What happens here ?

What happens here ?

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The butthurt pugliese

Pizza and raviolis.


That's where Bayonetta has her guns

Keeps the heel stable

I just realized that Mexico stole the Italian flag and put an eagle sticker on it to make it look like they didn't steal anything. Mexicans stealing things; nothing new here.

Why are they butthurt ?

there's a pugliese poster in our general who's always butthurt about stuff

Other way around Tyler.
Our flag came first.

Albania-lite also trulli (stone-huts)

an eagle and a snake user.

do your research.

Mexico didn't even exist when our flag was created

>your flag was created based on the colors of pizza


>american """banter"""

Mexico exists since before Italian unification Mario, and your first flag was different.
Pic related our flag, 1821

Cisalpine republic doesn't count, 2bh.

It does of course, the colors were the same


Well, let's agree we didn't copy each other and chose colours based on French ideals.

it is a meme created by an autist in our general. The "pugliese furente" literally does not exist

Hey that's pretty good

t. pugliese furente


t. pugliese furente

Best italian region when it comes to beauty
Best south italian region when in general, it has the south italian industrial triangle

t. pugliese furente

t. pugliese furente

stop samefagging and kill yourself, you are literal cancer.

t. pugliese furente

pugliese butthurt pls go


t. pugliese furente




somebody is furente itt i see

>greece forcing this meme
but we wuz greek n shit


t. pugliese furente

People telling you it's shit when it's actually pretty good

it is literally the best region

whoever replies to this post with "pugliese furente" is a self-proclaimed cuck btw

>my region is the best region

t. pugliese butthurt

but it literally is


>sacra corona unita
>portugal-tier gdp per capita
>shit people
yeah, it is

if it's so good how come no one goes there

>Implying it isn't

"my region is the best reigon" is what every Italian says, you should never trust someone who says that

Val d'Aosta is god tier and yet no one goes there either

it is the most visited region by other italians. Foreigners simply don't know about the region

North Italian tourists, cool

t. pugliese furente

>it is the most visited region by other italians. Foreigners simply don't know about the region
source on this?

Well at least they're all beautiful




2015 data
Un terzo degli italiani, il 68% dei vacanzieri, andrà al mare, seguito a grande distanza da montagna e collina (13%) e dalle città d’arte (11%, ma con un +5% di effetto Expo). Tra le regioni italiane, la Puglia resta leader (15%, leggi qui le località di mare più belle della regione) seguita da Toscana (11%) e Sicilia (9%). In calo Liguria e Campania.


the graph you posted isn't even in the link? The link also talks only about foreign tourism

This is only about summer you stupid nigger, it just means you have some good beaches and nothing more

that's just summer holidays though, your data are incomplete


that is because even italians do not know much about apulia, apart from beaches. It is still a problem of misinformation.
Also this graph kind of proves my point that foreigners don't know about the region

>shady as fuck website
good work on posting the wrong website before btw. Not buying it

Pathetic, only Italians go to Apulia, maybe pugliese diaspora coming to visit the "best region" they left

t.ambrogino furente

it's the same site you dumb terrone, just a different page



>L’Osservatorio Nazionale del Turismo (ONT), istituito con D.P.R. n. 207 del 6 aprile 2006 e successivamente regolamentato con D.P.C.M. del 16 febbraio 2007, ha sede presso il Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo e la Competitività del Turismo (DSCT) della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. La presidenza dell’Osservatorio è affidata al Capo del DSCT, nell’ambito del quale è stato istituito un Servizio che, oltre alle attività istituzionali, svolge compiti di supporto all’Osservatorio. L’ONT ha compiti di studio, analisi e monitoraggio delle dinamiche economico-sociali d’interesse turistico. Coerentemente con questi scopi, l’ONT realizza indagini su temi non adeguatamente indagati dalla statistica ufficiale e raccoglie documenti, ricerche e indagini prodotte dai più autorevoli soggetti nazionali e internazionali, anche al fine di valutare il livello di competitività dell’Italia.

truth hurts I see

>it's the same site
it literally isn't

Greeks do things

t.ambrogino furente

>pugliese butthurt literally BTFO

based official databanks showing how shitty the South really is

t.ambrogino furente

t.ambrogino furente.

t.ambrogino furente,

t. ambrogino furente



Is that supposed to be a squirrel

t. pugliese furetto

Michocan suca pinga immigratos
Trump te mata

Tortilla e cerveza sottosviluppo

il foggia in serie b


Why does every Italy thread end like this?


because only an italian can actually make another italian go mad

t. pugliese furente

Literally an autist. Pic related.

t. pugliese furente

thats where my ancestors are from
best part of italy although the dialect isnt even italian

north can suck it a bunch of literal fags

because italians