Battle Of The Nations - /botn/

Main live stream

360 degree live stream (shit quality):

>What is Battle of Nations?
The Battle of the Nations is an international historical medieval battles world championship, first held in 2009, in Kharkiv, Ukraine and held in Europe, in April, every year since.
It is a full contact competition using metal weapons and a standardized list of rules. National teams compete in several standard events, with all being full contact - no stage reenactment battles are included.
Teams from up to 25 countries have entered the tournaments.

>What did you miss?
UK vs Argentina
UK vs France
Finn possibly breaking a Argentinian's spine with a poleaxe.

Come support your countries!
Discuss the battles and your countries armour and tactics!

Other urls found in this thread:


Are these refs from Ukraine?


2nd for Ukraine cheates





5 minute break and then 1v1s.

They're from different countries. I'd guess most are russians.

Can Ukraine be the ones to finally stop the Russian menace?

cheating vs RAW STRENGTH

ukr rus final in donbass?

fucking jej


>I'm 1,80m / 60kg and I can make
>Too bad Russian at better on every front, even on the tactical one.
At least you are immune to cold and piercing damage

>tfw I need to resuply my beer but don't want to miss any fights


hate the french so much

who won this?

what in the fuck is going on here?

The hell is happening here? They decided to get serious, got interupted and then stopped fighting?

Looks like mexico guy and uke guy were just fighting but ended up being battle buddies. Then another mexico guy shows up to help. Mexico 1 says "ay man, pls chill." then Ukraine punches mexico 2 so he's out. Then Mexico 1 and Ukraine continue to be battle buddies.


Ukrainian and mexican having an argument. I can't remember the details, it's from last year.

Just banter

> ukie qts taking pictures will never be yours

What do they wear?
Probably some thick wool shirt (like pic related) and some leather and/or chain armor.
How can that stop such massive blows from breaking your ribs? Would imagine it would take some plate armor...

They did it last year. But it was Russia 3 vs Ukraine 1 and it was a match for a third place.

>implying Mexico could beat Ukraine

This isn't the US border mate.

what's wrong with the french? i wish we were colonized by them instead

French are cool guys.

handle your feelings

This is thicker than it looks desu. Those little squares are also filled with cotton.


made by some taiwan guy on Sup Forums



your country would perhaps be less of an anti-intellectual and cultureless desert
but australia is such a weird and unforgiving country that then again, maybe not

I would like to see this guy, in this battle armor go against all the teams

Looks like the little Mexican dude was shrugging off those punches from the much fatter Ukie. Also check this.

Thread tiers :

2strong2fight champions : Russia
cheat tier : Ukraine
slav tier : Belarus, poland
pretty cool tier : France, United states, Finland
AAAAA HELP ME! : United Kingdom

Take that back now Australia.

>ukraine v russia x3

fukken lel

i didn't mean it i just wanted you to be mad at me

>AAAAA HELP ME! : United Kingdom
What a story?

poland weren't that good
australia and uk belong in the pretty cool tier imo with the danes

whats next?

1v1 semi-finals.


**MALE** duels



But a soft armor will not be able to spread a punctual force much.
Even the guy in the video says in the end that the arrow still would be a massive, bonecrushing blow...

ur all right francis

how are the 1v1s scored?

more group hugs


thank you franceland i will remember this for future encounters with frenchmen

Do these tournaments have jousting too? I really hope so.

you gotta be objective desu

People don't (usually) hit with their absolute full strength. Also in the video it's just the gambeson, don't forget about the actual armour above it.


Australia was weak.
Uk were really good, jus picked really silly tactic against russian team.

Arenas need to be bigger, every duel just ends up on the edge/corner because there is no room to maneuver

>whenever Americans fight the announcer always talks about how large they are

Well, several interviews have shown bloodied and bruised guys, so clearly they do get hurt

Are these duels just point fighting?
Or do they have to pin/knockout opponents?


Duels are mostly points.




Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!

Poor little polish guy, he's scared

Sup Sup Forums, finnish fighter here. I'm following both this and the Sup Forums thread so AMA in either thread.

>that foot backed on the toes
>that arm on his shoulder
>that adorable outfit
>that pale skin

there's no good tactic against the russian team

also dibs on polish waifu of battle


Do you know how's the argentinian doing?

how bad does it hurt to get fucking hit by these guys.

Are people salty that Russia is 2 strong?

They're big guys.

i'm ok thanks

Which memes will you use in your next battle? JK don't beat my ass up pls.

What is the advantage of using a sword or a falcon over an axe, polearm, or mace?


Canada pretty cool

There were no medieval Americans. What is the point?

ew Sup Forums

I don't think there is one. Certainly against full armor in medieval combat you'd be using a mace, axe, hammer, or something with a spike.

we just want to join the fun

None. The heavier your weapon is the better.
I think they're mostly just not accustomed to using anything but swords.

Finns didn't wear plate and ringmails either.

so what, their ancestors were all Europeans, they have a right to muh middle ages if they want to same as us.

>made by some taiwan guy on Sup Forums
why would a non-white ever got to Sup Forums

longsword fights looks cool 2bh

how heavy is the full set of armor?

arabs like the place

FUCK we are badass


>Literally popped collar
Fucking aristocrats

why would a non-white guy ever go to Sup Forums?

You tell me, Ahmet.