Which hex editor do you use?

Which hex editor do you use?
Picture unrelated.

Emacs (hexl-mode)

HxD usually
Although I used wxHexEditor once to read an entire ddrescue hdd image to recover my files.

some ancient version of frhed


010 editor is the only real choice

Are you the leet hackzor?

hexer because vi keybindings

ed is the standard editor

winhex because I'm not a homeless person and it's the best one.

Lainhex :) Homebrew

wouldn't be so bad if you could actually input bytes manually


HxD in wine.

>vi keybindings
Thanks for the recommendation

What the fuck is that?


I first used 0xED, but then I realised it was for niggers and I changed to HexFiend. Combine it with a trail version of Hopper and it's papa bless

Why was it for niggers?

Since it would get all laggy and shit for some langer files > 20mb. Sometimes if you selected a few bytes the selection wouldn't line up with bytes you selected.

hexdump and hexedit
Looking for better alternatives.



dhex because block devices


You do realise vi has hex mode, rite?


Holy shit, did not know that. It's pretty nice.


No it doesn't. It's a terrible fucking hack that doesn't even work. Stop spreading lies.


What's the best hex editor for linux?

I use it all the time, works fine for me.

Adlice PEViewer is based

Okteta. Has everything you need and more.

Is that shit still alive?


It can hexedit files. What else do you need from it that needs continued development?


Given Microworst, just wondering if it still runs at all.

>ed is the standard editor

Ignore tripfags. They have special needs.