Not a technology version yet?

Not a technology version yet?

Every second fucking thread is one of these

Sup Forums can't prove this wrong



Sup Forums can't prove it wrong because it's true.
>No TempleOS



jesus this is fucking terrible, "hey mom look how w o k e I am!!!"


Can anyone tell me what the actual name of this meme is?

butt-ravaged apple brainlet detected.








actual 12 year old detected, never seen someone so oblivious to their cringe

another butt-ravaged apple brainlet detected.

i can relate



The only true picture here


Bullshit. Vista was the best looking OS ever conceived.

fucking lol

there's also these ones

>LISP Perl and C
you got some really nice taste user




>no surf anywhere on the board
as the only surf user on Sup Forums I feel terribly offended.

>3:2 isn't the bottom one

Sup Forums version

best i've seen so far

>tfw by flicking though channels and settling on a documentary I recognize all of those airports

Finally, someone that got the meme.

not Sup Forums related

>Windows ME
My sides crashed

You. I like you
