Why is retro computing so comfy?
Why is retro computing so comfy?
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idk but I enjoy it too.
The world was a better place back then. a simpler time when things made more sense.
wealreadyahve a retor hread
are you OK?
Your retro can sucked it
it's impractical and stupid and the opposite of comfy
"Suck" auto correction
Nothing impractical or stupid about it if you know how to use it, time to start thinking outside of the browser.
Because software was smaller and less bloated. These days a file manager will eat half a gig of RAM in the background.
TLDR Pajeets started coding
Interfaces tended to be more functional and compact. These days it's more about whitespace and abstractness.
being this stuck in the past and being so insecure that you find any reason to try be different to others
>hurr it eats all my ram!! XDDD
user you know software is designed to use as much ram as possible right? unused ram is wasted ram. if you didn't have half a gig free your file manager wouldn't use that much, but if it's there then why not?
Thats complete bullshit, programs are bloated and thus consume more ram than needed.
It completely defeats the purpose of
>hurrr muh open sores
if one has to navigate on megabytes and megabytes of redundant and overcomplicated code.
Try decoding the mess that is OpenSSL or OpenCV.
So memory leaks = good?
Kernel hacker here. You havent the slightest clue what you're complaining about. It's like the user you're replying to said. We make use of "free" RAM to speed up an unimaginable amount of programs and it's invisible to userspace due to the magic of virtual memory. I'd bet money you'd cry a lot more if your "riced out" system suddenly crawled to a halt when your programs were forced to reload shit from slow ass non-volatile media or godforbid the network. I bet you don't know how to read the memory usage report. tldr fuck you.
Excuses, we're using 8GB of RAM to do essentially exactly what we did in 1993 with 8MB RAM.
It is the fault of Pajeets and Universities alike. They wanted a bunch of fuckin' CIA nigger cattle and that's what they got.
linux world is my sanctified place of refuge
What kernel hacker? I'm writing my own kernel for Forth and it takes
>user you know software is designed to use as much ram as possible right? unused ram is wasted ram. if you didn't have half a gig free your file manager wouldn't use that much, but if it's there then why not?
That's only true for mobile OS's like Android. Windows doesn't work like that.
LOL we've all gone through the Forth phase in our lives kiddo. We've all implemented it. We'll be waiting for you when you grow up from your toy.
>I'm writing my own kernel
Sure thing "gramps", write back when you can actually implement it and not run crying to shitnux.
Personally I feel there is something beautiful in being able to use something which is generally considered to be obsolete for a legitimate purpose but it is becoming harder and harder to do.
fannying around with your collection of old computers is just exactly that, if you enjoy it good for you but it's not "retro computing" as it you're achieving anything.
>we're using 8GB of RAM to do essentially exactly what we did in 1993 with 8MB RAM.
how young do you have to be to post drivel like this and actually believe it?
>every OS sux guys but I hand coded one in forth and it rocks
projecting your need for constant validation on others so hard
>I "hack" the lenix kernel because I am incapable of understanding how to make an OS in less than a gazillion lines of code
In short, at least give the penguin a fair viewing. If you still don't
like it, that's ok: that's why I'm boss. I simply know better than you
Linus "what, me arrogant?" Torvalds
Yeah because your retard-os can totally be compared to modern, functional, productive, graphical desktop operating systems.
A Linux kernel running on modern arm chips uses about 16mb of RAM with basic userspace tools and a fully functional UNIX shell.
> bloated
Kill yourself
>not to mention its BLAZING FUCKING FAST.
but for what is it actually fast, have you done anything truly useful with it, as in beyond hello world-tier, small dataset problems? there's a lot of lightweight operating systems out there, and there's a reason they aren't prevalent; because they're shit for doing anything more than dicking around
>I can perfectly understand it
Every neet's unfinished project ever.
this is lewd
Thats the point, one cant give linux a fair review because its so goddamn big, not windows tier but still.
Like I said, that defeats the purpose of open source, you have all the code but its no use short of divinating on it.
This runs 1000x faster than linux and with 1/10th of the resources and can be understood fairly easily.
>all this butthurt
>wahhh muh linx
Dont you guys suck Terry A. Davis' dick? Im just putting into practice what he says.
>This runs 1000x faster than linux and with 1/10th of the resources and can be understood fairly easily.
again: what can it actually do
nobody's butthurt here, we're laughing at how much those nostalgia goggles blind you
For one its used for physics simulations and number crunching replacing old FORTRAN programs.
Also, what nostalgia goggles? What works better simply does.
Take that screencap I posted and just do the graphics mode code, add some RTL8169 drivers, do a simple html browser and you've got yourself a system that for all measures is "modern", it sure as hell would be used the same as most linux Sup Forums uses.
What you're calling nostalgia is just no GUI, or what are you telling me that somehow you cant program those in a simpler environment?
Did you even try, you amateur?
You're just a regular code monkey who thinks other people's code is unreadable. It's a known problem in my profession. Reading code is way too hard for most people. They open up a repository and see all those files, say 'fuck that' and roll their own shitty software.
Bc writing muh enterprise quality is soooo great right?
Thats why programming exists you retard, because people rather deal with their own bullshit rather than yours.
>For one its used for physics simulations and number crunching replacing old FORTRAN programs.
good for them, doesn't mean much to you or I though, just read the fucking documentation they provide, it's a primitive uni-tasking system that's going to be nigh useless for anything but that kind of workload it's suited to, you're like those retards that quote the TOP500 when comparing consumer desktop platforms or chinkpad shills trying to sell you on them because there's a couple T61s garage queened on the ISS, you're not appealing to actual practicality, merely that it's just being used for something so le science xD or otherwise reddit-cool; tldr fuck off with that feeble-minded salesman shit
>Also, what nostalgia goggles? What works better simply does.
those nostalgia goggles right there; because you're trying to pawn off a shitty single-tasking OS made for a niche task and written in a difficult to properly maintain language as a competitive general-purpose operating system, something even the author obviously does not believe it to be
>Take that screencap I posted and just do the graphics mode code, add some RTL8169 drivers, do a simple html browser and you've got yourself a system that for all measures is "modern", it sure as hell would be used the same as most linux Sup Forums uses.
for some reason I just have a hard time believing that, but why don't you do it yourself and prove us wrong?
>Thats why programming exists you retard, because people rather deal with their own bullshit rather than yours.
no, programming exists to program a computer and tell it how to do things to get a job done and benefit the user or the wider public, not stroke off your nostalgic ideals and virtues
>For one its used for physics simulations and number crunching replacing old FORTRAN programs.
You mean all those battle-tested, ririculously efficient software written by people much smarter than you a long time ago? Programs that are still in use by people all over the world and that basically represent the state of the art in number crunching software and is wrapped by libraries like numpy?
>Take that screencap I posted and just do the graphics mode code, add some RTL8169 drivers, do a simple html browser and you've got yourself a system that for all measures is "modern", it sure as hell would be used the same as most linux Sup Forums uses.
Yeah make your own hardware-accelerated graphics driver and hand-code your own web browser. I'm sure you're better than Microsoft, Google, Mozilla, Nvidia and ATi combined.
>What you're calling nostalgia is just no GUI, or what are you telling me that somehow you cant program those in a simpler environment?
Are you on the spectrum? Do you literally not realize how stupid you sound? GUIs are a lot older than you think you retard.
>for some reason I just have a hard time believing that, but why don't you do it yourself and prove us wrong?
I am doing it you faggot, read the thread.
>no, programming exists to program a computer and tell it how to do things to get a job done and benefit the user or the wider public
Again, that is why am doing it. The computer will do what I tell it to do how I tell it to do, of course its too hard for you to implement something like that eh?
What constitutes modern non-nostalgia goggles computing to you then?
>I am doing it you faggot, read the thread.
your progress doesn't look all that great, good luck though
>Again, that is why am doing it. The computer will do what I tell it to do how I tell it to do, of course its too hard for you to implement something like that eh?
doesn't really sound like it, sounds more like you're dicking around re-inventing the wheel in a sub-par way, totally ignorant of modern advances in operating systems because such novel concepts as caching in RAM, true multitasking and real memory protection that have been a thing on real computers since the 1960s and 1970s makes your head hurt and also forces you to face the reality that the pieces of low-end shit you struggled with in your childhood weren't really as great as you remember them to be
>*oh yes linus I love when you emulate some shitty terminal from the computer mesozoic era*
>*suck suck*
Nah you blind monkeys infest every language, every problem domain. No place is safe from the insidious NIH retard who doesn't care about pre-existing software and calls it legacy. Doesn't even try to understand its failings and fix them; he just reimplements everything because it isn't really that hard to write code it's maintaining it that's fucking hard. Then he runs into the same and even worse problems.
You're a menace to computing as it exists today.
I don't use 'retro' computers and try to get others to agree with me on the internet and engage in a circlejerk. you are not going to achieve anything
Did that post hurt your feelings, pajeet?
no it wasn't you are deranged
Firefox on my 2GB machine uses more than 8 times the RAM it used in 2006 on a machine with 250MB RAM while providing no extra functionality compared to back then, and it's making my system swap away contents from other programs. This is inexcusable.
90% of people use their computers for internet browsing, email and office, things that software did fine for over 12 years now, on hardware way less capable than what you get today. Word does barely anything that it didn't do in 1999 except having some fancier buttons.
"Software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster." en.wikipedia.org
Mainstream "modern, functional, productive, graphical desktop operating systems" have functionally been identical for more than 15 years I would say, apart from some fancier graphics and maybe some UI gimmicks. They certainly haven't brought any advancements for the end user that justify the outrageous increase in required ressources.
Are you fucking kidding? The web is a completely different beast than what it was years ago. It's now dynamic; more money than what you'll make in your entire life is being invested per year into making javascript engines fast. The tracing JIT compilers employed do use lots of RAM you fucking piece of shit. How's a state of the art execution engine not new functionality? You fucking luser.
Go post on Sup Forums from your fucking Dreamcast, if that shit even works. /vr/ was unable to.
Performance was actually a design consideration, coupled with the absence of brogrammers.
>I have no valid counter-argument and I must REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Can an argument be made when the only thing is an audible
>*suck suck, mhmmm yes mr linux*
I know this is bait but people who actually believe this should add malloc(9000000000UL) to every program they make to feel at ease
That's total horseshit.
Programs should use as little RAM as possible.
OPERATING SYSTEMS should make use of free RAM, but only for buffering, caches, etc.
Because of bloated RAM I can't have a RAM disk, despite having 16GB of RAM in my laptop. Fuck you and your philosophy.
That's completely different from what he said. The operating system using free RAM is great. Bloated PROGRAMS taking up that free RAM is the problem.
>oh shit my virtue signalling didn't get my ego stroked off like reddit told me it would so I better start fabricating a strawman totally unrelated to the argument to distract from how much of a fucking retarded hipster I am
Except that's a great way to save actual fucking time you fucking brogrammer cuck. You pre-allocate entire contiguous pools of memory and roll your own lightweight allocator you chucklefuck. Now when you want some data structure you just increment a fucking pointer to allocate it, like a fucking stack you shitstick. Best of all the memory doesn't even get used unless you actually touch the pages you got from malloc
Only the most inept retard could dig his own hole by arguing on Sup Forums
Right, because we need all this new web bullshit for anything other than better wb games and programs, which would understandably and excusably use more RAM.
The problem is now every website uses all this horseshit, and every browser process is bloated because of it, and everything besides applications that genuinely require it are costing way more to run, while they perform the exact function they did a decade ago.
I literally just opened my Gmail in a new tab, and it is consuming almost half a gig of ram. To view email. Stop trying to deny that this is horseshit.
>Unused disk space is wasted disk space
still projecting your own insecurities this hard on others
do you feel inferior or something for not being part of our secret club? :^)
I dont see you posting anything good either, Sup Forums.
Linux? yeah NOT MY OS!
You dont fucking own the entire system's memory, if every single shitgrammer(new term) uses that it will slow everything down by pushes shit onto disk.
Pretty shitty practice IMO, just use the minimum you must.
You know, actually addressing his points instead of using an unrrelated strawman
If you have enough RAM and a fast enough CPU, I homestly don't see anything wrong with this.
Wow holy shit fuck those websites for using standard web technology. Fuck them with fire. We should all be using static web pages ala motherfuckingwebsite.com. Let's all go back to dogshit slow interpreters because 1 retrotard on Sup Forums can't upgrade his system because he lacks a job.
actually falling for this
wtf. You didn't even say anything relevant.
>kernal hacker
Like seriously wtf.
Hey if you don't like it that's okay: it's why I'm boss. I know better than you. It's the reason I have commit access and you don't.
How can you justify a single tab taking 500mb memory, like, nigga there's some html some java and some images not a fucking anime episode.
because you are faggots that fetish technology like women fetishes shoes
with a lot of microcomputers, you really were in charge of your computer. systems were simple enough for a single person to completely understand it. operating systems were simple and personal, not mainframe OSes fitted into a _personal_ computer. although there are good reasons why modern computing is not like this anymore.
I justify it by recognizing the fact everybody optimizes for speed and not size. Nobody gives half a fuck about you retrotards. Buy some RAM.
because you touch yourself at night!
fewer distractions.
I do have plenty of RAM and a fast enough CPU. That's not the point.
But if I was poor and/or in a third world country, it makes accessing the web unnecessarily difficult. I'm not poor and God doesn't hate me enough that I live in a third world country like Canada or the UK, or God forbid Australia, nor do I give a shit about poor people and technology, and I actually can't stand non-Americans in technology, so I don't really care, but it's worth mentioning. Also, considering Silicon Valley's obsession with the web for everyone charity horseshit, it seems odd they're enabling a progression cycle that makes doing so more expensive.
Anyways, I do care that I have to constantly buy new hardware to do the same thing. That's horseshit, and it's obviously a ploy by hardware manufacturers (read Jewtel).
Perhaps the biggest issue I have with it is that it limits what I else I can have in RAM for no reason. Half a gig wasted on email means I have half a gig less for other shit.
But it runs like shit, I dont see any difference between my browsing in 2005 and my browsing now.
Its not like you're running some important task when most pages just display shit and maybe, MAYBE take input.
If you can't afford more ram, you are poor and from a third world shithole and don't deserve to use a computer
>oh god good he posted a trump-related meme let's pull out the Sup Forums bogeyman then they'll forget about all of this and I can still feel like hot shit for writing a shitty hello world OS and calling it "modern"
I have a modern Intel CPU and 16 gigabytes of RAM. That doesn't justify using so much RAM.
it was always as bloated, hardware just wasnt as good to match the bloat.
Stop projecting already, I didnt knew CTR browsed Sup Forums.
So you seriously think a good, modern web page needs 1000 lines of bloat? Even 5 tabs of 4 chins in chrome, makes me question why. Pic related.
computers built for a purpose
the pic it relates to:
My email loaded fine a decade ago. It honestly runs worse now. And all that wasted RAM means more data having to uploaded and downloaded, more CPU instructions to move it around, keep track of it, etc. It's just a fucking waste for no reason.
It means we have to have cell phones, tablets, and net books with stupid amounts of RAM because a few browser tabs would eat all the RAM for functionality that was available ten years ago on 256 MB of RAM.
Memory manufacturers are laughing at you.
>I dont see any difference between my browsing in 2005 and my browsing now.
Go surf the fucking archive some time, the web really has changed.
We don't live in the age of terribly formatted kludgy static hypertext anymore, and you people need to stop looking at the web that way. It's as much an application delivery platform as it is an information delivery platform nowadays.
I just said I have plenty of RAM. I have a laptop with 32 times the amount of RAM I had in my laptop ten years ago. That's not the fucking point. Just because I can buy more RAM doesn't mean I want it wasted by fucking email.
>We don't live in the age of terribly formatted kludgy static hypertext anymore, and you people need to stop looking at the web that way. It's as much an application delivery platform as it is an information delivery platform nowadays.
And that somehow takes GBs of memory by basically doing the same shit with some bells and whistles?
Sorry, but bloated code is bloated.
Seriously, the sooner you accept that this is just how things are now, the less autistic you'll start sounding. You really wanna see all that RAM not being put to use? Without a purpose? You selfish bastard. You're what's wrong with computing.
Just think of how faster things would be if the code was 100x smaller, without having to call and re call the same shitty java library 10 times just because the webdev didnt knew how to do shit and had to import kbs of code that also import other libraries to do something as basic as a loop.
You're whats wrong with computing, just throwing hardware at things wont make shit code be less shitty.
>And that somehow takes GBs of memory by basically doing the same shit with some bells and whistles?
Sure, interpreters are heavy, what are you expecting? What would you propose to fix it? All you retards do is get on a soapbox and whine about how you can't run 50 applications at once plus a browser with 100 tabs and call it "bloated" with no solution to point at other than some rose-tinted view of the past in which shitty uni-tasking systems could do it in a few megabytes because they had nothing else running and the software itself was generally primitive and only packed with the bare minimum to accomplish something.
There are many lightweight browsers out there that would love people to help make them usable, yet it seems that far more people would rather sit around on imageboards bikeshedding about the good old days rather than actually get dirty and figure out what the fuck the actual problem is.
Man you're a fucking retard
>It's as much an application delivery platform as it is an information delivery platform nowadays.
That's completely fine. I have no problem with that. I celebrate it. It's amazing technology.
The problem I have is that the information distribution is bloated as fuck now, and it doesn't need to be.
>You really wanna see all that RAM not being put to use?
No, I just want it used efficiently so I can use it for more things. Using more for the sake of using more doesn't give it purpose, dipshit.
Moores law is not the law of bloat software, sorry but its still bad code.
Things get more advanced, so they take longer and need more ram. How csn you not get this fundamental concept through your thick retard brain?
More RAM means less data that needs to be retrieved from slow, shitty local storage. How hard is this to comprehend?
Thats bullshit and you know it, if anything hardware progress have made programmers lazier because resources are not so scarce anymore.
And thats where we are today, something as simple as a web browser now takes GBs to do what was done 10 years ago with a fraction.
Literally jedi mind-tricked.
This isn't the fucking 70's. Nobody fucking cares about your autistic fast small code optimizations anymore, faggot.