All these intel shills on Sup Forums

>all these intel shills on Sup Forums

Are people legitimate fans of jewtel or are they just getting flustered that AMD's $300 chip beats their $1000 chip

I prefer AMD too (because I always root for the underdog, and because it pisses off so many autists) but this just seems too good to be true. It just defies everything I've learnt about reality.

>still not sure whether its just trolling or people actually drink the intel koolaid this much

Well hello there, don't mind me just beating Intel for a third time.

>implying I said anything negative

We'll see after release.
If it's true I'll be the first to be feel happy. If it's not then I won't be disappointed.

>a fake chink benchmarks proves AMD CPUs are better than Intel's

who is really the shill here?

Aren't so called "shills" just Sup Forumsirgin's posting fabricated gaymen benchmark images and saying "BTFO" when one CPU wins by 5 FPS?

>hey upcoming amd product will totally beat intel/nvidia for a much lower price!!
>product comes out and its more expensive and worsexthan the competition
>all the shill and autistic amd fanboys disappear
>cycle goes on and on

Amd is shit and you are a retard

>intel gets fucked by Jim Keller again
>Jim leaves AMD
>years go by
>AMD goes into disrepair
>based Jim comes back to fix AMD and give them a new chip architecture
>Cycle repeats

intel will put a hit on based jim so this never happens again

Not knowing that Jim has transcended mortality and our 3 dimensions.


Really makes you think.

I don't give a single fuck about AMD "catching up" to Intel. I have a i5 3570k, and AMD being even with Intel doesn't mean much when Intel's offerings aren't worth upgrading to.

What I'm actually worried about is what comes after. I have a sneaky suspicion that Intel's disappointing year-over-year improvements in terms of speed isn't because they're lazy, but because they're actually running up against some fundamental physical roadblocks that prevents them from making faster chips. And I'm worried that AMD, now reaching parity with Intel, is going to run into similar benchmarks. At that point we will know we're well and truly screwed.

So yeah, I don't see what there is to be excited about. I'd like to be wrong, though.

>I'll finally be able to emulate with a non kike cpu
All AMD has to do now is properly implement graphics drivers in linux and itll be red and black for me from now on

I couldn't care less about AMD and their interior production quality garbage, all I want is them being good enough to set fire underneath Intel's ass to force price drops and removal of Jew tax on overclocking. I'm not insane enough to give money to a company that sold me garbage in the past, just let poor bonobos do it. Millions of people feel the same way so stop worrying.

Retard Ryzen isn't even out yet

AMD has a track record for hype and never delivering on their promises.

Wait until it actually comes out, Intel ALWAYS wins in the real world. AMDfags are the saddest creatures on earth, they deserve to be mocked.

amdgpu is miles ahead of nouveau

t. underage who couldn't remember 2003

We all are wounded by amd. I cried when fury was a let down. I got memed into buying a vishera. I live with the pain of all of amds shortcoming. It's going to be hard to learn to love again.

i use neither because im an edge lord

pic related

>sort of want enthusiast grade system (even though I don't really need it)
>Intel much too expensive to buy just for fun
>but then, AMD

I'm actually considering it now. It doesn't matter to me if it's not quite as fast as Intel, it'll still be plenty fast and have loadsa cores and threads.

If only they make it in mini-ITX, I'll be sold.

you forget this
>meanwhile athlon 64 is fucking intel hq sideways
Remember: you must be 18+ to post

fury nitro is dank my man

I always buy amd because the alternative is letting jewtel and nvidishit raise their prices even further and shit on you

Probably some actual intel shills who start threads and post shill comments and then intel fanboys fan the flames. An user in another thread said something about people just hopping on the "winning" side's bandwagon, even if that company has used illegal and unethical means to become the industry leader. I think the "might makes right" mentality sums up all these people pretty well. I have a 4790k myself, but only because it was the top performer when I built my PC several years ago. Seems like intel became complacent for several years and produced lackluster consumer products because they dominated the market, and that gave AMD some breathing room to quietly plan their comeback. We'll have to see how ryzen actually performs when it's released, but so far it looks promising, and intel does seem to be in damage control mode even before the official release. Normally, large corporations that essentially have a stranglehold on the market don't react like that to a competitor, so they're probably genuinely worried.

Either way, healthy competition is good. If ryzen lives up to the hype, then intel will do everything in its power to create a product line to take back the position at the top of the charts.

The Shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Shill and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

I remember there was a heavy uptick in nvidia shilling around 2015 when AMD was killing it with their 390.

Their favorite tactic was to accuse everybody of being poorfags. Their second was the one you already gave

i like both companies, but AMD is full of pajeets and SJW homos from top to bottom

I've got a 4730k and 8120, prob will upgrade the 8120 box and use that for a server. Running strong since 2012 OC on air

Gaymd lmaoa

Smart intel shills build up the hype train for Zen so when it crashes the damage is more severe.

It's all about ARM now. ARM master race will conquer all, watch this space

None of us care. Most of us still use core2duos or 1st gen sandy bridge.

If you care about new stuff then please move to reddit or Sup Forums

Bad graphics support for GNU + Linux