Variable "Happiness" = 0
If Happiness
Variable "Happiness" = 0
>I just created an AI
OP == Faggot
Here, I just created an AI for the OP.
So if I feed it icecream 100 times and punch it in the face 99 times, it'll be a happy robot?
Wouldn't you be?
AI is different from what you think, nigger.
I would fucking SUCK YOUR COCK for $10 user. Now let's get back to discussing how I just revolutionized the robot industry with code I thought about in 10 seconds.
Give him a variable shame and have it look at your code OP
Obviously it would need testing and adjusting. Possibly with a randomized value for each activity based on a personality to create individualism of the robots.
Would you?
This is flash dating sim tier.
With the obvious caveat that it would need to be expanded upon, how is it ANY different from real life? I give my girlfriend ice cream she is happy. I punch her in the face and she gets upset and might not ever speak to me again. We can add a variable for random fluctuation of hormones. We can add a personality variable to randomize likes/dislikes/preferences. We can add a vairbale for tings like sleep and stress.
What is the big deal with emotions and robots? It just never seemed like the big deal to me that everyone makes it out to be. "Dude robots will be emotionless and have no feelings lmao". It's stupid. It's incredibly easy to program.
It doesn't seem a problem to you because you're autistic
Bill Gates is autistic. I don't have any problem revolutionizing personality in AI and becoming a billionaire for it.
It will not be a real personnality it will be a simulation
>Bill Gates is autistic
Is thereany lrgitimate proof of this?
Dude, that's a hundred icecreams.
What is a "real" personality? All Human emotion/personality is a mixture of chemicals. I think people put emotion on a pedestal far too much. We know that love is a trait that was given to us by a virus for example. I could go on r9k and their definition of love would be far more shallow than any lazy program I could write would be.
for all of you NEETs, this is how you start, in few months you will be amazed what you achieved
stupid faggots
If you want to make a real personnality you need to simulate the entire human brain, and that's not possible, so for now, we can only make really simplified programm that simulate personnality and consciouness
Not true at all. Dogs have emotions and personality. In fact most if not all living things have personality. Even ants have different personality. Personality is not as complex as people like to make it out to be. Perhaps it's origin can be considered complex. Who knows what specific elements make one person prefer chocolate to vanilla icream? But the result is ridiculously easy to replicate. every time the AI added a new variable to it's system we could attach a "preference" variable that was randomly generated to indicate in the future whether it likes/dislikes/hates/loves whatever it sees. No need to individually program everything.
You would still need absurd computing power to simulate a dog or even an ant
I hope youre joking