RX 480

>RX 480
>FX 8350
>50 FPS in GTA on High


Other urls found in this thread:


cpu bottleneck

Turn off advanced graphics, CPU should be in the 80fps range

Everything in advanced graphics is off, everything in normal graphics is on high, 2x MSAA, 8x An-isotropic Filtering

Would OC'ing help?

I have a 290X and 8120
I had to get the 8120 to 4.5GHz to hit 60 on max and that still had occasional dips

fucking retard
kill yourself

Welp, at least ryzen is right around the corner

Y-you too

sell your body to science

bump it up to 4.4

I actually want to do that when I die

Will try that, wanted to get it up to 4.7 which is why I got a water cooler

GTA is unoptimized trash
OC your CPU for best results

Go back to Sup Forums you dumb weeb

Tell me more

Running gtav at 50 with a 280x and n fx6100 @4.5ghz

Seems like all the games I like are unoptomized trash...GTA, ArmA, DayZ...

Sup Forums is pretty cancerous tbqh famalam

>tbqh famalam
maybe you're the one who's cancerous

Trying to OC is your only option
The only reason I'm even responding to you is because you gave me my new desktop wallpaper in the OP

>posts anime pic
>calls people weebs
>on an imageboard founded on anime
>which was founded by a weeb

when will you learn, you little pobrecito

>Not understanding irony

>low end cpu
>low end gpu

Go back to Israel novideo and Intel shill

AMD != Low end

RX 480 is by no means the best performance you can get, but calling it "low end" is just showing your bias.


in a similar boat except I have an intel 3570 and a 1060.
Check your GPU load and CPU load and the types of settings that affect FPS.
I get great framerates on ultra while still but when driving around they dip a lot, regardless of settings like AA and post-processing.
My CPU is at full load at these times but my GPU isn't, suggesting a bottleneck.
Just common sense.

That's their whole business model.
Best bang for your buck.
For your buck,
They are not the best bang.

Bang for your buck != low end

that's value, not low end. OP setup would be considered "mid grade"

Those games are optimised. I used to have an fx 8350 @4.4 ghz and I would get like 30 fps in Arma. You need to get an Intel processor like an i5-4690k. when I upgraded to that I get like 80+ frames in arma and gta

ArmA 2 or 3?

Yes, just upgrade to an Intel processor! All your problems will be solved!

that's not necessarily true.
Bang for your buck means good value for money.
That doesn't necessarily mean the value is inherently lower than the competition though.

For example Macbooks are mad bang for your buck.
What you get for your money isn't really worth it.
However they're not the best on an objective level either, many of Apple's competitors sell higher spec ultrabooks for the same price or less or more.

Wtf is that image

Gooble Gobble youtube.com/watch?v=9C4uTEEOJlM

Arma 3 mainly.


You're doing something wrong

The game should be running fine
What OS are you using?

>FX 8350

I think you're confusing cost and value
you're saying high cost items can still be high value

Win 7. I feel like this is the problem, because I just did an OC to 4.7 with 1.48 VCore and im still getting ~48ish FPS in the city. It drops as low as 28 for a few seconds in Franklins neighborhood. I want to upgrade to 10 but I dont know the situation with its spying and the flat design gives me actual headaches.

Windows 10 is even worse for games. Never upgrade to it. That, the spying, and the terrible UI makes it suicide tier
Try finding some kind of benchmarking software that will tell you what is being your bottleneck here

There wouldn't be a performance difference, your overclock may simply not be stable, reset everything to default and do a fresh install on your OS

what's your fps with all your settings on low? what's your resolution?

>implying your CPU can go this fast

>RX 480
>Low end

fuck off JewVidia shill

OP here different computer

res is 1920x1080
in open areas like the pier and airport I get 60fps constant, but then im in city areas with buildings and shit i get 30-40. Also, when the number pedestrians in an area drops (when i kill them) the FPS goes up. So CPU issue? Iven when its clocked at 4.7ghz?

With everything on "high", FXAA on, anisotropic to 16x I get about about 40 fps in the city

Forgot to mention thats with everything on low, 1800p resolution, and its only a 10fps improvement

So set everything to low and report back some setting you're using it most likely very CPU intensive


Hate you both

>50 FPS

>low settings