Tech cringe thread?

Tech cringe thread?
Tech cringe thread.

Greentexts and reposts edition
Starting off with OC

3 4

>Keep win8.1 dual boot around for... not sure why
>Boot it once every half year to keep it somewhat updated
>That time of year again, ugh
>This always takes way too long, I'll let it update while I leave for the weekend
>Click the windows update thing
>It says it's searching
>Leave for the weekend
>Come back 2 days later
>Searching for updates
>You gotta be fucking kidding me
>Hasn't done a fucking thing

Nuked the partition and never looked back.

When I last did a win7 install I had that never ending update searching problem as well. You have to manually install an update to get it to work.


Yeah I couldn't be bothered looking up how to fix this ridiculous shit, I never used it anyway.

This, but it happened on Vista for me.

>bout a two months after I first started lurking
>guy make a stupid comment about png images
>”its superior cause its lossless”
>he’s probably a flacc fag too
>make my first comment ever
>I hand typed his post #
>got it wrong
> :-(

You're supposed to lurk for at least 2 years before ever posting.

Shut up fag

its something only tru oldfags remember
u r not one then

(but srs, its that one about the guy with the laptop and his mum and his sister fuck him over and it makes Sup Forums rage/cry everytime)

Fuk u

wtf is this

It's from the official MSI YouTube channel


I seen that fucking screencap a lot of times and I didn't get it either.
This as gone far too meta




you only had to restart the windows update service.

Reddit go home

Zen IPC ~ Sandy Bridge
Zen IPC+SMT ~ Haswell