
Actually thinking of buying this.

Other urls found in this thread:

get some rope while you're at it

I was looking at it but it's so damn expensive, you can get ultrabooks with same specs for much less..

Looking at the new ThinkPad 13 now.

one way trip to dongletown

Why do you keep making shitloads of threads about the same laptop? Generic HP stuff that markets to normies, what's new.

For the love of god, stop.

yeah this idiot blew his money on the order and is just trying to justify his purchase by shilling it on this board.

shoulda done more research you stupid fuck hahaha

for a comparable ultrabook, there's the Yoga 910. it's rare, but they even sell a glass backed special edition in white

For what you get it's not actually that expensive especially compared to the competition


the 910 really isn't all that much cheaper

the 910 is a 14.0 inch FHD/UHD screen. it's using a PCIe SSD, is the Spectre using that too?
also has full sized ports mixed with type-c for flexability

the newest spectre is running nvme m.2 ssd, and is currently running two thunderbolt 3 ports, and a USB-type A port.

All pointless, the HP is still better.

>For what you get it's not actually that expensive especially compared to the competition

IDK mate, I tried it in a store and the tent mode left me amazingly unimpressed. Thin bezels look nice and the thunderbolt3 port doesn't hurt either, it's rather light and battery life is good... But the thinkpad 13 costs like 1200€ here (compared to 1500€ on spectre) and offers more ports, fingerprint scanner and (lo and behold) ram that isn't friggin' soldered on. Keyboard's supposedly a bit better as well (plus replaceable) and you get the thinkpad clitmouse... Plus it's Ubuntu certified if you care about that, which is nice as I am planning on dual booting.

That's my reasoning behind it all anyway. Spectre looks fancier but I ain't giving them 300€ more just for that.

neat, looks like the only difference is the screen size. I assume Spectre runs the same pricing model of having the base model as 1080p and all others UHD?

also spec for spec for 910 costs more than the spectre

is this the chinkpad 13 you're talking about?

I think you got the old one, the new model isn't up on the US site yet. The UK one has it tho

>it's another "laptop" thread

>screen resolution tops out at 1080p
>touch screen with no 2-1 capability
>typical disgusting thinkpad aesthetic
>heavier than the spectre
>no pen support
I guess if that's your thing.

I love it but I'd say get the last gen one (that still has Kaby lake because the lower heat output is a big deal) that has more than just thunderbolt 3, and some less-retarded screen options

AFAIK the new spectre tops out at 1080p as well and doesn't have stylus support either, but you're right on the lighter part.

Now that's the old new Spectre, the new new Spectre has 4K options and a nice digitizer (not just a finger on a stylus)


Where have you been the past two months?

the P40 is QHD and has a Wacom digitizer with an integrated pen

Huh, didn't see that one yet. Not that I'd consider it, it's gonna be even more expensive here in Europe, but I guess those are nice options if you care for them.

CS MSc semester finals. Don't ask.

Yeah no

Barely more expensive than the thinkpad

Actually thinking of buying this.

Had one when I was young, collies are good dogs.

>buy this, buy that

What does you guys' savings look like?

I don't even know what that whole insta-savings thing is about, but it obviously doesn't apply on German market, and sadly that's the one I gotta look at unless I wanna pay 400€-ish EU import taxes.

I have $60k and nothing to spend it on. I rent apt, an okay car, bills are minimal.

What do cool people use money for?

>When you finally leave your thinkpads


Similar situation. I'm thinking a 3 month trip to europe next year.

Save it. I have $320K in the bank and I'm agonizing over buying a $2K PC.

bp made a laptop?

I'm actually kind of torn between dongle town and a generally useful computer. Thunderbolt 3 can drive anything in the fucking universe, though it does mean you need a hub or dongle.

I absolutely want the ability to connect my computer to basically anything, BUT to be honest the frequency that actually comes up is pretty rare. I'm not saying I definitely would, but there's a chance I'd prefer some dongles or a hub in my bag, and a thin laptop that I generally just use on it's own.

Did you the background area of my picture

>buying a windows laptop



not even once

are you such a moron you think that it's a dichotomy?

enjoy your spyware i guess dipshit.

I just bought something the other day, i have no idea what it is either but i hope its cool when i get it. Its an HP.

I would never actually bother flipping to tablet mode so 2in1 are useless IMO unless it's like ultra-light XPS 2 in 1

It has a USB A port

XPS 13 is objectively inferior

so that is......... the power.......

of thinness..........................

It's hp consumer trash though, too bad,

The dell xps 2 in 1 is .2lbs lighter than the spectre and has a MUCH weaker processor, and a much shittier display, and keyboard. People seem to forget that the xps 2 in 1 is worse than the regular xps 13 which is WORSE than the spectre

what are you even trying to say

HP stuff overall is pretty much flawless now

Hp has no answer to the XPS 15 tho

Spectre 15"

Well there is a 15 inch version of the spectre but it really comes down to preference with that. The xps 15 is a workstation whereas the spectre 15 has artists in mind.