

Lots of people, including you, have something to hide from somebody. For example, some people are gay. And, in some countries, you might be prrosecuted for that. So you might do something your boss wouldn't like. He might not like which party you voted for, where you spent money, etc. Only free software and privacy can protect you.

weak bait lel
try harder next time

>i've never ran Solaris in production.

I guess ground chuck tastes good when you've never had ribeye.

Software freedom is a right, regardless of whatever circumstances one is in. Also some polack will probably reply with "DEGENERATE" to your post

Why torture yourself with Solaris? It's literally more hipster than BSD, only beat by Plan 9.

>thinking homo degenerates deserve protection
>making it this easy for me to lump you (((privacy))) pedo fucks with literal faggots

Next thing you're gonna say is
>SPARCstation is the greatest computer ever user


>It's literally more hipster
good way to choose production environments.
It's actually engineered and not hacked together bullshit.

His PR is bad because his fanatics are you guys.

kek, it only took them two more minutes

Engineered so well that not even Sun could force people to use or develop for it. Eat a dick niqqa

>defending gay people

Engineered so well the codebase is still worth Billions. Samsung owns and pays the guys that work with Solaris now.

That term makes me think of Apple's "innovating"

Lets make it relate to you then, polack
>Vote for Trump
>Boss hates Trump
>You have no privacy because you have nothing to hide :^)
>Boss finds you you voted for him after reading though your public messages because theres no need for private messages obviously :^)
>Boss fires you for "immature behavior" or other broad reason
gee really activates my almonds

I thought OpenBSD was supposed to be the "most SECURE BSD", whatever that means

Someone actually sat down at their computer and photoshopped the color of the paint on this man's face.



for a meme

he looks like a dude id smell from the other room

>Boss hates Trump
Fucking kek, why would a business owner(boss) hate the greatest thing to happen to businesses in decades?
Quit with this gay little facade of "but m-muh privacy." We all know what you really want to hide.

>created gnu
>stopped reading

Do you realize how many companies depend on inputs manufactured in other countries? All Trump's talk about tariffs scares the shit out of anyone whose jobs depends on selling stuff.

Scum like you really make me sick.
Someday, we will live in a big brother state, and everything we do will be sent to a server. And criticizing the government will result in suspension of access. The freetards will laough at you as we say "Stallman was right". Your ego is so inflated that all you will have to say back is "lol pedophiles finally get justice!!1"

as a ditch digger I really think you should consider the difference between an office beard and a "HOW DID MY LUFE FUCK UP SO MUCH" beard.

If you've ever seen a single business in SF you'd know that all the cucked upper management is shillary supporters

But it was already a meme when the paint was gold, no need to make it silver.

Hurd is in development because there are a handful of developers who are interested. The fact that it's not a priority doesn't mean that all people are forbidden to touch the Hurd code.

Who fucking cares? As long as they don't hurt me, I don't care what they like to fuck.

>ignoring your own post about bosses being trump supporters
Just stop baiting and go back to Sup Forums

If they kiss his feet they might accidentally eat his lunch

shut up bird

It's a mothe


Give me ONE good reason this fat fraud shouldn't be tossed out of a helicopter.

You haven't thrown yourself out first.

>Stallman: once-in-a-generation genius predicted PRISM, created GCC, gdb, GNU, fought for people's digital rights, won a gorillion awards and honorary doctorates
You forgot he's a bull (he cucked at least one guy, back in the 80's) and regularly fucks qt3.14 MILF's

>not mumbling "I'm gonna hit that bird" a few dozen times and then launching a quick slap


Why does he even try? The NSA is still spying on him and probably have been for a long time now, he's not impenetrable.

its only secure if you don't piss off theo de radt on a message board

OpenBSD is barely maintained, but they still have time to fork "less". Ridiculous.