So why do we hate this again given the botnet alternative
we dont
first minute on Sup Forums?
It's just less overt botnet that denies you more freedoms.
And it's American.
With Android you have the option to buy from countries that aren't a surveillance state.
>It's just less overt
is it though?
I believed Sup Forums about iPhones right up until I bought one. iOS is honestly excellent.
>m-muh ultra-customizable home screen pocket computer that can't do any more or less than any other smartphone
Android is truly shit.
Well, yeah.
Apple just gives your information to the NSA, while Google also uses it for ads.
Android's not the only alternative.
>Android's not the only alternative.
really though it is
Meanwhile I've used neither Android nor iOS for two years and am happier than ever with my past couple smartphones.
Good for you. WP at this point, does not qualify as a smartphone platform.
Who said anything about Windows PHone?
I did. But same thing can be said for any other platform that is not ios or android.
>I only text and use social media
Reply when you can do anything actually useful without jailbreak
Nah, BB10OS is the best. I will never have another Android phone and never have and never will have an iPhone.
>I will never have another Android phone and never have and never will have an iPhone.
Preferences are preferences, I have never used a RIM device, I wouldn't be opposed to trying one if they fulfill my needs. But to categorically deny using a device on some weird ideology or principle I find it strange, if a tool works for you, then it is the right tool, if it doesn't it doesn't. But you can't say you refuse to use a hammer on principle or ideology when you still have a nail to drive down.
>But to categorically deny using a device on some weird ideology or principle I find it strange
That's the thing. Android is a tool that simply does not work for me. I'd rather be smartphoneless than use an Android device. Same goes for iOS, of course.
because 90% of us can't fucking afford this sweet grape!!!!!!
>countries that aren't a surveillance state
like what?
Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Netherlands, Switzerland
This!!! I soo much want newest iPhone 7 but I'm too much of a poorfag to afford it :( I hope I can get job at McDonald's soon and join richfag masterrace.
Like what? Shitposting from clover?
>newest iphone costs x3 the minimum wage in your country
fucking jews I swear, how is one meant to afford this
By not being a dirty poor nigger
>Reply when you can do anything actually useful without jailbreak
...what do you think a smartphone is, exactly?
>if you can't tinker with your phone all day long instead of using it as a tool to better your life, your phone isn't doing anything useful
You must be kidding. What makes you assume that their intelligence operates any different from NSA, CIA etc.?
Why do you think a Japanese, South Korean, Taiwanese, dutch ... state functions in a different way than a US American state? Only argument could be the lack of technology, but I doubt that ...
have used WP, iOS and Android
using WP at the moment and it's pretty much the best phone I ever owned
>no meme apps
congrats, redditor
Foreign intelligence agencies have no jurisdiction over me.
The security agencies in smaller countries are a way less significant force in the state apparatus and get way less funding relative to GDP. Japanese intelligence/counter intelligence is famously basically non-existent.
They're also not in a position to achieve the 'near complete, near real time awareness of everything' that USA is so fervently pursuing, so the temptation there is smaller.
Well yeah, technically speaking, that is true. But what do you mean? The NSA shouldn't spy on American citizens, but they did. why do you trust foreign intelligence any more than US?
yes, this is the only argument that counts. I said I doubt it but ok, I admit I don't know
I never said I trust them more. I simply feel safer with a foreign agency looking over my shoulder than an agency in my own country looking over my shoulder. I never said in either case that it's acceptable, but it's one or the other.
>exploding bendable trash
>utter shit battery life
>shit UI for mentally handicapped / elderly / iToddlers
>premium price for bargain basement chinkshit
ok I understand
a closed ecosystem with no way to know what is being monitored or not..
a open source ecosystem that you can btfo and install one of the countless roms out there..
gee i wonder why android became so popular..
>Japanese intelligence/counter intelligence is famously basically non-existent
That's a testament to their effectiveness.
>Japan, South Korea