Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド

This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan.
Let's tark at randam in Japanese and English. Take it easy!

#Previous Thread ---Useful Links---

>desustorage.org/int/search/subject/Japanese thread/
Real Kana
How to Learn Japanese
100 most common Japanese words

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She has a funny looking face.

yes she does, but i find it somewhat charming




Why do you hate cute girls? What did they ever do to you?

Why won't you make a thread with cute girls in it?




Fetal alcohlel syndrome

Is that a Japanese alien?


(is that correct?)


well you complain about giraffe-chan

also so what if she looks like an alien i know plenty of aliens id love to fug like ahsoka tano, darth talon, aayla secura

>Japanese alien





日本の宇宙人, 日本に住んでる宇宙人

Kind of Nakamura Yuhei








I want to give that butt a good slap so badly.

Sorry to hear that.

How old did it get?

Every time.




this is the music that plays when I see a jap irl


Very old. Probably about 13 or 14 or so.



What do you mean in Japanese when you say someone is 赤?



This is too complicated to say in Japanese so I'll switch to English, but please refrain from making dangerous comments like that one.

Diagnosed chemical depression can only be cured with meds, comments like yours drive thousands of people to suicide every year because they believe their illness is their own fault and that they're foolish for wanting a cure.


Actually, when reading your post I wondered: Why do you call a baby 赤ちゃん in Japanese? What's the connection to red?


Because their skin color is red like.

What is the source of your hatred for Japanese?

It could be someone's face is red. That means he/she is drunk, blushing, or perhaps getting angry.

The kanji can also be used for any color containing red (at least archaically), and babies are pink.


Maybe when they first come out, but it doesn't stay that way.



Well, 赤ちゃん pretty much refers to newborns and people in their first year of life, so it fits.
For the first month, babies look like they have a body-wide contusion all over their skin.

r8 my photoshop :)




all you did was change text 2/10

More like Paint.

I would rather kill myself if my only options in life were sadness or drugs. Also, you're on Sup Forums, don't expect to treated like a special snowflake.

You could have said 3 hours by Paint.


You seem to be under the very common misconception that antidepressants are some magical feel-happy pills that make you euphoric.

Antidepressants just allow a person suffering from depression to feel the proper response to events in life.

They don't make you happy, they just allow you to feel happy when something happy happens, something a person suffering from depression normally can't do.

Depression's main symptom isn't sadness, it's apathy. You feel empty a lot more than you actually feel sadness. Excessive sadness is, on the contrary, usually a sign that what you suffer from isn't actually depression.

quite offensive for the weeaboo community, NG/10



Drugs are a crutch. You must find happiness elsewhere.


modorized gart :DDDDDD


Why is it not 電動カート instead?

They're speaking with Finnish accent

It's spurdo-speak, I guess. I didn't make the picture.

I’m jealous of your depression because you will not have to feel sadness when you experience something shit


You honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
I have a perfectly good life already, I can't feel any happiness for it because of a chemical imbalance.

Clinical depression means you can't find happiness elsewhere, because you could win a Nobel, the lottery, find your soulmate and become President all at once, and still feel nothing from it because your brain is broken.

It's not that good. After a while you start purposefully damaging yourself so that you can at least feel something, even if it's sadness.
Otherwise your days are devoid of any emotion whatsoever.

Here's a proper version.


yeah, I'd kill myself too if I had to wake up and realize I was a jap living in japan every single day

Be my sex slave



Not until you start HRT.

>Otherwise your days are devoid of any emotion whatsoever.
unfortunately, we can live easier than with any emotion in Japan
I agree with you for the first time

Do you have what it takes to DOMINATE?


its funny how all the women around the world including your crush drop blood monthly from their vaginas


have you ever drunk the blood?
that is very delicious especially putting on rice



So me and my boyfriend were just sitting and watching some comedy show
and I thought this would be the perfect time to take off the polish on my nails.
Keep in mind I wasn't wearing pants, and the chair reclines pretty far back.
I accidentally poured a little too much nail polish remover onto the paper towel,
and it all hit me right on the panties, soaking very painfully into my vagina.
Next thing I know I'm screaming bloody murder and taking my panties off while running in circles.
My boyfriend then panics and starts throwing cold water on my vagina like he's putting out a fire.
Lesson learned: alcohol is dangerous in all of its forms.

I don't come here very often, maybe I should keep it that way.

So me and my boyfriend were just sitting and watching some comedy show
and I thought this would be the perfect time to take off the polish on my nails.
Keep in mind I wasn't wearing pants, and the chair reclines pretty far back.
I accidentally poured a little too much nail polish remover onto the paper towel,
and it all hit me right on the panties, soaking very painfully into my vagina.
Next thing I know I'm screaming bloody murder and taking my panties off while running in circles.
My boyfriend then panics and starts throwing cold water on my vagina like he's putting out a fire.
Lesson learned: alcohol is dangerous in all of its forms.



So me and my waifu were just sitting and watching some anime show
and I thought this would be the perfect time to take off the polish on my body pillow.
Keep in mind I wasn't wearing pants, and the chair reclines pretty far back.
I accidentally poured a little too much sperm onto the paper towel,
and it all hit me right on the body pillow, soaking very painfully into my waifu.
Next thing I know I'm screaming bloody murder and fucking my bodypillow while running in circles.
My waifu then panics and starts singing in KPOP like she's putting out a fire.
Lesson learned: Sperm is dangerous in all of its forms.

The lens on her phone seems to be a bit greasy, her face is all blurry

it's my civilian duty to clarify: acetone causes severe itching and burning in sensitive skin areas, but it isn't quite a rapid and overwhelming as this story. on occasion blisters might form but it's unlikely from minor exposure from your diluted drugstore polish remover.

tl;dr: girl is stupid and should have called for medical assistance immediately if she was in pain but probably made this whole thing up.

are you white?
