
KHAN'D edition

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kpop desu lads

Need a bf lads

katie x

hopkins x

can all desert yanks just FUCK OFF please


Charli XCX



are the capchas stupidly slow for anyone else today btw?


That shit went right in the bin

you can integrate people into societies
you can't integrate societies into societies

Greggs beats all of those, you yank cunt.


Lads the holodeck is here



can all euro yanks (poms) FUCK OFF please

Yes we use dollars. Where do you think you got it from? Fucking yanks, you don't know your own history.

it's pretty shit right now since it's new but that's gonna be amazing in like 10 years.


too greasy, other pizza places are just better

Is this real? Has England really died today?



just be yourself

Just what I wanted, excercise while playing video games

>ywn have a hard light holodeck

i thought you used pounds or dubloons or something

She looks like a kind of more hot and less big titted Ariel Winter

I just want a gf lads
Please giv me one pls

standard australian poster kek

That looks so fucking autistic, and the shitty thing doesn't even simulate real locomotion.

made dandelion tea. wasnt very nice.

her tits are a search away but i think she looks nice and natural

take mine

Headphones have arrived lads

there is a lot of things to do but I'm not sure which

might go see the gf tonight or just sit in my room and get pissed

hard to decide really

CANNOT believe that so people bought the Wii. What an absolute piece of shit.

*penetrates you*

do me x

A reminder that yanks don't know what this device is or how it functions.

Don't know why I always feel wired when I take modafinil lads, know loads of people who take it and don't feel anything

Might be because I've done way too many stims and know what I'm looking for I guess

b-bread holder?

Having another cigarette because it's the only thing I can do

>tfw chain smoking

I can tell when I'm on it, and when the feeling starts to fade but if someone gave me it without me noticing I don't think I would notice the difference

Your cock ring

Ariel Winter got rid of her puppies ages ago

>wanting cold toast

smoking is so 1960's

why arsenal have the sexiest football team?

everyone else just looks like gimps

They're still big, stop the meme

ummmmmmm ok haha

do you drink coffee when you're on it?

that makes me feel wired

>he doesn't eat a slice every 20 seconds

Why don't people just admit smoking is still cool as fuck? Everyone acts like they hate it, but deep down they know it looks good

tell her arbys is shit i want sonic

Friendly reminder that modafinil will be banned under the new pyschoactive substance ban.

Seems like the ramblings of a chainsmoker trying to justify their addiction tbqh

But poppers won't because bent MPs need them :^)

smoking what

That's probably a good thing 2bh, they always end up trying to kill you.

It's aesthetic but if that's the reason you pick it up you're probably retarded.

indian > chinkys that do something besides that bog standard yellow curry sauce > nandos > kebab/munchybox places > the shite chinkies >pizza (always overpriced basic/minimal ingredients) >>>>>>>>>> hipster burger """"restaurants""""

Nah, just take it when I get up, have lunch, and start working, can always feel it when it starts to take effect

I only drink water on it

funk yarr

[uncanny valley intensifies]

it may look cool but everything else about it is horrible.

>Those awful scars where the husk of her former self used to be

Every single person I know routinely mocks smokers behind their backs and often to their faces for being disgusting human beings tbqh.

Caffeine is a psychoactive substance, why isn't it being banned?

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance, why isn't it being banned?

mum did you find the fountain of youth

can't find the external hard drive i keep all my porn on

having a mild panic attack

Won't make the slightest bit of difference, incredibly easy to get it and the bill won't stop that

lamb gyros >>


Are you watching Songs of Praise on BBC1, lads?

no you absolute plonker of course i'm not

Messing around with your dopamine levels to study is not a good idea. Caffeine is sufficient.

genuinely cannot believe people vote for the conservatives, how brainwashed they must be...

lol you and your pals sound like fun

>some girl overdosed on MDMA where I live
>no mention in the newspapers about how she ignored rule #1 of MDMA and was a fucking idiot and didn't keep hydrated and was dancing non stop in a crowded place and obviously died from dehydration

Fucking idiots

How brainwashed will the masses be into actually voting to Remain in June?

You surround yourself with bullies.

It's as easy to get as research chems, just the sites you buy it from aren't as dodgy

It depends on how much they actually crack down on it

Ah, you're a paki. I understand.

you guys are silly, murricans are here for fun

Say goodbye to your good boy points.


Go back to choking on rat poison m8.

I'd rather be surrounded by bullies than smokers.

Exempted substances

(1)In this Act “exempted substance” means a substance listed in Schedule 1.

(3)Before making any regulations under this section the Secretary of State must consult—

(a)the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, and

(b)such other persons as the Secretary of State considers appropriate.

----- ----- -----


Controlled drugs

1Controlled drugs (within the meaning of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971).

Medicinal products

2Medicinal products.

In this paragraph “medicinal product” has the same meaning as in the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 (S.I. 2012/1916) (see regulation 2 of those Regulations).

3Alcohol or alcoholic products.

In this paragraph—
“alcohol” means ethyl alcohol, and
“alcoholic product” means any product which—
(a)contains alcohol, and
(b)does not contain any psychoactive substance.
Nicotine and tobacco products


5Tobacco products.

In this paragraph “tobacco product” means—
(a)anything which is a tobacco product within the meaning of the Tobacco Products Duty Act 1979 (see section 1 of that Act), and

(b)any other product which—

(i)contains nicotine, and

(ii)does not contain any psychoactive substance.


6Caffeine or caffeine products.

In this paragraph “caffeine product” means any product which—
(a)contains caffeine, and

(b)does not contain any psychoactive substance.


7Any substance which—

(a)is ordinarily consumed as food, and

(b)does not contain a prohibited ingredient.

In this paragraph—
“food” includes drink;
“prohibited ingredient”, in relation to a substance, means any psychoactive substance—
(a)which is not naturally occurring in the substance, and
(b)the use of which in or on food is not authorised by an EU instrument.

Drugs are bad though, lad.

I still fucking do them though.

>So not only does Provigil increase dopaminein the human brain, butdoes it by similar mechanisms to Ritalin and cocaine, by directly blocking the dopaminetransporter.

wew lad

Yeah there's also loads of sites outside the UK which will sell it to you unlike most RC sites which are based in the UK

I don't know, the polls are always around 50-50 but when Obama threatened us the other day the leave side got a boost.

He completely misunderstood how we think. Some jf throwing threats just antagonises.

pizza is a meme food. very cheap 3 ingredients and some times some toppings that are always used sparingly

prices at £10 a go because normies never tires of the novelty that it's round

capitalist billionaires have never had it so easy

>drug taking degenerate defending his degenerate drug


why are they exempted though?

>I'd rather be surrounded by bullies than smokers.

big fan of this work til you die meme

nice graph lol