Who are the de facto worst posters on Sup Forums?

Who are the de facto worst posters on Sup Forums?


Anyone who rudeposts.
I like everyone as long as they kindpost.


What a slut.

same. But also the Canadians. They're terrible.


Polish by far
I feel they get excused for it because everyone seems to love them because muh no refugees
Incredibly butthurt and all attempts at banter are cringeworthy at best

Which country's posters have been range-banned multiple times for mass shitposting?



Fucking pakis


pic related

Maybe not the worst (germans), but poles are awul


Everyone I don't like.

Can I save this pic ?

Germans, they're always rude to everyone


Immigrants under western flags.

Brazilians got permanently banned from kraut, I hope they get banned here too, so, I can enjoy only good things here.

anything best ally

Thing with brazilians is that any time you mention them they flock to the thread like cockroaches and make it a brazilian circlejerk one

Thanks based ally

The Dutch, me included.


Shitpost constantly
Butthurt over every little thing
Can't accept they aren't white
The dutch are the biggest cunts on earth so this is no surprise
May change form at any time

You mean the diaspora shit that post under your flag.

Aussies at least are funny. Canadians are just

It's literally all me

I love just insulting random people, randomly, based on their miserable cunts. I anally devasted a shitton of Italians today.

>2-0 last year
>2-0 today
>2-0 next year

French on Sup Forums aren't butthurt tbqh
Good banter from those lads

>Aussies at least are funny

I don't browse Sup Forums often. Could someone point some examples of the infamous Australian shitposting?


>the leaf rustles this many jimmies
absolutely marvelous

I think they did lead the bantz charge in this glorious thread.

What is it?

Aren't they the heroes Sup Forums deserves?

>hardly a mention
where did it all go wrong


>depicting america as the big boy
Nobody here on Sup Forums sees americans as the "big boys". Y'all are stupid.