Is it possible that manjaro is the /champagneOfLinux/?
Is it possible that manjaro is the /champagneOfLinux/?
>arch for people who don't understand arch
Stop being such a stuck-up retard.
no, Mint is, Sup Forums is just to hipster to admit it
>hint: people don't need to know the entire champagne manufacturing process and brew their own to appreciate it
I always recommend manjaro for people new to Linux, best distro there is for normies.
quite out of the question
After I decided I was to lazy to set up and maintain arch without a DE I switched to mint. Now im using manjaro because i realized mint is just a more desperate version of ubuntu
I'm using Antergos now
What makes Manjaro so much better?
No, Debian is
Its more reliable than anything I have used so far and you can reference the arch wiki which was my favorite thing about arch lol.
More like the /cheapWine-likeAlcoholicBewerageFromUnderTheCounter/
but he's not being stuck up.
Part of the thing with running Arch is that you've set up your system. This should mean you understand how things work, how things were set up, how things were configured.
Arch vets their packages less than some other distros, the trade off is that you get packages much faster. Add into this the AUR which is an "At your own risk" situation, there are a lot more situations where you can get a system not booting post update.
Now with this in mind, If you take away the requirement to know how to do maintenance to your system, it makes a very scary environment, full of potential breaks and users who don't know how to fix their own issues.
With this said, I run Arch as a daily driver. I have only had a few breaks over the last eight years, but I also keep my setup pretty simple, and I don't really have any exotic setups. Arch is also piss fucking easy to install.
So instead of calling him a stuck up retard, how about you educate yourself you fucking idiot
is it possible that you r a faggot ?
not possible, its a fact
If something is factual it would also be possible
Faggots like you and the faggot you're defending are the true cancer of the Linux world.
Also, Arch is for scriptkiddies who can't into Gentoo/LFS.
>Part of the thing with running Arch is that you've set up your system.
>he fell for that meme.
Arch is the epitome of the lazy distro. "I can't be arsed to make an actual distro, I'live it in the middle for the user to do it and call it "power to the user". They even dropped anything but x86_64, that's how lazy they are.
It's unbelievable they even have 1 user.
No. Pacman is shit. Editing mirror lists. Answering yes/no for each package to be installed. Fuck that.
>With this said, I run Arch as a daily driver, how about you educate yourself
May as well kys honestly.
Just install Arch.
Pathetic Manjotards.
"shit! i updated without checking the wiki/frontpage and cross referencing the CVEs.......Well i guess i will spend tomorrow fixing my install" Fuck that, not interested, Arch linux can suck the dick
>shittiest version of arch you could possible use
yeah, no buddy. The fact that it uses it's own failed repos for some stuff and it randomly breaks (even more so than Arch alone) makes it a piece of shit. If you can't install Arch use antergos or arch anywhere for the dumb down installation and no new stupid bugs.
not OP, but
man yes
but I can do that with Antergos now and it feels pretty reliable
what's the real difference if any
is Manjaro more stable?
Antergos and Manjaro are very similar.
Only real difference is Antergos uses the standard Arch repository whereas Manjaro uses its own which they test before updating.
So with Manjaro you're a little less "cutting edge" which in my opinion can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.
I've tried both and in practice they are essentially the same.
yea but is Manjaro more stable?
I migth consider switching if they're otherwise similar because I need a stable distro for work, but don't want Ubuntu trash
Lol this guy knows whats up
>what's the real difference if any
Manjaro defaults to Xfce, Antergos defaults to GNOME, Chakra defaults to KDE.
Tried both, got a black screen on boot. Manjaro wouldn't even finish the install before it croaked.
I think my laptop just doesn't like linux. Any suggestions for a distro which has a high probability of not shitting itself?
Name me one time this has happened
It happed to me one time
it happened to me two or three times.
arch is a joke. the devs are all autists and the users are 90% babbys who think they're cool because they use a CLI package manager
Not him, but I haven't had any issues with Manjaro so far. Everything I want works correctly and it doesn't crash.
I've only used it for about two weeks though, so take with a grain of salt.