am i the only one?
What is happening to youtube
Other urls found in this thread:
Nope, happening to me too. Rare.
Working for me
where are you guys from?
The site is broken, but Youtube-dl still works.
Finding the videos with Google might make a good bandaid solution for now.
youtube-dl is giving me 500's as well
nobuenoshitxico near burgerland and notfrenchnada
Thanks Europe.
Youtube works again but youtube-dl giving me a 500
>youtube calls their imported H1B visa indian tech guys monkeys
this is extremely offensive. google must apologize for this.
On a side note, it's neat that the monkey is drawn in the browser, and not an image file.
youtube-dl -U
Looks/Works fine for me, familiapai.
Gave me the monkey the first time, then hit f5 and it worked :/ then I used youtube-dl anyway so I could put it on my mp3 player because I'm using windows and I don't have 2 sound cards, and I wanted to play the song over speakers to drown out my neighbor using a bench grinder or some shit while watching a video through headphones.
>youtube red
5xx errors are server side you dumbfuck
Why is google calling their indian and african support staff "monkeys"???