Europe what the fuck

Europe what the fuck.



>France hates businessmen maymay

Europe what the fuck .

It's all the fault on a economic crisis YOU created, burger

>southern europe

I swear, if the TTIP is approved, that whole place is going to get absolutely blown the fuck out.

Suddenly our small businesses will start competing directly with theirs.

>El socialismo!

>For the People!



Our jews were simply ahead of the game

> if the TTIP is approved
Over my dead body.

I'd take Shakira law rather than TITP.

>Implying it's not the fault of American's lack of oversight and regulation

I assume in the US I could just build a shed in the middle of the woods, install some imported machinery and start dumping poison into the soil and there'd be no bureucracy to stop me?

>implying we have money to buy anything from usa


The process takes about an hour.

Bravo Estonia, bravo

Fucking Denmark

Go back to Sup Forums

Sup Forums is going to take over you guys now btw.
Not the user you were replying to.

In terms of PPP we're still ahead. We're also ahead in terms of manufacturing.

Times Square! Fuck yes!

If small business can survive our legislation,that means that they are competitive as fuck.

That's also an estimate, not actual data.


>Implying PIGS doesn't exist

Yes let's just casually dismiss the ranking considered by virtually every economist on the planet to be the real measure of a country's GDP. 'Murrijew logic at its finest. Also, what about manufacturing?

Even so, you'd still be much lower per capita considering that the entire EU has almost twice the US population.


You cannot, you simply cannot make this shit up

Brazil has a higher GDP than you, leafboy

>That population difference
>That GDP difference

Honestly Denmark just seems like a really fucking good country

>the leaf is burning

>The French are surrendering.

>europe tries to kill all its jews
>they flee to USA
>yuropoors are surprised when their economy goes to shit and USA prospers

Congrats for you conquest of London

Too bad they never post here.

Probably too busy doing master race stuff.

Brazil is home to over two hundred million people and its economy is exactly one rank above Canada's. That is an indicator of immense inefficiency, especially when coupled with Brazil's innumerous natural resources. The state of São Paulo, one Brazilian state out of 26, has almost ten million more people than Canada.

I would say Russia's place is most embarrassing of all though. The largest country in the world that was once one of two world superpowers is now the twelfth largest economy, just below South Korea and moving downwards to be lapsed by fucking Australia.

Being able to easily create a business is bad. A lot of those people won't even pay their employees a living wage.

found the sanders voter

>hurr there's nothing wrong with people starving in the streets le free market XD
If a business can't pay it's employees a living wage then it shouldn't be in business, it's literally killing these people and their families. Stricter requirements ensure that only businesses which actually benefit the community will be created.

>Being able to easily create a business is bad
Yes, stagnant economies are fucking fantastic. See Argentina and Brazil.

if it can't pay a livable wage then people shouldn't work for them you idiot
>durrhh I need the government to tell me exactly how to live my life because I'm a retard

Brazil population: 200 million
Canada population: 35 million

>Being able to easily create a business is bad. A lot of those people won't even pay their employees a living wage.
France and the USA are almost equal in ease of starting a business, and American neoliberals love smashing France for how strong its unions are. Denmark is a part of Scandinavia, the socialist utopia, and starting a business there is even easier than in America.

You're talking out of your ass.

>Le free market
Yes, le free market indeed. A free market also assumes workers are free to choose and switch jobs and employers based on who pays the most. Those strong French unions I mentioned earlier? They're the mediators, the ones who have the knowledge about the job market the average worker does not have.

>Let's compare one country with many countries

>Thailand beating Norway

>the socialist utopia
But that's a meme though. Most Scandi countries don't even have a minimum wage, which is essential to most socialists.

Scandi countries are prosperous with high standards of work because of extensive automation, a strong commodity market, low populations, and a history of honest bureaucracy.

what a fucking shame...

They do semi occasionally but they never really do any dostinguishable shit good or bad, kinda neutral posters

Measuring GDP using purchasing power parity and then dividing that figure per capita is an attempt at measuring quality of life between countries, not the size of their economies. GDP at purchasing power parity just on its own is fairly useless.

I think spain operates in slow-motion
You can see this is a shittest government chart

In a few years the EU will go down to third place. Maybe even fourth if India gets its literal shit together.

>#1 USA
>#2 USA's asian colony

Why was the cost so high in 2005?

Also what changed in Portugal?


and white

There is a minimum wage, it's just that it's decided by the unions instead of the government.

I thought Sweden was literally Eurabia Al-Cuckoldia