Do you use it?
Social media
No but did he get that $10k?
Well seeing as how the picture went public I can only assume that the backlash would be savage if there was no pay
for communicating with the car clubs I'm part of, mostly
only if it's not facebook. I like arguing and faecesbook stops that.
>I like arguing
Why, are you mentally retarded?
Confirmed for mentally retarded.
Facebook is like the best for arguing lol what in the fack
i'd argue that isn't true
Well kys faghot
No, I use Facebook's messenger 'service' which on paper isn't all that jewed, of course they're monitoring everything I say and selling the info but I don't get fed targeted ads and I can interact with all my normie friends who insist on using Facebook, kind of a happy medium.
Explore Facebook groups
Their dark and deep
nope. i closed all of my media accounts 4~5 monts ago. I used facebook 8 years.
Only use Facebook because I need to for my college
I don't.
It was required to communicate with others for some group projects at college though but i just did the projects alone.
Almost as deep as the neverending void we're supposed to refer to as your mind because you are one fucking retard that's for sure
Their dark and deep what?
What's going on with their dark and deep?
I don't use any
It's for normies who want to feel special that a few people took the time to press a single button to show their support for some bullshit you've said or done instead of actually taking the time to converse with you or interact with you in any meaningful way
Social media uses you, not the other way around.
You use social media in the same way a pig or cow uses the farm.
So like Sup Forums
github is my only social media. for uploading backup portfolio, following updates to js libraries, watching new versions
No. I already waste too much time in this shithole.
I use it to talk to mY mom
She gets sad if I don't talk to her
If you just learn to argue without meme arrows and racial slurs then Facebook is the absolutely best place to argue.
I have literally ended tens of """friendships"""" by logically counterargumenting their retarded parroted politics