>be me
>hate having to rely on web browser to remember passwords
>think about using a password manager
>most are pay to use
>decide to ask Sup Forums which they prefer/use
What password managers does Sup Forums use?
Other urls found in this thread:
Windows: keepass or pwsafe
Gnulinux: pass or keepass
Simple and fast.
KeePass: Password Safe 2.35
Keepass. Also how do I convert my keepass database to work on the latest version? Its the only reason I havent updated it.
Send it to me and I'll convert it by hand for you.
I wasn't aware there was a problem. What version are you coming from/going to?
Pen and paper for random characters passwords
Everything else is memorized
I use my wife as pw manager
what's the difference between keepass and keepassx? which one should i use?
notepad that explains which object has the string of letters/numbers printed on it, along with the hints to the rest of the passphrase, along with never actually saying the name of the website
so basically "reunion stb bking" means that my credit union site's password would be the mac address of my set top box followed by where'sthebeef
this tbqh senpai
>anime pictures
>on a pepe website
Get outta here
LastPass because I can't be assed to install some crap that can't sync up with my apps without looking like a rat's ass.
Originally a Linux port of Keepass that went multi-platform. Use is up to preference/whichever one works best on your computer; they use the same format and should be mostly interchangeable.
Who are you quoting, faggot?
>giving your passwords to a 3rd party
what else do you expect from a "it's shit because it looks bad" normie
>caring about how a pasword manager looks like
I store mine in a file called "Password Safe.txt" in my home directory.
i have dozens of these pages
The free ones take your passwords.
The paid ones take your passwords and money.
>having to remember passwords
>having to sync passwords
>having to backup passwords
Pen and paper
I have a nondescript book. This book is wedged in among a bunch of other books. Ones very close to it are gay pornography by Dale Lazarov. Even if someone were to ignore those books and pick this one out among them, the passwords stored inside are slightly incomplete. The numbers are all missing from them. If you knew the theme, you'd find all the numbers in under a minute on my computer. Easy for me to keep track of passwords without ever forgetting, while keeping people from ever getting them IRL
Most people would probably only get as far as grabbing one of the porn books and looking at them out of curiosity instead.
You don't need to be as "elaborate" as me. Just keep a book nearby and store only part of the password in it. This will suffice if it's at home. Just don't make your password something like a guy I knew.
He literally (and unironically) used the password qwertyuiop1234567890
lastpass is the one and only
inb4 proprietary meme