Which one of you was this

which one of you was this

also good job btw


man what a hothead

>>Sup Forums


>nvidiots on homicide watch

Russians don't fuck around.

Man even the impossible is possible in russia

I like how you can tell which one is for AMD and which one is for Nvidia just by the pic

nvidia fans confirmed stronger than AMD weaklings


>AMD fan talking about professional graphics
>nvidia fan is talking about muh videogames

>normal looking family guy
>sleep deprived fat hobo

Also convict as of now.

+1 internets for you sir

also lose assholes, enjoy being pimped by the russian mafia in prison

that site is retarded

I mean, a GPU is a processor.


0.02 chicken tendies were deposited into your fridge

Fuck even in Homicide AMD can't keep up.

>not killing your friend over an argument
psh what a faggot, right goys

you're favorite video card is shit

Nvidia are evils but AMD are incompetent KEK

9 , 5

>will miss out on several planned obsolescence upgrade cycles

How is his going to cope?

Absolutely CIA nigger.

>tfw I was the first voter

The way its meant to be slayed.

dude on the left needs his cell photoshopped green.

What a hero. I hope we see more of this in the future, AMDfags need to be wiped from the planet.

Nvidia is just better, AMDfags are as dumb as flat-earth truthers so I can understand that dude's reaction.

A schitzo on the street called me a nigger and told me he was going to kill me, and I just had to do a double-take to make sure it wasn't based Terry.
