I'm looking for some urxvt configuration file to put in ~/.Xresources .
Post a screenshoot for your urxvt terminal and the config file.

Other urls found in this thread:



Guake terminal master race.

Someone who use a urxvt wth a black background and white letter/number?


grey and white. found it in a forum or smt

That looks like shit.

>t. fellow guake user

where can i find outside

I searched for 'terminal weather' and found it, You can too user!


with urxvt I have a problem, I start to using the terminal in a window,..i start typing some command,...then when I put the terminal on fullscreen mod, the list of command aren't attached to the edge of the windows but on the bottom,..how can I put the commands on the edge of the window when i maximize the window of the terminal?


Too lazy to upload all my configs, so let me know which ones you want.




which music player/visualizer is that?

Why do you people have weather apps? Don't they ave windows?

The player is ncmpcpp. I think the visualizer is another instance of ncmpcpp, but it's been awhile so I forgot.

I'm not always in a room on the perimeter of the building. To be honest, it's also because I wanted more stuff on my bar at the time and the weather was a bit unpredictable where I was at. Pic related is current desktop - I don't need the weather info where I'm at now.

nice configs,..but how many time did you spend for do these?

can I have your configs and wallpaper plox

It probably took 30 minutes to set up the base config, which I only had to do once. Then, about 5 minutes per color config, which usually entails generating or stealing colors, tweaking them, and applying them to my base template.

.Xresources: ptpb.pw/Ykn_
ncmpcpp: ptpb.pw/8zhO

This one is nice, mind sharing

It's actually my macOS setup. Do you want the colors in iterm2 format or urxvt format?

Either works

Alright I assume you want an answer, give me URXVT if possible but I can work with iTerm2

Nah, I was just at school for a bit. iTerm2 uses weird RGB tuples so it probably would've been a hassle to convert back to urxvt.


Something extra for your troubles:

Can you share this one?



Thank you

Curl wttr.in