Spend hundreds of dollars on a new processor, RAM, and a GTX 1080

>Spend hundreds of dollars on a new processor, RAM, and a GTX 1080.
>Decide why not, its time to upgrade to windows 10, buy a windows 10 prokey
>Upgrade, everything is fine
>Suddenly HOLTYY FUCK BSOD 40 Critical errors in 7 days
>All of my drivers are up to date, windows update is up to date, every single system check or automatic repair program comes back positive
>Connected to microsoft chat and instantly got bumped up to a level 2 tech appointment tomorrow around 1pm


Other urls found in this thread:


did you update your motherboard firmware?

Tell us on the doll where the BSOD touched you.

>He bought a brand new computer and THEN fell for the Windows 7 meme

>Bought Nvida
>Bought WIndows 10 (Not even pirated)

yes, directly from the manufacturer website, down to the chip set. Device manager also tells me me everything is up to date.


Yesterday I streamed 3 hockey games for 7 hours and games for 30 minutes before BSOD, day before that I binge watched Mr. Robot before is BSOD.

Today, it happened 3 times in an hour then hasnt happened since. Forums online suggest some Windows corruption files from the switch, which may explain the expedite to a level 2 windows tech, for free mind you.

Ive had the same computer for 3 years, just upgraded my GPU and processor, and bought fucking RAM

Congrats, you fell for the microscam meme

What error does it give?

Combination of APC_INDEX_ERROR

again, i stress totally at random. Ive been using my computer to stream videos, music, in 1080p, while using the internet for hours now without any issues

>Expecting anything Microsoft makes to work without being flattened and freshly installed.

This is a joke right? Their media creation tool fails constantly when downloading an iso, nor do they provide md5 checksums. I suggest getting a better iso and doing a fresh install. This is a common issue.

Could have something to do with "Windows.old" after the update. A lot of people have issues after updating because of leftover files
I have no idea how you would identify the problem or even deal with that though

don't upgrade, do a clean install. upgrade utility a shit

>buy brand new laptop with Kaby "nothing but Windows 10" Lake
>Programs detect my OS as Windows 8
>Windows.old exists and I can't delete it
What does this mean

Essentially thats why I believe the first tech assistant instantly made an appointment for a level 2 tech to call me. She even told me its usually reserved for paying businesses but it would be free in my case, which leads me to believe this is entirely on them which some forums have suggested.

I fell for it hard. Everything went so fucking smoothly during the transition, and booted up perfectly with my old files in place as if windows 7 never exited. Then I got fucked hard, worst part being how arbitrary the crashes are.

>yesterday you used your computer for work and shit for 10 hours, but 15 minutes into your movie NOPE BSOD.

>Well after rebooting and playing 10 hours of movies when you fell asleep, now that youre woken up and want to dick around on GTA online? HAHA 20 minutes later BSOD.

Just clean install it
Use Disk Cleanup it has an option to remove windows.old

Windows literally has nigger tier Indian or Chinese coders basically

IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is cause by kernel mode device drivers using improper addresses, it usually indicates a problem with your hardware configuration.

Remove all overclock and custom memory profiles, make sure your motherboard supports your new processor with firmware version, and make sure your ram is seated properly in the right slots.

Also, did you mix two kinds of ram with different timing tables together?

But what does it mean?
I don't care if Windows.old exists I just want to know why it's there on a brand new laptop loaded out the factory with Windows 10

If the windows tech shits the bed tomorrow thats my only option, which is total bullshit because im a spazz and ill be losing it all day when that ineviutably happens

>it usually indicates a problem with
Windows being a piece of crap and randomly spewing this out for no apparent reason.
t. microsoft employee.

Microsoft lost their source code years ago and are simply editing the .dll files at this point.

Could have been not actually new.

Maybe some Windows 8-based bullshit HP loaded it with depends on with folder? Like HP's shit&shitterson audio driver or something?
This ain't there on my desktop that's also had Windows 10 this whole time

The answer is always clean install/.

But who loaded this Kaby Lake laptop from Costco with something other than Windows 10? If it was HP, why would they do that?

if it's kaby lake it has to ship with W10.
if you have windows.old, it might be the OEM has win8 or 8.1 keys they need to use up and upgraded the system

how the fuck would I even start with that? Even trying to match the firmware with the info I have is a nightmare. Even the fucking box doesnt give me all the info

lol thank you

plz respond or im going to kill myself

that's normally ram
your ram is bad, or reconfigured

you don't need to kill yourself, you need to free yourself.

Can confirm I also had faulty ram on my Windows 10 PC

Ohhhhh i see, so possibly my RAM is outdated? I mean ive double checked it twice and made sure it was properly in place, and there hasnt been any detection from windows 10 that my RAM is corrupted.

But it is cheap as fuck RAM from 3 years ago, mind you. Is it possible for it to work 100% aok on windows 7 and not windows 10?

also if it was faulty ram, how would it have no issues running smoothly for hours on end?

I had faulty ram and I'd always get to about 1.5 days of uptime before it would bsod

roger that, ill bring that up tomorrow during the tech call, ty

Run memtest or at least Windows memory diagnostics you idiot. I made my post ironically but you can obviously check it yourself.
I blame G Skill, it was one stick

i did it came up positive

Positive for bad RAM, positive for good RAM or positive for pregnancy?

positive as in nothing abnormal was detected, obviously if it was positive for BAD ram i wouldnt answer that fucking question witha question

>buy 4x corsair RAM
>1 faulty stick
>RMA whole kit
>comes back with another faulty stick
>buy some G.Skill
>never have another problem

Also, if you have any PCI cards (not pcie), remove them. Every Dlink wireless PCI card I've ever had has caused BSODs.

Use something other than the Windows test. It can take like 48 hours to find a fault. Double check you got the right timing and voltage in BIOS though. Test 1 stick at a time.

Skylake and above don't even support PCI, it's motherboard firmware wizardry

jesus christ this is so stupid. Not blaming you, but what the fuck.

It's bullshit dude. I ran all of my sticks at once for 48 hours before finding 1 fault. Going stick by stick, it found the faulty stick in like 20 mins.

Have you checked the event logs?

i mean i have money, and i have a short temper with this bullshit, Im thinking im just going to return this bullshit to microc and get new RAM at this point. fuck it.

That is, if the windows wonderboy who calls me tomorrow doesnt fuckin fix it himself,.

Retina Display doesn't have this problem

here you can see the complete randomness of this bullshit. Sometimes the BSOD can come within 45 minutes, now its been 3 hours since the last.

Change of plans. Buy an SSD, and clean install onto that instead.

Try booting without the nvidia trash

>1060 3GB
>Slow-ass HDD

WTF are you doing nigger?

Do a clean install instead of any gay ass upgrade shit.

god damnit

looking this up leads me to a complete dead end.

Why would a brand new GPU overclock on an brand new OS? My temps are all down, my drivers are 100% up to date. What. the. fuck.

>run memory diagnostics
>immediately finds hundred of errors
>isolate the broken stick and fill rma form within 10 minutes
I'm glad my problems are big enough to face me head on

Im trying to mix and match okay? What the fuck do i gotta replace? Or is this even causing the problem?

When did this happen? Why do so many normies build computers these days? When I was a teen, my friends told me I was a weirdo for gaming on a Voodoo 5500 Pentium 3 computer instead of a N64.

Because consoles suck these days

Even the nips are making games for PC

im still convinced its windows being a pos rather than my computer skills

Why is it that playing CS, WOW, HL2, FEAR, etc was infinitely easier to build a pc for, play, and run with limited issues compared to 10 fucking years later?

I had a similar issue not long ago with my ram. The machine would work fine for hours, until eventually it would bsod/restart/lock up. There were a couple times that it did this and a couple of the sticks wouldn't even be detected properly after the reboot, bringing me down from my normal 18 GB to 12 (I actually posted about this before in the stupid questions thread); but then it'd go back to normal later on. I've even had it lock up in the bios while trying to verify related settings. I finally got fed up with the problems it was having and reseated the ram (despite appearing to be securely seated already), and it hasn't had a problem since.

TLDR: Despite having already checked the placement of the ram, if you haven't actually completely reseated it you might want to give that a shot.

thanks man, but i already reseated it in different slots even to no avail. Never had an issue with detection either

The goal of PC gaymen back then was to make it to the title screen
Now the goal is to run games at max settings better than people online
People don't realize you can play most modern games at 480x640 with a $200 setup

Have you disabled the APU's graphics cores?

These could be interfering with your GPU.

TFW never have problems with PC. Feels bueno.

one of the first things i did when it got down to serious business

>buying a windows 10 key
Just format and start over. Clean install is better anyway.

Im still not certaqin if its windows corrupted, a mismatch in hardware, or faulty ram. Nothing is definite, and Id rather not dump years of files to find out its the latter.

basically windows is a nigger, ive seen a ton of forums where people have solved my issue swtiching to linux

You need to disable the iGPU in your BIOS.

>spam delete to get into BIOS
>find igpu

Also make sure you don't have this enabled.

just had another kernel security failure while browsing Sup Forums, with no backround going on. Last failure as 3 hours ago

Use an ubunth live cd and copy your shit to a different hd, flash drive, or w.e. Its probably just windoes being shit. Trying to upgrade windows inline is like trying to pull a sheet of a table covered in dished without breaking them. I wouldnt go buy hardware without doing this first

wtf is 'mismatch in hardware'?

if ur computer posts, everything is fine and compatible. ur clearly in way over your head if you thought otherwise.

i recommend the plebstation 4 pro.

testing this


fpbp. (fourth post best post)

>w10 breaks most hardware and generally crashes more than it works
What a shocker. Its almost like you expected a functional computer.

This may have done it

So far 1 hour of gaming with highest settings, never got this far. Things seem to,be all set so far. [I thought disabling AMD would turn off intergrated by itself]

Nah man, you have to disable it through the bios. This is also a common problem with intel's IGPU and Nvidia GPU's. Hope it works 4 you man.

Just crashed. :( kernel security check. This is such bullshit

>Spend hundreds of dollars on a new processor, RAM, and a GTX 1080.
>GTX 1060
Shit user, I think I found the problem. Also, where the fuck did you buy that shit ram in this day and age?

this guy is a master troll, he gotta be trolling

digits confirm OP is a retard. Or black.

>not rich enough to buy Nvidia or win 10

>he thinks money is the reason people don't like nvidia or windows 10

Lol poorfag

>actually thinks it's 800 MHz.

Mate, that's just 1600 CL9 DDR3 RAM, nothing shitty about it.

>>actually thinks it's 800 MHz.
Are you OP?
If your PC is down-clocking your memory to run, then obviously you have a RAM problem.

Make sure the RAM you bought is compatible with your motherboard, check on the manufacturers website. This is probably the problem. Replace the new sticks of RAM with the previous RAM you hand installed and see if you run into the same issue.

Otherwise you could go into your BIOS and change the timings to make it try and run propperly
>enter BIOS
>set frequency to 1333
>set timings to that found on RAM packaging
>if computer fails to post your RAM is shit.
>If computer is good, do a memory test so see if it is stable

Also make sure you are getting adequate airflow onto your motherboard, as the VRAM could be overheating causing it to crash.

Holy shit I didn't even notice the RAM clock speed
What RAM do you have OP?

>down-clocking your memory to run
user. The first D in DDR stands for "double".

this is why you should full formatted at first place
don't be a piece of shit, and clean install it

That image makes me shudder. Good for cringe threads and b8.

>The idea of Stallman liberating the masses doesn't give you a hard on

are you using your ethernet port? I have seen exactly the same thing a couple of years ago with a gigabyte board and it was a shitty driver for ethernet. disable it and try to use that if you can.

>4k @ 30Hz
Jesus fuck how are you not dying of brain cancer already?? I can barely tolerate 75Hz

>how the fuck would I even start with that?
gtfo of Sup Forums you goddamn newbie. I've googled similar problems when I was a teen and before I found this shithole

Disconnect everything unnessecary for booting and testing. Check if voltages and clocks are stock. Check for any screws or metal objects stuck on the mb or anywhere. Check cpu socket pins for any defects. Generally try to find any missing or loose small components like smd resistors and condensers, especially on ram and gpu. Try to isolate the problematic component by swapping one at a time. Start with PSU, ram, gpu.

Are you seriously fucking retarded? Disable it in the BIOS, goddamn just stay the fuck away from computer building from now on. You are the reason prebuilts were made.

I had the same fucking problem.
How did I fix it? I didn't -
Wiped and literally installed gentoo.

No more BSODs :^)

I had a similar problem. Ended going back to win 7 - but even still, the problems persisted. Bsods, as well as firefox crashing randomly when playing html5 video. I tried to think what I did similar across the 2 fresh installs. Ccleaner came to mind, so I used the backup .reg files to undo its work. That seemed to help! But still, I occasionally have the same issues, only now their random occurrence is much less of an expectation. Odd!