Did I do good, Sup Forums?

Did I do good, Sup Forums?

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>not waiting for ryzen


yes go for it but then record your self when ryzen launches in 10 days and you just spend so much money on housefires


(You) fucked (you)rself hard, then tripped over (you)r own dick.

Flat out, the RAM should have been under $100, if not under $90.

> he went with Intel
> in this current year

I've had AMDs in the past and they were shit.

W... what?

I've been away from Sup Forums too long. Apparently the whole board is AMD shills now.


its coming in full force

Nice waste of money, dumbass

Dude. You're missing the last Ryzen chopper out of Saigon. You fucked up, now you pay the price.

RAM costs are going up though. $135 is probably the best you could get for that speed and latency.

Fucking LPDDR4 for normie phones is sucking up all of the chips.

>He actually bought intel in feb 2017

I've been seeing people say RAM is going up but I didn't know it was that bad.

GJ OP you got all those (You)s from triggered AMD Poojets.

You did well OP, still needs a CPU cooler. Ignore the waitfags, especially AMD ones since they always base all their hype on speculations.

You are fucking stupid. Whether ryzen will be shit or not, we will find out. There is no harm in waiting literal 2 fucking weeks to see if hype is justified or not. Enjoy your buyer regrets if ryzen ends up being good.

$348.89 says you are too stupid to utilize an i7 anyway. Just go mid range i5 and pat yourself on the back. You tried to not be a retard, and failed.

hahaha i love you idiots saying..

>look i had amd 6 years ago, they are trash because i have no fucking idea what it comes down to in the end

have fun seeing your kaby shit cost 150$ less in the following month

I already have a 212 evo. The reason I bought all of this is because games crash out constantly and I've been getting BSOD's for memory management, among other things, but the RAM passed MemTest86+. I have a 4790, Gigabyte GA-Z97-X Gaming 3 mobo, and 32 gigs of HyperX Fury RAM at 1866 MHz.

Out here in the fields! They fight for there meals!

>$0.02 added

Ryzen won't be better than Intel, just cheaper. If he has more money than smarts he literally cannot go wrong. Especially since this rig screams gaymer from a mile and Intel is still going to reign supreme in Sup Forumsermin department.

the nda is being lifted in 8 days and the launch is in 10

Ok that pic made me chuckle. Also checked.

>Especially since this rig screams gaymer from a mile

You could say that.

Why do so many motherboards have to have gaming shit, it's fucking annoying, asus is probably the worst contender for this shit.

And knowing AMD you will wait 3 months before prices of mobos and CPUs drop to where they're actually supposed to be, it's like you never learn.

>150$ for a motherboard

aight, we have a retard in here

zen has the potential to be better than intel one day though.

they are so damn near close that intel can go bankrupt if they don't do careful steps now

Fair point, but he asked if he made good purchase, which he didn't.

because amd has any control on retailers...

also we already have mobo prices and if you remove the over the top priced asus ones they are nicely priced..

yeah i guess shitel fans are running out of excuses nowdays..

Better than the one Amazon was trying to pair it with.


Yea of course paying $100 more for 5% better performance in games that actually utilize CPU in first place (it's only a small chunk) is dumb. Personally if I was doing rendering I'd switch to AMD in a heartbeat.

We also had RX 480 prices which looked so amazing on paper, then I hit reality of living in poorope where a good RX 480 costs as much as 1060 6 months after the release. Why do you even use this retarded MSRP argument to defend a company in the first place? Will AMD refund me every dollar I overpaid when compared to their suggested price? No? Then shut the fuck up.

the msrp is a suggested price you caveman its not mandatory

It's almost as if supply and demand influence prices more than AMD can control.

That said, Intel will be leaning on retailers to create artificial shortages to send prices up.
High retail prices hurt AMD only, since the retailer still pays the same price from their supplier, and their supplier still pays the same price from AMD

AMD however can adjust the prices.

you must understand that yields are fucking huge. the chance that amd prepared a massive amount of chips that the supply won't affect the pricepoint

I know that, you're the only who implies suggested means anything and we should use it as a pro AMD argument when in reality AMD's poverty in manufacturing strikes in and we always end up with overpriced demand and supply disparity.

Yes goyim you done very well yes yes


and they did for asia on 170 msrp and guess what

the prices remaind the same

no fucking company has any power among the retailers

>Sup Forums hates minorities in tech and constantly uses terms Jews and Indians as an insult to describe shills and tech illiterate anons.
>Still calls Sup Forums a terrible containment board.

Who was in the wrong here?

>One day
>intel could go bankrupt
the only reason amd is still a thing is because intel is not allowed to have a monopoly
and no intel doesn´t have to be careful

everything will stay as it is right now

i lost hope long ago that amd could actually actively compete with intel

i think you should answer again only when you have anything substantial to offer than stupid comments like this

both samsung and glofo is currently producing 62k waffers per year this is nowere near enough for amd to cover p10/p12/zen/vega/hbm2

if you guys wanna invest on Kimberly-Clarke stocks do it before ryzen launch there will be a lot of blue tears around

I've had Girls in the past and they were shit. Now i fuck guys.

And that's a problem how?

That's some AMD fan analogy tier right there. Good job man.


Enjoy your backdoor, intel goy




Another post-Zen suicide incoming

you can't wait two weeks?

Gamers are impatient.

Needs more RGBs, friend, but I upvoted just in case.

I am gonna buy the same setup in summer. You did very well OP.

Protip: never buy AMD.