Why is Linux portrayed as this ugly old looking OS. Every single picture describing Linux is from a 10 years old distro...

Why is Linux portrayed as this ugly old looking OS. Every single picture describing Linux is from a 10 years old distro, while others have recent pictures of windows 10 or el capitan

Other urls found in this thread:


2009 WAS the year of the Linux desktop.

Still looks better than win10 desu

Because Microsoft is getting desperate

that's why
normies think that Linux Mint and Amazon® Ubuntu™ are the only choices available

Most distros don't look that great out of the box and the second thing that also plagues the design of user interfaces in many of the open source programs I have used in that ecosystem is that the people most invested and most skilled in advancing linux are too pragmatic to care for design and aesthetics.


Because freetards actually think it looks good

>Amazon® Ubuntu™
>accuses others of being normies

You should inform yourself about the topics you're parrotting knowledge about while smugly making fun of others.
Not only has the Amazon integration gone down, it's only there with Unity.
Kill yourself.

I think this is a good linux screenshot...

t. Red Hat

Is xubuntu any good?

>hey guise sorry about that tiny bit of malware hehe
>but we remvoed it already so no worries (or did we? nah jk)
>sorry about that teehee
>please keep using Amazon® Ubuntu™ products tho

Good for me

its not that hard to remove

>panel not at 100% width

Idk man, linux looks beautiful.

>Using linux

Wouldn't be a surprise if they pay google for putting old pics in their search results.

what the fuck do you expect from a board dedicated to technology related shitposting ?

I'm all about Linux but 90% of these "Linux is beautiful" screenshots are just nice wallpapers with a panel at the bottom. Any OS looks good if you don't have anything on screen and have a nice wallpaper.

gnome2 for lyfe

Maximize that fucking panel, you madman


True, but Linux can actually be made to have other aspects look good. The Windows UI is still ugly as shit but on linux you can totally reskin it to have it look clean and blend with the overall theme

>ugly looking
I hope you're aware that tastes change.

10 years ago bright, flat and square we have today would get you a completely different reaction.

Ubuntu's Human themes were extremely good and pleasant to use.

because those threads are created by microsoft negative marketers ... paid microsoft "marketers" are in here - the threads are easy to spot.

1. they are pictures of a surface or windows machine / phone with an 'oblique reference' such as "thinking of getting a computer for college and my friends say x" 'what do you think?" .. those threads are prolific

2. Most recently they have started asking oblique / negative questions about linux, while showing the most ugly screenshot (as op says, years old system), or something from command windows or curses (text mode), to display it as being impenetrable/'difficult'.

nothing of latest interfaces. All this direct from microsoft - known about here (ask anyone). Their low tactics. The people who start these threads can't answer any questions, they can only be dismissive/offensive. Can't they be banned? They are degrading Sup Forums , turning it into a brochure.

>literally being a commie


Yeah I totally get that, I'm just saying these images aren't doing the cause any justice. As an xfce user that themed everything together cohesively, I wouldn't wanna show off just my wallpaper and screenfetch, but a bunch of different windows to show that the whole OS looks like it fits together perfectly, yakno?

Linux is beautiful you dumb retard.

Absolutely massive levels of paranoia bruv

Take yo pills

>10 years ago bright, flat and square we have today would get you a completely different reaction.
So they would have liked it 10 years ago?

Image found on Google you retard.

Because linux based operating systems are like asians. They all look the same and don't deserve to exist.

it's been covered here - people have screenshots of these similar threads
it's not 'paranoia'

Hardy Heron was my first GNU/Linux distro ;_;

they were doing SO FUCKING GOOD with GNOME2 and they threw it all away

fuck this shit

Does this looks better to you?

I get ya.

Same stool color

if you take the bubbles off the panel icons, then yes

Are these the new desktop threads?


At least lock it, Shit.

Comfy wallpaper

It looks great, why?

Is this the new screenfetch thread?

Microsoft has a team of paid shills to constantly attack Linux, OSS, and promote windows. Your future as a board is at risk right now.

too 2011

>lays out solid points


Reread your posts and tell me what it says. N O T H I N G. Your posts are completely, 100% disposable. Any fucking shitstain can just repeat whay ou just said, and I'm sure one already has in the past. At least try to stand out and have some self-respect. But I guess using your brain would take too much effort, wouldn't it? Let me just reply with a meme arrow and pretend like I know what I'm talking about. THis is why you don't have a fucking job. This place has become a cesspit filled with mouth drooling retards. Nothing of value is added to any goddamn conversation, if it can even be called that.

>THIS is the current state of Sup Forums


>Being this upset

Watch your blood pressure mate, try to just enjoy your dubs.

It is now

What theme is that

am I the only one who likes KDE Plasma


> not LXDE
Well you tried


>paid microsoft "marketers" are in here
No, they aren't, and they never were.

Not sure why you believe that Microsoft marketing people are worried about shilling their products/services on a website dedicated to weebs with social problems. This makes even less sense when you claim that they're here on Sup Forums, a board known for being a den of emotionally stunted kids trying to live out some Matrix-esque hacker fantasy through whatever Linux distro they're technically apt enough to use. They're keenly aware of this, and realize that most people here are already using their products whether they'll admit to it or not, and the small handful who aren't won't be swayed by shilling of any kind or amount.

It would be a momentous waste of time and effort for just about anyone to shill here, least of all Microsoft.

Indeed, just accept a lot of us love Microsoft and the direction with Windows 10. Most of us truly don't want to admit it, but you are pretty alone user truthfully, so just upgrade.

Does this ever actually work? It would have been easier to just admit you've got nothing, and call me a shill.

We have everything, but know we cannot convince you. We aren't shills, we are just Windows users concerned about how some fall for the Linux meme. Please, buy a copy of Windows 10. I am sure you won't regret it :)

>falseflagging is fun

What makes you think so?

Because it does. Even "new" distros looks ugly. and customs are still on the level of Windows XP. And when I check new themes and icons, they are mostly just variations of old Debian look because "muh simplicity". But what Im expecting from guys who frequently consider Win98 to have best looks?

Nothing gets close to Win 7 Aero Glass. The fact that Windows itels is getting uglier is different and sad thing.

Heute was clearly going for the osx + Windows mix

Falseflagging? How am I falseflagging? I told you I am not a paid Microsoft shill. I don't think anyone on Sup Forums is.

aero gets tiresome quick, everything is way over the top and blurry
aqua pre toy icons crap was the best looking desktop ui ever

You are just experiencing baby duck syndrome. Try using Windows 10 for a little bit, you will find your negative experiences go away.

Just posting this here since I don't want to create another thread. What was the first Linux screenshot you ever saw?

I do use Win 10 Edu right now. I still miss the smooth shapes, detailed icons and windows transparency of 7.

Every icon in 10 looks like simplified to the max and ugly as hell. Inactive windows lose color and looks just bad.

Maybe thats you, I didnt got tired after 6 years of using 7.

>nothing gets close to Aero
Except this , Unity, KDE and GNOME.

The linked one is not even close. Those you named? As well. Opacity, icons, everything on Windows XP level. Its like Linux users cant get above that.

Seriously, prove me wrong and show me something with transparent windows and menus. Nothing mean here, I would actually like to know, since last time I tried to modify Mint to ahve glass effects, I got told that this is impossible with it.

XFCE, KDE and Zorin DE have window transparency and all DE's support transparent docks. You're talking like you haven't seen anything other than Mint's cinnamon DE.
And no, those aren't on XP level, did you ever use XP? How underage are you?

Of course I used XP, for several years, just like Windows 98 and 95 before. My first one was Win 3.11.

>XFCE, KDE and Zorin DE have window transparency and all DE's support transparent docks.

Good to know that Linux DEs are not completely shit then.

What? You literally have a thousand icon themes to choose from. You can even make your Linux machine look identical to Aero, XP or W10

nice try, shill

Is there a file explorer on for any linux DE that is as good as Windows Explorer? I usually have folders open with several thousand images in them, and thumbnails on Windows just work without issue.

I tried Nemo on my Manjaro install the other day, and it would regularly crash when trying to generate thumbnails. Or just randomly die when looking through folders with loads of thumbnails visible.

that was the best distro

anybody remember spinnan' cubez?

Additionally why is the tooling around nvidia drivers so garbage by default? For about three years on and off I have experienced the settings never being saved, or only partially saved and settings not respected (e.g. powermizer settings get lost on reboot but resolution/refresh rate does not).

Not to mention that most DEs are fucking terrible at maintaining any kind of stable refresh rate - this is with a gtx 1080.

pretty sure i first saw linux on a neighbours' machine in 2004, it was SLAX

For me it was Knoppix, and KDE 3 looked amazing to me.

i still prefer the look/feel of kde3 over later versions


Though I remember not too recently trying some sort of project to keep it alive and it wasn't that amazing to me. Specifically there are things in modern desktops I can't live without anymore, like snapping windows to corners or not getting tearing.

>Though I remember not too recently trying some sort of project to keep it alive
>snapping windows to corners or not getting tearing.
you can use a different WM and use a compositor while still using the rest of KDE3

Comfy thread. I remember my first live CD for Ubuntu. Came with a magazine, had openSUSE, mageia... Is that still a thing?

SUSE 10 was mine.

that's some top Komfy right there

Shit, I didn't consider that.

I guess I have to work my way into that.

Aww yiss

Here's what my dad bought all those years ago. He still keeps it around I think.

thats the complete opposite of comfy
it's stressful and depressing

lxde looks like shit tho

It's a microjew plot to make Linux and FOSS look bad

I meant the other guy's, not mine

microshit doesn't derive much money from consumertards, especially ones that often pirate their products anyway

they make their money with big OEM contracts, the kinds that aren't decided because some shithead on the internet saw pretty pictures in a google image search and thought it looked leet

Bright GTK theme
Retrofukation icons
Mint X Purple

Dolphin from plasma 5

Ubuntu looks great out of the box. I set the wallpaper to black and that's pretty much all I do to customize it visually.

My favorite flavor

>Why is Linux portrayed as this ugly old looking OS.
Because the guys that are portraying Linux with that pic are usually articles posted years ago.

But modern guys should be able to post better desktops so people get interested in Linux, like the riced desktop that shitposters post.
Not gonna lie, they are true cancer for most of Sup Forums, but being honest here, they might be making lurkers and posters curious about trying out Linux.

And the funniest thing is that I tried it out and not going back to Windows 7 now, shit's glorius and I don't need to go back since Linux has the games worth installing, Wine, and fun FOSS games like Supertux, Hedgewars, etc.

So, at least if you want to make Linux more appealing, literally start posting nice desktops so curious people try it out, and recommend Ubuntu for fucks sake.

lol supertux