What country do you never want to see?

What are the countries that you would least desire to visit?

Everyone has their travelling wishes but what are countries you really want to stay away from?

For me it's probably China and India.

I don't think I'd feel safe in most parts of Africa

Brazil and most of Africa


I really dislike asians.

Probably India. Also all the African countries that are actually dangerous to go to.

Most African countries
Most Middle Eastern countries

Latin America
Any islamic country
Any slavic country

I want to see everything tbqh. The only places I wouldn't visit are the one in which my life can be in imminent danger.

Not sure, probably Chile and Turkmenistan. Neither interests me in the slightest.

>most of Middle East except Egypt

Unless it's being sunk.


I want to see most countries, and I've been to many third world countries already.

Only countries I don't really have an urge to visit are some of the Central and West-African countries.

We're good people pls dont hate :(


Any people with actual exposure to Indian Culture probably don't post here.


Somebody's mad about being KHAN'D

>China and India
same to be honest. and Central Africa (all of them)


I want to go every country.

I wish I were wealthy :(

Based recursive answer. That's probably the default answer for all us 2nd/3rd worlders.

None really. Every place on Earth has something new and interesting to offer, even the worst shitholes and the most irrelevant nations.

I will visit all in my lifetime.


>I wish I were wealthy :(


Congratulations, Takahashi, you have made all of us proud

Nah, I actually like Mongolia and some of the Central Asian countries like Kazakhstan etc, it's just the Eastern Asians and Indians I don't like.

Australia and UK

australia and nz, too far away for basically the same shit

All of Africa. All of Middle East. India. Southern Asian shitholes like Thailand, Philippines.

South and Central America.

Eastern Europe. Northern Europe. Southern Europe. Russia. Any country that ends with -ISTAN


Iceland. Norway and Mountain Jewland.

It probably would've been easier to tell you which countries I'd visit.

Most of the world tbqh. There's not much to see in most of Latin america, africa and the middle east. The world pretty much sucks outside some centres


Every European country, they're all pretty much America now but with special snowflake languages and old rocks to look at

Woah this is the dumbest thing i read today so far


Russia. I would never go there without artillery support.

But it's all true, they act like Americans and think like Americans. The only thing un-American about them is their snowflake languages

I can confirm this.

Why are you so rude?

A united Ireland.

Middle East
I would never visit those places tbqh. The locals are not only very stupid but also violent.

Out of all the countries I've visited, China was probably my favourite. I'm really surprised that so many of you wouldn't want to go there.

As for places that I wouldn't want to visit... Any muslim country. Muslims scare me. And also most of South America and most of Africa. I've been given the impression that there's a lot of crime there.


both Koreas
United states
Asia and Africa in general

People act the same, and everyone speaks English. That's true.

But some of the cars are different, the infrastructure is set up differently and the architecture is for the most part a lot more boring.



denmark is a very very stupid country I'll never go to

See you next weekend in SPB. Dont drunk muchlike last time .


next time get your facts straight then
dumb frogposter

>there are no humans in Antarcticas
>they can't be considered locals

penguins are cool as fuck and are both nonviolent and intelligent for birds
it fits all your standards for being good

In terms of people, there is not a country that I like.

But a lot of them have a lot to offer and there's so much I want to see in terms of landscapes and nature

Most of Africa
North Korea
War zone /mena/
All of western Europe east of Liechenstein, Austria, Italy, Poland, and excluding Norway and Iceland (and Denmark/Greenland I guess).

>anywhere in Southeast Asia
Essentially nigger countries

Fuck yeah

Yes dont come here. I personally would stab the fuck out of you.

why are you this butthurt?


We're not nearly as fat as you guys for example.

Also, just speaking English better than you Cletus and being immersed in American media don't make us American.

10/10 bait made me upset

I am sorry I didn't realize that sounded satricial and demeaning.

Sorry, Japan.

Why are you people saying no to Mexico ?
Lack of interest or are you actually afraid ?

Germany is probably more like the US than any other country in Europe.
The political parties are even exactly the same. SPD are the democrats, and the CDU are the republicans. They share the same opinions on everything from globalization to the economy.

The car-centric cities and the stuck-up and snobbish people. The massive influence that the large companies have on politics.

Germany is like a miniature version of the US.

Being nonwhite, all of us might be mistaken for Mexicans and permanently trapped after the wall is constructed.

>only one finland

Its like you guys actually think this is a nice place to visit.


People here hates Brazil.

And you are fucking right. I would leave if I could.

what's wrong with finland?

americans act and think like europeans

you have based qts there , why u want to leave?

>North Korea
>not wanting to visit the most unique country in the world

muslim countries.they are repulsive.

Why don't you move then ?

I really can't find a country I'd not visit, except the Middle-Eastern ones because I don't support a dictatorship (nothing to do with the fact that they are Muslims)

>wanting to get detained for not having the right emotion for their dear glorious leader kim il un sum chong
>wanting to be forced to stay in the restraints of a tour guide at all time
>wanting to eat a bowl of rice for every meal because everyone's too poor to eat anything else

Most of Africa (exceptions being North Africa, South Africa and a few here and there), the other *stans that aren't Kazakhstan and Afghanistan, Ecuador, most of Central America.

China, or any other mongol nation.. Oh and Somalia.

Dictatorships are not limited to the Middle East.

I like binland

que te importa.

You helped us in Ww1 & 2. I won't bully lad.

It is boring.
I want to live in Finland instead of SPb, but spend weekends and stuff in SPb.