Why the FUCK do people still use Github?
Why the FUCK do people still use Github?
It's the only one normalfags know about.
Because it has the best integrations/support/community
It's the standard.
>best community
Same reason why windows is widely used. I used to be scared of fucking shit up with terminal commands until I installed and actually used my first distro.
How true is the good projects on GitHub can get you a job meme?
>creator of distributed denial of women
Ok, some homo uses it. Doesn't matter. It still has thousands of great people on it, including Linus
But it's not a matter of a switching from a GUI to a CLI for the first time.
This is technically savvy users choosing the clearly inferior product.
>Not using gitgud.io
haven't heard about their rookie mistake that wiped gigabytes of business data?
Yeah lets go with the cheaper option, gitlab
>they have a colossal, horrifying bug that completely deletes all data from their server, then all their backups fail and they have to revert everyone's code back a week
how does it affect anything?
Because Linus wills it
isnt it just gitlab?
also >no privacy statement
nice logo fag
That's sexist
It has simply become the industry standard.
you cant write he in your code. ie //heres to my proffessor, he's a great guy
would get you banned
>There are still people who follow faggotgate in 2017
like windows for desktops
Ok, so some homo project maintainer accepts a ridiculous pull request. How is it relevant to my projects?
Show where in the Github ToS that is actually the rule.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about
I think thats pretty inexcusable, but one big perk about GitLab is that it is self hostable.
That was a failure of them as a host, not of the GitLab software itself.
I just found out about the github edu shit.
Do i have to put my real name in the name field or can i just use my username?
Because employers ask for GitHub profiles
I thought it was the sysadmin being careless with the commands issued to the servers that caused the massive loss.
>whitelist and blacklist dilema recently
realy this is /thread right here, but since Sup Forums has an pronounced abundance of NEETs the argument is invalid
Same reason people pay big bux for nvidia cards, or apple products or intel cpu.
Brand name.
why not both + ofc local copy?
Code have been removed for having eggplant emoticons
Also Webm for retards was removed for having the word retard in the name
>Code have been removed for having eggplant emoticons
What's wrong with eggplants? I dont even
You can't be this much of a robot
Explain the Normie meme, please.
It's probably fashion related or something similarly idiotic.
Github hasn't accidentally the whole database yet.
Because a lot of people created their account there when it was either new Github or evil Dice Inc driven Sourceforge.
>inb4 meme hosters like Savannah or BerliOS
>not using gogs
My Sup Forums-instinct says I have to switch to GitLab now!
until you apply for a job
eggplants look like dicks
They're the only ones actively supporting Code of Conduct
If I write an amazing program, I don't want some scriptkiddy or pajeet stealing it and calling it his own
Because your project can be taken down if it includes a word that triggers some snowflake.
Data was lost for only a couple of hours. And it was a mistake by their sysadmin, not a bug.
Gamergate is an integral part of Sup Forums history. Traffic to this site doubled after it and that has resulted in rapid cancer growth.
im going to off myself
bcause is the most famous
>but one big perk about GitLab is that it is self hostable.
I tried hosting gitlab once but then I realized that it's a meme written in ruby that requires several gigabytes of ram to work properly.
Then I installed gogs (a meme written in go) instead because all I needed was a simple web interface for a few repos.
github came first so its going to have the greater influence, despite how inferior it is.
it's not all bad.
just use github for your public portfolio and bitbucket for your private projects.
github is good meme shit for resumes. gitlab is good but they blew a bunch of shit away, that was scary.
never tried bit bucket.
"Whitelisting" and "Blacklisting" are industry accepted terms and standard terms are needed when you are explaining something to a colleague across the country or planet.
Once you change a term to something else, you will now need to settle what that new term will be.
This is a painful process that will take years to be smoothed out. Some will use other terms like "ignorelist" or "blocklist" and others will develop their own terms.
Combined with the retrofitting of old source code to "Comply" with the new PC standard.
You now have a massive problem created for the sole protection of "feefees"
It's used as a stand-in for penis.
because of the extensive code of conduct
the comments are great, obviously the community doesn't agree with some power trip, closet sexists/racists
great thanks a lot user, now I have to go have a wank.
> including Linus
linus hates it
do github employees inspects your repo?
I'm a total pleb, can someone please spoonfeed me reasons NOT to use gitlab/bitbucket over github? I assume employers want to see github because that's what they know and what they probably use themselves.
just host your own git repo using whatever software you choose
stop letting random dudes be in charge of your stuff
You're a fool if you're hosting your code on a third-party website. GitHub, gitlab, etc.
It's so simple to set up a secure ssh-only GoT instance on your own server. And there's at least two easy to use configuration systems where you configure groups and other admin tasks through GoT submissions.
A third-party public repository does make sense for public open source projects where you want to encourage others to use and contribute to your code.
But hosting anything that you want to make money off of or keepnfrom your competitors is just plain foolish. Even though it's been 5years since a data breach at github you should expect it to happen again.
I don't even like GoT. Vikings is better. I mean git of course.