Stupid Questions Thread - /sqt/

Isabelle is terrible with technology edition

Previous thread: Just fucking google it first, or use something like duckduckgo if you have turbo-autism

Other urls found in this thread:

Why doesn't this work?
startapplication && wmctrl -c "Window"
I know the wmctrl command works, it just doesn't work this way.

I'm retarded and can't figure out how to block stuff like this in Ublock Origin.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

That is my GT 640. The 1070 ITX is still quite small but bigger than it. Will it even fit on my motherboard, or would it collide with all the shit on the bottom even if the motherboard was outside of the case?

For more information,

GT 640:
Length 5.70 inches
Height 4.38 inches
Width Dual-width

GTX 1070 ITX Gigabyte:
Length 5.20 inches
Height 6.70 inches
Width Dual-width

I want a laptop with the following:
>beyond 1920x1080
>a decent processor, ideally 7th gen
>at least one USBC

Chromebook pixel is out because lmao16GB storage.

XPS13 looks alright but I don't want to feed the Dell Jews.

The spectre is only 1920x1080


What do cartoons make it look like you can just steal someones deed and now you on their house?

I need a decent antivirus for Windows Server 2008 RC2, nothing I find on the next is compatible with it

How can I host a completely blank website that I can edit with HTML for free? All the free hosting ones I can find on Google have some gay tumblrina UI for creation.

Changing my wi-fi channel actually does some difference on signal?

guy, i just wrote a linux rap. when i upload to youtube, will you check it out? it's fire i swear. a lot of linux references

If people near you use the same channel, you'll get stronger signal on your side.


How do I write unit tests? Is the idea just to check all relevant test/edge cases and check if you get the desired outcome?

The gut reaction wants to say that if you can only check cases you know about, which are probably going to pass anyway because you know about them... but I guess the idea is to be able to run the tests so that you know if something fucks it up in the future, not necessarily while you're writing it, yes?

You take a function, you feed it a set of inputs, and you check the outputs to ensure that they are what they are supposed to be.

It's simple. You can't expect to cover all cases, yes. However, most software projects will add new test cases whenever they fix a bug.

You can use GitHub Pages if your project is a simple HTML page, just commit the changes and it updates the website. Otherwise, Hostinger has a free plan for web hosting (html, php and mysql) but it has a limited bandwidth, if you just want to keep your simple website running 24/7, go with GitHub Pages.

No one cares MC Frontalot.

Looking into this now. Will update. Thanks user!

I'm bored enough to listen to it. Link senpai.

Ah, i didn't recorded yet...

whats the AMD equivalent of a 1070?

How fucked are these temperatures?

How do I stream a recording from my android phone to my PC to get saved?

I want to film myself doing a Dark Souls playthrough, but from my couch in my living room.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

2 480's crossfired

Got it working. Thanks a ton man.

Whats the alternative to windows movie maker nowadays?

i used lightworks. it worked

nobody wants to watch a fucking camera recording of your TV screen user
if you really want to record console video games you should get a capture card

>incognito mode

>sign ups

How do I torrent with TOR?

I've already read the statement of tor project "plz no torrent on tor! think of the refugees!" but I honestly don't care, I just need to use it one time for something that will get a lot of seeds after I've uploaded it once so it's not like I'm gonna clog the onion up, it won't take more than a couple minutes anyway.

Granted I have official, MS printed Office 2016 install media what's the best way to activate without a key?

I'm using a richfaces calendar component. i'm trying to get the form that the calendar is placed in to submit after a date is clicked, but "document....submit()" will either work too early(before calendar date is changed internally) or not at all. suggestions?

Should I wait for vega or buy a rx 480 already?

can I convert a folder of .alac files to .flac losslessly with ffmpeg?

Is your application exiting with 0?

Either way, what you probably want to do is
application ; wmctrl -c "Window"

just wait one more month

Kill yourself nigger faggod


macbook pro 13"

No u

I use an HDMI splitter specifically to undercut HDCP because fuck it, that's why. I'd also like to introduce a switch into the mix though. Is there any way to know if the two would play nice together? Any issues with HDCP, or introducing some amount of latency?
ok i'm become an officially waitfag now

Check the ryzen general to get your fix. It wont be too long though. Even if you won't be able to afford a vega, the current GPUs will begin falling in price.

If you put your splitter (that strips HDCP) before the switch, it will work fine. Any switch that is built properly will not introduce perceivable latency. If you're worried about that, try a more direct route to your display.

Anyone have experience mounting USB fans to TVs? My monitor has a pretty common issue with it's type, and the only solution besides sending it back to Sony (way out of warranty) is to hook up a cooling fan to the back. Thinking about converting my AMD stock fan to USB and mounting it or getting a better USB fan, but I'm not sure how to mount the damned thing either way. Any ideas?

Link related - the issue I'm having (turn off your audio):

Literally only used incognito mode to record the video.


>WD My Passport 1TB external drive
>had 700GB worth of movies, tv shows, music, backups, etc
>formatted to exFAT so it can go between osx and windows
>just been sitting in a drawer, hasn't been plugged in for months I'm pretty sure
>go to plug it into mac, doesn't show up
>open Disk Utility and it shows the drive, the partition is greyed out, drive has been renamed back to default "WD generic name + number"
>says it's 999GB used and 0bytes free, definitely had 300GB free last time I checked
>doesn't show up in windows either
>try to open windows disk utility
>doesn't even open
>unplug drive and it loads
>plug the drive in and it like fucks up explorer.exe and any programs trying to access the filesystem

Any good open source, or just free data recovery software that I could run over my PC or mac? Even if I could just see the directory tree I'd be happy, just had a collection of TV shows/movies I really liked

Any ideas?

What the fuck is wrong with the Windows store? I can't get it to download consistently. Or at half my available download speed. I've tried turning the p2p update shit on and off, clearing the catch and running the Windows store repair tool.

It goes 'steady' for a while but always inevitably stalls out and drops down to zero. Downloading a fucking 50GB game is painful enough with my shit internet without me having to click pause and resume every 10min to get it to start again.

Also while I was typing this post the entire download seems to have reset itself. Fantastic. I'm so glad I brought a separate SSD for this piece of shit OS rather than "upgrading".

Is it fine to mix RAM modules with different memory size, like 8GB and 16GB?
Is it fine to mix RAM modules with different timings?

Fine to mix different sticks of RAM with different capacities however, all of it will operate at the slowest frequency of the set

I have used "Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT" some years ago.
Not sure if it is free or not though.
You might want to make disk image and violate it instead, I think HDDRawCopy would work for it.

How do i remove and use the 'System Reserver' Partition on my Winblows desktop?

i just found 1gb ddr3, can i just chuck it in my pc (dual channel 4 slots

is it possible to tell Linux to use very limited CPU resources?

yes but why


what's the best terminal emulator?

Is there something similar to windows remote desktop for Mac? Something that keeps the local console locked while you're connected remotely and doesn't have shit performance like VNC?

Is there an adblock for Chrome on android phones?

There's a build of an AdBlock enhanced chrome browser, but it's become shit lately. I switched to Firefox mobile and ublock origin works great with it.

does firefox respect my freedumbs?

Where is a zero day market?

depends on mobo and cpu

You're fucked regardless, mate. Might as well go for something that actually works and doesn't rape the resources on your phone.

naked browser and lightning?


Don't get the browser get the apk in the small text under the button

Doesn't work either.

I want to do raid on my home server but can't decide on raid 10 or 6. I have 4x2TB drives.

How do i remove and use the 'System Reserver' Partition on my Winblows desktop?

i accidentally installed it on the wrong hard drive.

if you're a normie: reinstall but partition the drive before hand

if you're not a normie: copy the bootloader off of the system reserved partition (google it) then delete the partition, resize the other one

it's probably just easier to reinstall

nice try fbi


if you want to disable cpu cores for that boot session, kernel parameter maxcpus

if you want to move tasks to a different cpu: google linux cpu affinity (or taskset)

if you want to "isolate" cpu cores from the rest of the system, look into the kernel parameter isolcpus, however if a process is spawned on a cpu kernel code must also be ran on that core; if you do use isolcpus the 'numactl' command won't work, it's similar to taskset so maybe look into that too

if you just want a lightweight linux distro look into a lightweight linux distro, use a lightweight de/wm (tiling wms work), or don't use x, compile your own kernel removing options you don't want, etc, using "less cpu" is a misnomer, it's using it on something

if it's a ddr3 mobo, probably

>Is it fine to mix RAM modules with different timings?

if it works, the ram will run at the slowest speed

sometimes laptops dislike mixmatched(speeds/manufacturers) ram and won't boot but it's hit and miss

>Any good open source, or just free data recovery software

if all else fails, testdisk/photorec

clone the drive to somewhere else before trying to recover data from it in case of drive failure

What does the T in ISO 8601 timestamps stand for?

Is there a way to start a .exe minimized on windows? (without using the shortcut properties)

How do DNS servers work?
Is there just a big database of ips and names which are synced between world wide DNS servers? Who is the authority updating this db? Are all the names on all the servers, and if not, how do the computer knowing which DNS servers to connect to?

I'm not sure if the command string is standardized accross all Windows versions, but
start /min [exe]
works for me.

You can also try
start [exe] --new-window/min

And you can try looking at the second google result in addition to the first.

Yeah I found that on google but the thing is that another program starts the program I want to start minimized, I wanted to maybe edit the registry but the program doesn't have one, maybe I can create a registry?

DNSs will essentially have every single domain-IP link (the size of the map is easily within the storage capacity of a single server) and it can take a while for an IP change or a new link to propagate throughout the system.

Similar to the way IP addresses are routed through the internet, DNS propagation is a huge clusterfuck whose exact mechanisms will change from ISP to ISP and from their ISP to ISP. Each top-level domain (.com, .org, etc) is managed by a specific authority, but how THEY actually delegate the changes is as much a business question as it is a networking question, and ISPs will probably get in contact with a middle-man who manages all the interactions rather than dealing with each top-level domain directly.

Is searx dead?

You just need EasyBCD and a good partition manager. It's actually pretty easy. Just takes a few minutes once you know what to do.

All programs are started from a command string and a Window Context at some level, so you shouldn't be afraid to use those.

If you wanted to change it so the program will by default start with a certain command string, I believe the Compability properties of an exe (run as administrator, etc) are stored using the Registry. A little googling shows me in Windows7 it was in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
I'm not sure if it's different for Windows 8+, but a little googling from that launch-point should help some:

Yeah just did it but now windows is not genuine,

What, did you just reinstall the whole thing without bothering about the license?

i updated my new N3DS to 11.3
what do

I don't even, Sup Forums.

Well i used EEasyBCD and just copied the boot files from /F And put them on /C

The key i used was actually actived with like some crap tool or something.

Ok. That should not be a thing. What version of windows do you have and where did you get the "crap tool"?

I use Windows 7 Ultimate and i got the tool in a torrent.

Which is better for a hard drive's lifespan: leaving it idling when not in use, or turning it off and having to have it start up again next time it's needed?

Yeah, you should probably just format that sum bitch and start over. If you don't give a flying fuck about malware in your system, you can just reactivate with Daz

Guys, I've been learning HTML-CSS-JS for roughly 2 days so far, and I'm still struggling trying to understand how divs and generally document "structure" works, well maybe not necessarily document structure (because it's rather obvious) but more correct said objects' placement within body section - no clue if that's a good way to call it though. I mean just take a look at the following example - it's taken from one of free templates you can find at w3schools.

I understand that the website is divided into elements, that indicate where certain things such as logo, menu etc. should show up, the problem is that I don't really understand how it's done (I know that it's all about css however I still cannot find any entries regarding positoning in w3 official .css file) and why those divs have some weird classes alligated to them? I know that the question is rather dumb but I really need help with this one ;_;.

Conventional wisdom is leave it on. Test data with modern controllers are a bit limited, though, and it probably won't make a huge difference.

cheers senpai

I get this every-time i boot

how does the PIA VPN work?

i downloaded the client and got it connected now. Does it mean my internet traffic is going through the VPN now, all of it?

install gentoo

I wish, but i have too many gaymes and gay porn

What's that after Local\?
Also why is your username lard?

On Android, can you get in app purchases for free?

I know that by rooting you can install paid apps by installing apks from the web.
Is it possible to trick the app into thinking you've paid for something?
If there is a way, does it always work or only for some apps?