what are you working on Sup Forums?
previous thread daily reminder functional programming is the future
daily reminder haskell can do what your language does in a third of the code
What are you working on Sup Forums?
First for
>his CPU doesn't run on lambdas
>he doesn't have a lisp machine
I have a Racket machine.
who here /unironic-lisp-style-in-haskell/
i have a kekskell machine which roleplays as a lisp machine
unironically me
If you write in C or any of its derivatives, your code most likely sucks and is extremely unreadable.
You faggots are inane if you can't invert a n-ary tree.
Is there a self-hosting bare bones lambda calculus interpreter? I'm sick of normal languages.
make one, dumbass
also, just because it's turing doesn't mean it's useful.
You can write very elegant and clean C code.
You can write Haskell code which is a line-noisy clusterfuck.
C++ is just a fucking travesty though.
types or no types?
>make one, dumbass
I wouldn't be asking if I even considered that possibility.
what a meaningless word which is itself not useful.
I honestly don't even care at this point.
>series of function calls
Daily reminder. If you compile with flag '-masm=intel' instead of '-masm=att', you eat shit.
What is running the 'base' interpreter?
Or is it just turtles all of the way down?
why not haskell then?
>What is running the 'base' interpreter?
The interpreter itself. I couldn't care less what language they used to bootstrap.
I don't know why you think it fits the description of "bare bones"
>The interpreter itself
What's the fucking point, then?
Why wouldn't you just run the program on the bootstrapping program?
A "self-hosting interpreter" is probably one of the most useless things you could write.
Haskell is 99% typed lc
It also adds type classes, pattern matching and pure IO
>What's the fucking point, then?
I don't want it to be written in a garbage language.
>Why wouldn't you just run the program on the bootstrapping program?
Why would I?
>A "self-hosting interpreter" is probably one of the most useless things you could write.
I don't quite get why you think that's the case. And I didn't say I was going to write such a thing, I was asking if it was already available for a non-garbage language.
You're using some kind of strange number system if you think this is true.
>It also adds type classes, pattern matching and pure IO
So this is just 1% of Haskell according to you?
>No /dpt/ in the OP
You really fucked up.
Don't post your stupid special snowflake shit, and just stick to the standard format, including the thread title.
>So this is just 1% of Haskell according to you?
Could you stop lying please?
>I don't want it to be written in a garbage language.
Write a self-hosting compiler then.
>Why would I?
Performance reasons.
Not wasting your fucking time.
>I don't quite get why you think that's the case.
As above.
remake the thread senpai, i would but for some reason the captchas shitting the bed on me
Duplicating the thread at this point won't help.
Making a new one would only be a good idea if OP deleted this thread, but I think the maximum amount of time you're allowed to delete a thread in has already passed.
just make a new one and let this drop off, its important to have the subject line otherwise people will assume theres no /dpt/ active
new thread with /dpt/ in the subject so it can be found via catalog:
>Write a self-hosting compiler then.
I have never done self-hosting ones, I would imagine it's a lot harder if the language you want is pretty minimal.
>Performance reasons.
I'm fine with performance similar to other languages which already use self-hosting interpreters.
>Not wasting your fucking time.
And you think writing a compiler wouldn't be considered a waste of time if such a thing was already available?
>other languages which already use self-hosting interpreters
Like what?
I know of languages that have self-hosted JIT compilers, just not actual interpreters.
Don't know about other lisps, but Scheme commonly uses one.
Scala has an interpreter. Self-Hosted is not really the case,it runs atop a Java VM which itself runs atop an OS Kernel. But up there it is running on Scala.
Found what I was doing wrong. That algorithm only works for lines with a slope below 1, while the example I was using had a slope above 1, which is why it didn't work for shit.
Anyone here familiar with SCPI?
What about the Rohde & Schwarz CMW 500?
At work we do RF testing on cell phones, and i've learned that one can connect directly to the instrument using something called the "Raw Socket API". (basically just telnet to the instrument on port 5025) Once connected, you can use SCPI commands/queries to control the instrument.
SCPI appears to be some sort of colon-delimited scripting language.
I don't really know that many SCPI commands yet, but i'm looking to learn more.
I haven't found much instruction on the subject, with the exception of one little webinar-video that helped to get me started:
Reminder that proud whites use C and cucks use rust.
And here we go again with CS-students General.
/dpt/ has been around for years
I'm interested in learning a (pure) functional language. Which use cases would be better suited for a (pure) functional language instead of another one (Java, C++, etc.)?
Haskell is a pure functional language
In terms of better suited, things that are at a higher level, as well as greater safety
write a function that returns the average of two integers
> Which use cases would be better suited for a (pure) functional language instead of another one
Anything which doesn't involve low-level state mutations.
GHC isn't even close anymore and nobody uses vanilla haskell in real projects
int main(){
int a;
int b;
return (a+b)/2;
monads tho
I only use a very minimal amount of Vim's key bindings. I'm getting tired of Vim because I can't copy code to clipboard at times.
How hard is it to learn spacemacs? Is there something like vimtutor?
No parameters?
static int averageOfTwo(int first, int second) => (first + second) / 2;
Not hard at all, especially if you know vim already.
> Is there something like vimtutor?
There is evil tutorial, which is pretty much vimtutor, but it's very bare-bone and you're really want to read spacemacs docs: spacemacs.org
Chimpanzee here
How do I into haskell lambdas?
Reading 'Haskell Programming from First Principles' and doing the exercises.
Only at Chapter 3 atm. If I get at least to Chapter 10 I'm definitely going to buy it.
\x -> e
What's so hard?