Name one thing

wrong with this picture;
>pro tip: you cant

Other urls found in this thread:

>Using Discord instead of mumble
Fucking pleb.

What do I win?

>cropping the image instead of using alt+print screen

Discord is for video gamers
Windows is for video gamers
OP is a video gamer manchild

See a pattern here?


Mumble is also for videogames, but better than discord.

Your fault for not having at least 32GB of ram in 2017.


>iObit Uninstaller
Eh, there are those few which don't know how to Uninstaller these things normally


5GB for what?

>winblows 10
>default task manager
>uninstall (botnet my) programs
>winblows 10

The font looks really awful.

i like iobit but that shit seeps through every part of your system

>Task Manager: 15.1% CPU
Upgrade that potato.

>using a program just for discord
>not using browser for same results
user, why pleb?

Why the fuck is netflix using all that ram

Web app can't have push to talk. At least when tabbed out.

thx m8 didn't know that

> reddit faggot


somebody post the xaml poo pasta

Netflix is crunching 31GiB of RAM from fellow user who posted a screencap last January. Get on his level.

>not using lightshot
full pleb


>not using sharex


Bojack Horseman