Lol why buy the 1080, just wait for the 1080 Ti!

>Lol why buy the 1080, just wait for the 1080 Ti!
>still just a rumor 9 months later
Has anyone ever been as BTFO as 1080Ti waitfags? 1080 owners have had the best non-Titan card for 9 months, meanwhile retards are still, praying Nvidia will announce the 1080Ti at GDC.

Waitfags are the dumbest people on Sup Forums, prove me wrong. If you want something, buy it. Don't wait for Sup Forums to say it's ok, you'll be waiting forever.

Other urls found in this thread:

straight 1080 is garbage and so is your post

don't you know? the 1080ti will be beaten shortly after launch by the 2080/1180. it's like you don't know NVidia's release schedule.

>Not buying either the GTX 1060 or RX 480 on launch
>Waiting for old cards

Waiting Ti, how bad i done?

i just wanted a cheap 1070

How so?

Only thing I'm waiting for is a price drop to stick another 1080 next to my existing one

Jokes on you fuckers I've been waiting since the 680

>not waiting for the Nvidia brain implants

I already have 1050Ti eye implant

>muh vidya crap

We have dedicated boards for trash like you

The 1080 can't even run 1080p ultra settings @144hz, how the fuck is that even possible?

> Pooinloo lecturing people about D E D I C A T E D places for things


>tfw dual 1080s but a 3 inch penis

CPU's haven't improved much in 6 years so every AAA game is CPU bottlenecked at >60fps

you can always be on the receiving end

You should have just saved your money up for penis enlargement, it's like $10'000 for an extra four inches and significant girth improvement.

tfw 1 1080 and 6 inch penis

>Waitfags are the dumbest people on Sup Forums
>Letting other people to test out a fresh piece of hardware is dumb
It's like you don't learn or something

I got one of the gigabyte cards that were $380 on launch, then went up for months, and is now at $380 again

>i'll give it another few weeks
>i'll give it another month
>i'll give it another year
>i'll give it another gen

The 1080 isn't exactly new or untested anymore.

I'm waiting on the 1180 Ti
only retards settle for the 1080 Ti

>tfw dual 780s but 7.5inch

>spends a ton of money on shitty 1080
>not good enough for 4k and a 1070 is enough for anything below anyway
>1080ti about to come out
>buyers remorse sets in

you are a disgrace, OP. get out.

it's less than 20% faster than an meh oced 980ti

got myself a 980ti for 280€, since every shop were trying to get rid of them

a GTX1080 with decent cooling still costs ~650€(was >700€ at that time)

gtx 1080 is overpriced shit, fucking ridiculous

Titan X should have been the new gtx1080

>Has anyone ever been as BTFO as 1080Ti waitfags?

Literally every single AMD fan comes to mind.

Its normally amd buyers who use the wait for.
whats so garbage about it? are you just a bit shitty about it as you cant afford one?

>20% faster than a 3 year old flagship at a slightly lower price.

Meanwhile AMD sells you hot garbage that is 5% slower than years old 390x and costs $50 less and you shills call it best card of 2016.

What a fucking joke this board is.

Actually Sup Forums got very hardcore about punishing console wars/gpu shitposters. Starting a thread ends up with 2 weeks ban 99% of the time, it's the main reason why they're all here nowadays, because we really don't have mods.

Do it!. Im running them sli.

Waitfagging is masochistic

postpurchase rationalization
status quo rationalization

just upgrade in cycles

>buying Big Pascal
>get kekd by nvidia driver gimps
>be outperformed by midrange Volta for half the price a year later

Its coming up to a year soon. Will you overhype the new gpu like you did the 480 , you know the 980ti killer....

Vega waitfags have had it much worse, it's gonna be a full year in March.

>its going to be our best ever card.
>actually we decided now its going to aim for the low to mid market.

If I'd buy a 1080 for 1080p gaming, how long would it take for me to be forced into upgrading?
I bought a used 7950 in '14, and it's only now that I start to feel like it's not enough anymore.

A few years. Its overkill for 1080p so if you want a gpu that will or in theory should last then thats the one.
Unless you wait around six or so months and they may drop in price

I was a waitfag for Intel once.

Waiting for that Sandy Bridge processor for AVX. Nope, decided I'd wait some more. Waited for that Haswell. Not really worth it, plus my Core 2 Quad still works. Decided I'd wait until Skylake. Nope, still not worth it. Gotta be Kaby Lake then. Nope. Still not worth it.

What's the point of new processors? It's just the same old fucking shit making us all a bunch of faggots waiting for the next revolutionary piece of hardware. Instead we get these incremental improvements which add up to jack shit.

Fucking computers, what's the fucking point it's just a big waste of my life. I'm 35 and still a virgin and my health is going to shit and I waited the last 5 years for fucking nothing. Maybe I should just order some lead aspirin and get it over with. Fucking computers are a grave man. A fucking grave. Don't end up like me.

I'm well avare it's overkill for 1080p, that's why I'm expecting it to last longer that, say, a 1070, or 1060 on the same resolution @ 60hz.

yes but then I said thats the one. Obviously as well itll stand better over time than the 60/70 cards.

im waiting a few years and buy an used 1080 for 1080p it should be fine anyway with older games

1070 would probably be the better choice still.
A 1080p will be limited by its VRAM long before the speed of the GPU itself becomes a bottleneck.

Unless 1080ti is 4k@60fps ready I'll stick with my 980ti.

Meant GTX 1080 at 1080p

You think 8GB of VRAM would be obsolete by '20?

I'm just waiting for a card that can reliably handle modern games at 100fps. Honestly the 970 I have handles everything I've thrown at it with the exception of DE:MD and The Division with Gameworks shit turned on at 1080. Granted not always 60fps which is not always relevant depending on camera and game pacing anyways. Pretty fucking happy as it stands but I can't justify buying a new card that can't keep up with the resolution refreshes of late.

>thinking this is acceptable

There's some games right now that need more than 6 GB VRAM for max settings. So, yeah.

>Using a severely melted HP laptop with a snapped off screen, VGA attached to a 720p monitor, a walmart mouse, and a 7 dollar pair of earbuds with one ear missing.

>I'm waiting on the 1180 Ti
>only retards settle for the 1080 Ti

Not waiting for the 1280 or 1280 Ti. You're literally a vegetable.

when should i upgrade my 560ti?

sure and lose 90% of sensation + have to manually pump your penis to get it erect, like a tranny.

Thanks for the lesson. Was going to wait for Kabylake-X for that 7740k, but I guess a 7700k is enough.

> Waitfags are the dumbest people on Sup Forums, prove me wrong.
Ryzen is going to be released in 10 days and it's the bomb.

>it's going to bomb.


The only thing that is going to bomb is Intel fans' asses, causing an overwhelming butthurt to them.

I play games, but honestly I don't belong on Sup Forums. I for one tend to talk where the conversation goes, which leads to me "being off-topic".

I like retro gaming and am passionate about it, but also heavily enjoy the concept of building powerful computers for it. Sup Forums doesn't talk about hardware much at all, nor do they talk about the games I play. I can't even get what I want on /vr/ because they will start talking about newer mods and I am a traditionalist. Thus, I am not really welcome anywhere.

But I love hardware. I love specs and obsess over the smallest temperature drops I can make to my CPU. I even fancy trying to jump over to Gentoo if my collection still works over there. Based on certain guides online, it might be possible, though I am intimidated by being a GNU/Linux noob. Plus I still have nothing to replace Adobe Premiere, where I render a lot of 4k videos, either as a hobby or some for my job.

I guess what I am trying to say is technology can be used for different purposes. Many Sup Forums lurkers are programmers that can be happy with a simple setup. Me? I am the type that gets hyped about every upgrade.

I hate consoles, so I can't be Sup Forums. I can't be PCMR either, for they all love Windows 10, which I consider to just be a console OS. Being on Windows all my life, it is hard to switch and confuses me greatly, but I love the concept of GNU/Linux if not the potential limitations I could have. So don't direct me to Sup Forums, for I am welcome there a lot less than I am here.

Thank goodness for EVGA step up
I'm so sorry.

>Buying overpriced nerfed cards
fukken lol.

>he bought GTX 1080
>enjoyed supreme performance, 1440patrician, superior nvidia drivers, maximum energy efficiency, frosty temps and whisper quiet cooling for 9 months going strong

>he bought a poo in loo 'stop-gap' card while waiting for Volta/Vega
>enjoyed inferior performance, 1080pleb, buggy cpu consuming divers, pcie slots being overvolted, noticeable temps, fans running during light desktop operation

Just like people have been waiting for Zen for fucking years.

Tempted to switch to Ubuntu on my next desktop upgrade or sooner once Vulkan makes headway

Technically speaking I am managing fine on win10 for the time being with only forced updates pissing me off every once in a blue moon when I need to leave my computer running for a long period of time. And main taskbar being a pain in the ass to move if there is no empty space to click and drag. And not being able to uninstall a few applications like cortana or the Xbox app

Can't be fucked chasing after Microsoft to reinstall the same key on a new motherboard, and I sure as hell am not paying for a windows license. Last license was an academic win7 one that I got for free through uni

But more importantly, No menu option to disable telemetry altogether with lowest option as "Basic" is disconcerting, also:
>we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to:
>1.comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies;
>4.protect the rights or property of Microsoft, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the services – however, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property of Microsoft, we will not inspect a customer’s private content ourselves, but we may refer the matter to law enforcement.
Don't like the idea of having a snitch snooping on me without my knowledge at anytime

Between VM+passthrough and WINE should be able to manage for most applications, found good enough alternatives for the majority of the tools I use for hobby work even if they aren't the same caliber, Like KiCAD instead of Altium.
Yet to find a decent CAD for mechanical design though. Only really worried about driver support for the latest GPUs

1060 SLi > 1080


>lower price
Reading comprehension sure is hard.

I just wanted something that would work at max capacity on Win7 for as long as possible. Remind me what AMD/NVIDIA said they were going to do? I know going forward new cards will be crippled somehow on the 7 but I can't remember how.

I got the msi 1070 for like $350.

Thank you

Jokes on you i am still waiting to buy my first pc.

My work paid for it so I couldn't care less, any percentage faster and more ram is worth it for my work.

>tfw have all my parts except gpu because waiting for fairytale make believe 1080ti because Sup Forums told me so

>got SLI 1080s for $900 on craigslist
>was a waitfag to told myself I need to resell these before Janurary
>ended up being too lazy to sell them
>1080 Ti still hasn't come so prices are still strong

I swear Kami-sama is with me when I buy PC parts.

Ayymd won't release a card that competes with the 1080 so what bother?

>one friend bought a 2gb 960 last year
>a week later, I got a used 390x for less than he paid
>another friend bought a 4gb 960 for $300+ a week before 1060s came out, despite me telling him not to
the true cucks are the ones who buy new

>not expecting, and waiting for, the 1290ti


>tfw 670 but 7 inch penis

Buy r9 290 just before 3.5gate.
>closest performing card is rx480
>rx480 is still >£220