Gaming laptops

Don't bully laptop users if you're a zealous desktop gamer.

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Starting the thread with a Clevo. This slick little package contains a 1070.

first for shitposting

2nd at the party

shouldn't this be on Sup Forums

It's mostly the le ebin gaymer kiddies who criticize "gaming" laptop users, because they can't imagine that someone would want both performance and portability, even at an increased cost compared to a desktop. In their minds, it is more reasonable to get a shitty laptop and a powerful PC for the same price, even if you don't need that much performance in the first place, and you don't want to deal with having two computers, simply because some numbers are higher on a spec sheet.

Yeah pretty much. But then this is the place that constantly brags about linux while 95% of the users post from windows according to hiro. So my expectations are reasonable.

>Gaming laptop
>Not getting a thin, light, portable ultrabook with thunderbolt 3 instead

Agreed, desktop boner kiddies are fucking stupid if they think desktops and laptops are even comparable at all

What can I do with USB 3.1 type C (not TB3)?
It's 10Gbits/s and has no constant displayport/PCIe streaming like TB3 does
So no external GPU, just 10Gbps USB
Any good accessories that actually use that bandwidth?

That's dumb for so many reasons.

Do you have an old hard drive and need extra ram?

No but only having a single M2 slot with 256Gb in it, I'm now realizing I might eventually need an external drive with better-than-SATA speed
Is 10Gbps Ram-capable? Is the USB spec even ram compatible? People online says USB 3.1 wouldn't work for EGPU even with extra bandwidth because of "USB overhead" or something

Like what? Having a laptop 1/10th of the weight (because you wanted portable) and being able to use any desktop GPU you would ever want (because you wanted powerful)?
I mean you're not gaming unless you're stationary anyways

You won't plug ram in a usb slot at least I don't think you can. But you can increase cache size fairly efficiently.

Your ultra thin laptop will throttle its CPU heavily, defeating the purpose of a thunderbolt connected GPU. And what's the point of buying a laptop to game when you can't game away from your desk. Sounds stupid.

>Gaming laptops
Get a workstation one or fuck off.

>windows 7
>optical drive
>120 GB SSD
Getting a recent workstation laptop would be a better idea senpai.

Anything Alienware.
Their design is a lot more conservative this generation and they have the longest lasting batteries out of all laptops and are decently thin. Build quality is identical to a Dell Precision, which are built like tanks, they both use the exact same internal chassis and are very easy to self-service.

13" = Quad Core + GTX 1060
15" = Overclockable Quad Core + GTX 1070
17" = Overclockable Quad Core + GTX 1080

Sup Forums is not your personal tech recomendation site, use, or logicalincrements, or reddit or whatever.

People who get gaymen laptops should be castrated for the good of humanity.

Upgrade the CPU and the ram, for fuck's sake.

this, that is one very very toasty CPU lmao

Maybe I want my shit working and working well for the next 5 years at least?

You really need to fuck off back to memepad general

It doesn't throttle, as far as Aida64 knows it actually can't
And GPU enclosures are just barely bigger than the GPU and PSU inside, it's still portable but you don't have to carry an extra 10 pounds of GPU with you for the 98% of the time you're using your laptop more for portability than power

Hey that's the new version of my laptop. Mine's unfortunately only got a 980m...

I'm tired of people spouting the "gaming laptops don't last long" meme. It has about the same idle temps as my desktop used to have with a stock cooler, and my desktop is still going strong after 6 years.
>working well
Laptop hardware is just computer hardware, it doesn't get outdated any faster than desktop hardware.

>the same idle temps
havin a laff here

dell inspiron 7559, and the new refreshes are god tier for the price atm. get it with just a fullhd display because 4k is still a meme and no touch screen and an i7 over an i5, add an ssd yourself and you have a fucking top tier rapchop

>gaming laptops don't last long
first time Im hearing this.

The kinds of things you need to make a good gaming pc are the opposite of what you want from a laptop, hence gaming laptops are a meme.

>not buying macbook pro for laptop
>not using dedicated desktop for gaming

What are you, gay?


>not buying HP Spectre x360 with an eGPU

first for install LINUX you fuckin Sup Forumsaymur trash XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


no quadcores on ultrabooks yet and thunderbolt 3 sacrifices performance (in comparison to pci-e) in favor of even more portability. Mobile pascal chips are a decent value now that they've begun to bridge the gap, definitely something to consider if you rely on a laptop as your main machine.

>projecting generalizations

modern laptops are only becoming more and more locked down and filled with bloatware, which has a lot to do with the negative perception twords "gaming laptops" as they generally feature the worst of this. A laptop is a complete package, which allows the manufacturer a much tighter level of control over the finished product, vs. a desktop computer which can be purchased by its individual components and assembled by the user. Ignoring the fact that a lot of people *like* building their computer, from a practical standpoint this gives you a lot more control over how your computer functions than the handful of options you get to pick from a laptop manufacturer. it also gives you a straight forward upgrade path where you can keep the same setup and upgrade the performance instead of feeling like you have to chuck your whole computer after a few years and buy a new one. "gaming" hardware moves extremely fast, and laptops by design and relatively stuck in place, aside from basic RAM accessibility and *maybe* access to the processor. after that you start getting into shit like external GPU's and the entire portability aspect of the laptop is moot at that point.

tl;dr words

There's plenty of quad core ultrabooks, but the dual cores with htperthreading and well over 3GHz clocks do just fine in most games at 60fps. Thunderbolt 3 can run PCIe 3.0 x4 lanes constantly, it can be direct and realtime PCIe with no overhead, and stream that DisplayPort datastream back to the laptop in a similar way. Of course the 4 lanes will bottleneck some gpus (up to 30% performance loss with a 1080 in some cases), but for 1080p a RX480 or 1060 will do just alright as egpu over TB3

>Sufficient GPU for light rendering
>Less than a grand in ameridollars
>thermals good enough to function on a desk for 8 hours

Yes they're cringe looking, but they're also the poor man's workstation.

I watched and overheard a 60 year old architect choose an acer predator laptop at Best Buy the other day

Gaming laptops are still less locked down than normal laptops, since they are meant to appeal to gaymers.
My laptop didn't even come with an OS, and the first thing you should do after getting a computer with a preinstalled OS is doing a fresh install anyway. I agree that laptops are less up-gradable though, but hardware improvements have been slowing down recently, so it's not like you'll have to update within a short period of time, and in practice many desktop users don't upgrade beyond whacking in a few more sticks of ram anyway.

>vs. a desktop computer
Deprecated technology mate. Only NEETs can afford to be immobile.

dont fall for the gaming laptop meme. I bought a high end Asus gaming laptop with the best possible card at the time (gtx 460m). I figured I could do a bit of gayming on the side as I went off to uni.

it was heavy as fuck, got shit for battery life and I stopped carrying it around after a month, setting it up to a monitor and essentially using it as a desktop.

if your headed to college/uni, get a MacBook, a good monitor to dock it at home and pick up a console for gaming. gaming on PC isnt viable anymore

>tfw a cheap acer gaming laptop in the current year gets better battery life and much better performance than a MBP
>tfw macfaggots still post this bullshit

>There's plenty of quad core ultrabooks
>Of course the 4 lanes will bottleneck some gpus (up to 30% performance loss with a 1080 in some cases), but for 1080p a RX480 or 1060 will do just alright as egpu over TB3
that's just it. There's no reason to invest in external gpus right now unless you have the money to blow on an enclosure and high end card, otherwise you're better off building a desktop and using a disposable thinkpad for portability.

>deprive yourself of features
hi apple

I work in data management and do half my job from home on a desktop, you've probably never worked a day in your life. I also have a laptop, just not an unnecessary "gaming" laptop when I can use my far superior desktop for that

>deprive yourself of useless features because your objective is higher graphical performance over everything else

hi retard

I fucking hate neo-Sup Forums

>le ebin gaymer kiddies
Just the opposite of that - it's people who care about reliability and value who complain about shitty gaming laptops. OPs machine is shit. Seriously - Clevo, Sager, Prostar, they're all just different rebadges of a shitty whitebox laptop. Good luck getting any warranty service on that. It's going to be a bare minimum of two weeks turn around if you ever need a manufacturer warranty repair, and you will need it.

Alienware has the worst temps this time around next to Asus. Not to mention there heatsink fiasco at launch that I believe has been fixed but some are still circulating.


I have a dope desktop that I built to play gaymez a few years ago and recently upgraded the GPU for 60fps+ @ 1080p. I'll be getting on of these because I've been doing done business traveling. I have plenty of free time after 4:30 most days, and if I'm not home I'd prefer to play in the evenings at the hotel instead of going out. Internet speed is fine, just need that sweet hot pad on the desk.

I also have a W520 if that's recent enough
RAM can only be upgraded to 3GB, it's pointless
CPU upgrade wouldn't help much either
No bullying please

You can go all the way up to a T 9800 CPU on that socket I am almost certain. Also, you can install 64 bit Windows 7 and run 8GB DDR2 no problem.