>mfw Sup Forums still doesn't understand that Indians are far ahead of the rest intellectually and that we are the supreme race
You still have time to correct yourself Sup Forums - just take a look at how great AMD is.
>mfw Sup Forums still doesn't understand that Indians are far ahead of the rest intellectually and that we are the supreme race
You still have time to correct yourself Sup Forums - just take a look at how great AMD is.
Other urls found in this thread:
> Caste-system/10
>take a look at how great AMD is
Fuck off.
yes hello i have a wirus in my vindows can u halp pls?
we are going to nuke you first Gandhi
fucking shitskins
t. rest of the world
if that's true why does Pakistan still thwart you over ownership of that tiny valley consistently
>tfw your country can't beat Pakistan
>just take a look at how great AMD is
You mean the company that has failed year after year to produce better CPUs than Intel?
Are they great? When I went down to Fry's for my new build I couldn't find any great AMD parts.
I'm gonna use it though. Hrm, Linux meme that was indians in. Hmmm pure juicy cognitive dissonance for the cucks that both shill linux and call everyone pajeet in here at the same time.
Indians have not contributed a single thing to civilization. White's invented everything.
Better in what way? FX series destroyed similar and higher priced Intel parts in multitheaded integer operations.
But yeah other than that they were a flop. I'd still get an fx63xx over any Ivy Bridge I3 any day though.
There are billion on you, that's called probability. Superior intellectuals my ass :^)
In how much cognitive dissonance do freeturds of Sup Forums live in when they both shill for linux and hate on indians at the same time?
How many people do you see on Sup Forums talking about their nationalities?
honestly the fact that there's over a billion of you and you only produce a handful of notable people should be all the evidence you need
can you go back to /pol? You don't even deserve to be called a mentally capable person. You shill for linux while at the same time hate on indians.
What in the actual fuck. As Stallman what he thinks of you.
Ask fucking any of your idols.
You are sad people.
Nobel laureates per capita
European Uniom - 17º
World - 47º
India - 68º
Lol, intellectually inferior shitskin races
That's because India has half the worlds population
Not Indian, but Nobel award is pretty racist.
Yeah all so smart I just watch a bunch of Indian men cheat on a diffeq test so hard when the instructor stepped out to the bathroom. They are the future :^)
lol okay
Is this a joke? People cry about pajeets and their work on Windows literally 24/7