Don't you have somewhere else to shill at?
Wow, that picture you knocked up on MS Paint really gets your neurons firing. Surely this is indisputable proof that one graphics card company is somehow better than a different graphics card company
Where? Look around you, Sup Forums is consumerism and shilling board.
Literally straight from page 1:
>Is this the best case on the market?
>I want to buy a laptop for $800
>chink shit
>Why don't you own Ultrawide yet?
>Why don't you own 4K/HDR tv yet?
>Post best ergonomic chairs
>This one
Yep, I might as well browse amazon as a technology board.
Comparing oranges and bananas... Your point is not valid.
It'll be interesting to see if the second gen Freesync spec will solve that last bit of difference as it will actually have strict certifications required similar to Gsync.
Or the lack of dedicated hardware will continue to leave it lacking vs Gsync.
Unless you elaborate this is just pathetic denial
Voltage regulation is up to the hardware. Simple as that. Freesync will forever be a cheaper knockoff
Why are g-sync so expensives?
I could get two free-sync monitors at the price of a g-sync one.
Fuck my bro spend a lot on a 1080 and now don't want to buy such expensive monitor.
60hz if you smoke weed
The g-sync version of the above monitors is about 10% more expensive, so no, you couldn't.
Also, what kind of retard buys a 1080 to use on a shitty budget monitor?
Those aren't the same panel
Fuck off Freetards, you can cry about Gaymen babbies but microprocessors are part of technology. Maybe you should get your own board.
Yes it is dummy, the name is different because one has inputs adapted for the G-sync module., that's it.
Huh? Wasn't freesync/g-sync to get rid of screen-tearing?
specific pages please
Freesync is. G-sync does more things
They are both right fucking there at the top retard.
If you literally can't read I don't understand why you're asking for source anyways
not op but these are from tftcentral
Q250HTA00 & M250HTN01.0
I'm waiting on oled panels personally.
fixing OP's nigger-tier image
Looks to me like the Asus has backlight strobing active additionally to g-sync. Freesync can't have backlight strobing and freesync active at the same time as of now.
Free/G-sync are not meant to reduce blur like that, they are supposed to eliminate tearing without having to buffer frames, meaning a tear-free image without lag.
>Asus has backlight strobing active additionally to g-sync
>Freesync can't have backlight strobing and freesync active at the same time
neither can g-sync retard
>Free/G-sync are not meant to reduce blur like that
The main purpose is that sure, but since Nvidia went the hardware route they can do more and better things than AMD's implementation
Like what things? Shilling on an anonymous image board?
Like read the image in the op retard
Backlight strobing eliminates blur like that very easily, so if they find a way to have backlight strobing and freesync running at the same time that'd work just fine.
Or, you know, you could just stay in your /flgbt/ thread.
1. Backlight strobing isn't magic without drawbacks that you run all the time. The fact that g-sync monitors have less blur is still an advantage.
2. The issue is simply that screen brightens will vary with framerate if you strobe at the same time. Running them both at the same time isn't a problem.
Nvidia already has their own strobing technology (ULMB) that's integrated into the G-sync unit. So if it is solved nvidia will most likely have the first and best solution
That's a dirty hack m8. There's a reason they don't have it as an official feature
>hurr durr same panel therefore it's the same
tech illiteracy like this should be permaban
Same panel means same potential. There are only two options to explain why the G-sync one looks that much better
1. G-sync hardware works as intended and explained in the review
2. AOC fucked up massively and they didn't even mention it in the review
there are so many things wrong with this image I don't even know where to begin.
see top